


Aileen : 2014-10-29#1


maidong : 2014-10-29#2

Aileen : 2014-10-29#3

maidong : 2014-10-29#4

Kartzchen : 2014-10-29#5

杰里肥狮 : 2014-10-29#6
How to Handle a Dog Attack
  • 104 Editors

  • Edited 16 days ago

Three Methods:Warding Off an AttackHandling the AftermathTaking Precautions Against Attacks

Imagine - you're enjoying a run in the park or a bike ride through the neighborhood when, suddenly, an unfamiliar dog runs up to you, snarls, and primes himself to lunge. What should you do? There's a right way and a wrong way to handle a dog attack. Keep yourself safe by staying calm and taking the following measures to diffuse the situation.

Don't panic. There's some truth to the old adage that dogs and other animals can "sense fear". If you become agitated and run or scream, you may make the dog feel more confident in his attack, or, worse, you may appear threatening to the dog. Neither of these is a good situation to be in.


  • 2
    Make yourself rigid and motionless like a tree. When a dog approaches, stand completely still with your hands at your sides, like a tree. Do not wave your arms around or kick with your legs; the dog may perceive these actions as threatening. Don't make eye contact, since that could also cause the dog to lunge. In many cases the dog will lose interest and walk away if you ignore him.
    • Never run. Running away can awaken the dog's prey instinct to chase and catch animals. He may pursue you vigorously even if his initial intent was just playful. In addition, you won't be able to outrun most dogs if you're on foot. Even if you are on a bicycle, many dogs will be able to catch up to you.
    • Stand sideways to the dog and keep him in your peripheral vision instead of facing him and making eye contact. This will signal to the dog that you are not a threat.
    • Don't open your hands and arms up to a bite by extending them. Keep your fingers curled into fists to avoid getting them bitten. The dog may come quite close, even sniffing you, without actually biting.

  • 3
    Give the dog something else to bite. If the dog continues to threaten you, offer him something to chew on, such as your backpack or water bottle - anything but your arm or leg. This may distract him enough to give you time to escape.
    • Another good idea is to carry treats or toys when traveling in areas known to be home to dangerous dogs. If approached by an angry dog, throw your treats or toy away from you. The dog may go after these, rather than you.

  • 4
    Face the dog and command, "back away." If the dog continues to behave aggressively, and ignoring or pacifying him is no longer working, face him and sternly command him to leave. Use a strong, deep, commanding voice. You should still avoid making eye contact. The dog may become discouraged or intimidated and leave.

  • 5
    If the dog lunges, fight. Dog attacks can be fatal. If the dog starts biting you, you've got to defend yourself. Hit or kick the dog in the throat, nose, and the back of the head. This will stun the dog and give you time to get away.[1]
    • It's OK to raise your voice at this point. Yell for help as you're fighting back. Hopefully others will hear and come to your aid.
    • If you have a stick or another weapon, you can (and should) use it to hit the dog. Don't hit him over the head, though; most dogs have very thick skulls, so this will only serve to make the dog angrier.

  • 6
    Use your weight to your advantage. Bring your entire body weight to bear on the animal, specifically pushing down with the hard points of your knees or elbows. Dogs are vicious biters but cannot wrestle, so try to get an advantageous position and break their bones fairly quickly. Get on top of the animal and concentrate force on areas such as the throat or ribs while minding to keep your face out of clawing/biting range.
    • If you are looking for a more humane solution and can manage it, straddle the back of the dog with your partial body weight and apply forward pressure to the back of the neck to immobilize the dog until help comes.

  • 7
    If you fall to the ground, protect your face, chest, and throat. If you're on the ground, not only is it more difficult to fight off a an angry dog, but vital areas on your torso, head, and neck are also now vulnerable to attack. These are the most important spots on your body to protect because bites in these places will inflict the most damage and will have the greatest chance of killing you. Protect your vitals by rolling onto your stomach, tucking your knees in, and bringing your hands (balled in fists) up to your ears.
    • Resist the urge to scream or roll away, as these actions may further encourage the dog.

  • 8
    Back away slowly and leave the area once the dog loses interest in you.Staying calm and stationary can be a real test of your nerves in such a stressful situation, but it's the best thing to do as long as the dog isn't actually biting you.

Attend to any wounds. If you are bitten, be sure to take care of any wounds promptly, as even minor bites can cause infection. Below is a basic first aid procedure for bites suffered from a dog attack:
  • Apply gentle pressure to stop minor bleeding. Use a clean cloth or sterile gauze pad. If bleeding is serious or if it won't stop after several minutes of applying pressure, seek medical attention.
  • Wash the wound thoroughly. Use warm water and soap to gently cleanse the wound.
  • Dress the wound. Use a sterile band-aid (for very small cuts) or sterile bandages.
  • Look closely for signs of infection, including redness, warmth, increasing tenderness, or oozing pus. See a doctor if any of these symptoms arise.

  • 2
    Call the authorities. If the dog that attacked you was a stray, he may attack others, too. It's also important to determine whether the dog may have rabies, which can only be determined after capturing the dog. Call the authorities immediately after a dog attack so that the dog can be prevented from harming anyone else and be tested for disease.
    • For dogs with owners nearby, how you handle the situation after the attack has been diffused is up to you. If you've been hurt, you may want to take legal action. Many states have laws holding owners responsible for the actions of their dogs.

  • 3
    See a medical professional promptly. If you were bitten by an unknown dog, a dog that was later found to have rabies, or a dog that appeared to be foaming at the mouth, it's imperative that you see a doctor right away to get preventative treatment for the deadly disease rabies. If you haven't had a tetanus shot in the past 5 years, you may require additional preventative tetanus treatments. In general, any significant wounds from a dog attack should be examined by a medical professional.
    • The rabies shot sequence, if it is necessary, should be begun as soon as possible after the bite.
    • It is worth noting that most European countries are considered to be 'rabies-free', in which case a shot is not likely to be necessary.

Look for warning signs. Most dogs are not aggressive, but, rather, just curious or defending what they perceive as their territory. Thus, to avoid unnecessary conflict, it is important to be able to tell if a dog is just playing or is being truly aggressive. While some breeds have been singled out as being particularly vicious, any mid-size and large dog breed can be dangerous,[2] so do not ignore warning signs because you think a certain breed is harmless or friendly. See below for common signs of aggression (and non-aggression):[3]
  • Growling, snarling, and baring teeth are obvious displays of aggression and should be treated as such.
  • An angry dog may show the whites of his eyes, especially if these aren't normally visible.
  • Pulled-back ears laying flat against the head are a telltale sign of aggression, whereas normal floppy or elevated ears usually signal a dog's nonchalance.
  • If the dog approaches you with its body relaxed and with a sloping curve in its midsection, the dog is probably not going to attack. A dog whose body is tenses, straight and stiff (head, shoulders and hips aligned), on the other hand, means business.
  • A loping gait means the dog is playful and checking you out. An even, steady run means the dog may be dangerous.

  • 2
    Never aggravate a dog. Most dog attacks are the result of insufficient containment of the dog, poor training, or taunting. Unfortunately, the world will never be rid of bad owners, so it is wise to be prepared. Common sense should tell you not to aggravate any kind of animal.
    • Never irritate a dog who's eating or carrying for her pups. Dogs are extra-protective during these behaviors.
    • Avoid smiling at the dog. You may be putting on a friendly face, but an aggressive dog sees you baring your teeth for a fight.
    • Dogs that are chained or tethered to a stationary object for extended periods of time are more likely to be aggressive, so do not come within their reach.[4]

  • 3
    Assume all unknown dogs are threats until proven otherwise. In general, the best policy when it comes to dog attacks is to do everything you can to avoid them in the first place. If you see a dog that may be dangerous, stay away. Report any dangerous-looking dogs or possible strays in your neighborhood to the authorities. Teach your children never to approach unfamiliar dogs until they are sure they are safe. By giving all unknown dogs a wide berth until you find evidence that they are safe, you can avoid the majority of dangerous dog encounters.

大内 : 2014-10-29#7

Chrisping : 2014-10-30#8

richtree : 2014-10-30#9

遥月 : 2014-10-30#10

Yeyelingfeng : 2014-10-30#11

o2o2o2o2 : 2014-10-30#12

bondejoe : 2014-10-30#13



陌路人 : 2014-10-30#14

Aileen : 2014-10-30#15





Aileen : 2014-10-30#16

pavo : 2014-10-30#17
俺在魁省,魁省是加拿大惟一有民法通则的省份。本省民法通则( Code Civil du Québec ) 之1466号条款里有明文规定:
1466.Le propriétaire d'un animal est tenu de réparer le préjudice que l'animal a causé, soit qu'il fût sous sa garde ou sous celle d'un tiers, soit qu'il fût égaré ou échappé.La personne qui se sert de l'animal en est aussi, pendant ce temps, responsable avec le propriétaire.

加拿大其他地区只能遵从加拿大刑法典——Criminal Code of Canada, under which owners may be charged when their dogs attack people.


大内 : 2014-10-30#18






o2o2o2o2 : 2014-10-30#19
对,看到狗就拍个照片,call 911,警察最喜欢管这种事情了。

遥月 : 2014-10-30#20
俺在魁省,魁省是加拿大惟一有民法通则的省份。本省民法通则( Code Civil du Québec ) 之1466号条款里有明文规定:
1466.Le propriétaire d'un animal est tenu de réparer le préjudice que l'animal a causé, soit qu'il fût sous sa garde ou sous celle d'un tiers, soit qu'il fût égaré ou échappé.La personne qui se sert de l'animal en est aussi, pendant ce temps, responsable avec le propriétaire.

加拿大其他地区只能遵从加拿大刑法典——Criminal Code of Canada, under which owners may be charged when their dogs attack people.


pavo : 2014-10-30#21
如果事发时狗正在对您实施非法侵害,您算是justifiable defense(正当防卫),不用负民事或刑事责任——至少目前,对伤人的动物,未见“防卫过当”一说;
总之,everything is possible, but you must prove you acted more reasonably without intent to encroach.
各种情况,可以人为地弄得很复杂,还可以变成咬文嚼字的闹剧。但都要建立在sufficient evidence的基础上(例如:是主观侵害?还是被动反击?)。


遥月 : 2014-10-30#22
如果事发时狗正在对您实施非法侵害,您算是justifiable defense(正当防卫),不用负民事或刑事责任——至少目前,对伤人的动物,未见“防卫过当”一说;
总之,everything is possible, but you must prove you acted more reasonably without intent to encroach.
各种情况,可以人为地弄得很复杂,还可以变成咬文嚼字的闹剧。但都要建立在sufficient evidence的基础上(例如:是主观侵害?还是被动反击?)。




pavo : 2014-10-30#23



娜仁花 : 2014-10-30#24
如果看到不捡狗便便的怎么办? 偶尔会碰到,有华人,有西人,难道也拍照?人家不会觉得侵犯人权?可是不管吧,草地上总有,很烦。

娜仁花 : 2014-10-30#24
如果看到不捡狗便便的怎么办? 偶尔会碰到,有华人,有西人,难道也拍照?人家不会觉得侵犯人权?可是不管吧,草地上总有,很烦。

lucy110 : 2014-10-30#25
这里不得不说,个人体会,加拿大99.9%的白人都喜欢狗,对狗很友善。而我们华人朋友和印度人,很多都怕狗。不知道为什么,也许跟从小受的教育有关。本人自己遛狗时,经常会遇到白人父母对他们的孩子说,多好的一条狗啊,你去摸摸它,它喜欢你。然后,小孩子会很有礼貌地来问我,can i pet it? 得到主人的许可,那小孩与狗就会有一个非常温馨快乐的时光——宠狗和人狗互动。而经常遇到华人父母却是教育他们的孩子“好大好凶的一条狗唉,吓人啊。当心它咬你哦,离远点”。印度人特别是印度老年人和老妇,看到狗就停下脚步,示意你把狗牵走拉开,离他远点,他/她怕狗。

lucy110 : 2014-10-30#26
如果看到不捡狗便便的怎么办? 偶尔会碰到,有华人,有西人,难道也拍照?人家不会觉得侵犯人权?可是不管吧,草地上总有,很烦。


repluie : 2014-10-30#27

repluie : 2014-10-30#28

Aileen : 2014-10-30#29


bondejoe : 2014-10-31#30

Aileen : 2014-10-31#31


Chamomile : 2014-10-31#32

I went to send the lunchbox to my son. On the way back home, a big dog barked furiously at me. It was not leashed. I was frightened and cried: “Ah!” The owner, an old white man, saw my terrified face and seemed to try to get the leash with his foot, but failed. Then the big dog ran towards me and howled around me for about one minute. I was so scared, but the man did not care much. I could do nothing but wave my small bag to try to drive the dog away. For that long (to me) time, the old man just stood about 10 meters away and watched, only saying “Come here!” a few times. I wanted to run and the dog became more furious. I had to move near the old man. At last I managed to stand beside the old man and he got the leash. I raged, but he said the dog was just playing. How could a howling dog be a friendly one!

I felt so bad that I wanted to report it to the police. At that time the old man was sitting on the nearby bench. I took a photo secretly. I hesitated and walked on: I do not have enough time to report it. After a while when I returned to see whether he was still there or not, I found he had gone with his dog. Then I met another parent. She said the same dog (I showed her the picture) jumped on her suddenly the other day at almost the same place. She didn’t dare to move and then the dog ran off. She said the old man just watched and did not try to stop his dog at all. When finally he asked her: “Are you OK?” She gave him an angry look. She was not as frightened as me because another male parent was with her at that time. And she did not report as she was only a visitor. But she said she could be a witness if needed.

At last I decided to report it, because there are so many children around and I am afraid to go to the school again.

我中午去送饭,遇到凶猛的狗。已经报警,RCMP (皇家骑警)给转到了SPCA(动物保护协会),警官说一周以内会有人在附近巡逻,寻找到那个不系狗绳的老白人,以给他警告。一年之内甚至之后,如果看见这个不系狗绳的老白人,都可随时汇报。还说SPCA 下午6点就下班(周末5点),如果看见不系狗绳的老白人,就向RCMP报告。这样感觉就好多了。




houfeng : 2014-10-31#33

bondejoe : 2014-10-31#34





但看整楼的帖子,除了大家离题或不离题的回帖,就是你对养狗人要做文明养狗人的告诫。所以我才会问你那个肇事狗的主人能否看懂中文。我想表达的意思其实是,那个肇事者慢说不一定是中国人,就算他是中国人,他也未必会看你的贴,就算看了你的贴,也不会就此做一个文明人,而看你贴的人,基本不可能是事发当天的肇事者。如果下次你遇到这样的事,报警是唯一选择,其他都白搭。我曾被bell canada痛宰,我的反应是关闭信用卡,取消bell的服务,找CCTS书面投诉。我不会写信给videotron,rogers, fido,倡议它们要做诚实的营运商。

遥月 : 2014-10-31#35