


layow : 2017-05-01#1

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#2

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#3

flashlight : 2017-05-01#4

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#5

volcanochai : 2017-05-01#6
我有房,但昨天刚投的BCNDP, 还热乎着呐。要不是这回看NDP竞选政纲顺眼,我就直接投白票了。自由党边待着去,看着脑仁疼,到现在也没憋出个打击偷税漏税的正经方案来,歇菜吧。

需要补课 : 2017-05-01#7

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#8
[UOTE="需要补课, post: 11678772, member: 179497"]NDP上了台就打击炒房的(可是现在bc省也没几个炒房了啦)等炒房的撸不出油水再撸有房的,加地税!等有房的撸得差不多再撸没房的,哈哈,被NDP撸一遍大家就都茄子啦!等20年后再好了伤疤忘了疼!

绿水青山枉自多 : 2017-05-01#9

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#10

月夜梧桐 : 2017-05-01#11

flowing_water : 2017-05-01#12




需要补课 : 2017-05-01#13

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-01#14

睁大眼睛看得见 : 2017-05-01#15

本人联邦大选选的是保守党,上次省选选的是选 保守党,这次一定选NDP,别混淆视听!!!

flowing_water : 2017-05-01#16

comeback : 2017-05-02#17

comeback : 2017-05-02#18

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-02#19

Davidsy : 2017-05-02#20

bowen685 : 2017-05-02#21

jojot : 2017-05-02#22


comeback : 2017-05-02#23

flowing_water : 2017-05-02#24

未尝不可 : 2017-05-02#25

bowen685 : 2017-05-02#26

John M : 2017-05-02#27

NDP 虽然还没有具体细节, 但总比自由党根本无意改变房价危机强吧。
我对NDP也不满,感觉他们畏首畏脚, 可是自由党那些人根本就是些奸商啊。

你这个基督徒, 只考虑自己的利益, 自私到了极点。

doudou0963 : 2017-05-02#28

Suave : 2017-05-02#29

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-02#30
[QUO济搞得门TE="Suave, post: 11679309, member: 343051"]喜不喜欢另说,对加拿大经济增长最有利的党是:保守党。我就是个有正职工作的华人,不吃懒人福利。我就选保守党。[/QUOTE]

Suave : 2017-05-02#31

bowen685 : 2017-05-02#32

Suave : 2017-05-02#33

未尝不可 : 2017-05-02#34




家园小千 : 2017-05-02#35

加拿大老熊 : 2017-05-02#36

sabre : 2017-05-02#37
NDP 虽然还没有具体细节, 但总比自由党根本无意改变房价危机强吧。
我对NDP也不满,感觉他们畏首畏脚, 可是自由党那些人根本就是些奸商啊。

你这个基督徒, 只考虑自己的利益, 自私到了极点。
叫嚣考虑别人利益的, 全是骗子,
选举, 当然考虑个人利益了, 实实在在,
全球利益, 全民利益, 弱势利益, 人民的名义, 全部是道德绑架,

John M : 2017-05-02#38
叫嚣考虑别人利益的, 全是骗子,
选举, 当然考虑个人利益了, 实实在在,
全球利益, 全民利益, 弱势利益, 人民的名义, 全部是道德绑架,

只有假基督徒, 你不会懂的。

黄蓉 : 2017-05-02#39

flowing_water : 2017-05-02#40

flowing_water : 2017-05-02#41

bowen685 : 2017-05-02#42

艺术中心 : 2017-05-02#43

逸康 : 2017-05-02#44

ztgp3614 : 2017-05-02#45

laox888 : 2017-05-02#46

laox888 : 2017-05-02#47

volcanochai : 2017-05-02#48
二等公民是什么?残废啊。没投票权,没被选举权这就是残废。你要是能投票,那就不算残废,别往二等公民里凑。还有,“人说只要我过的好就可以” 这话没毛病。难道要说“别人过得不好,我也不好好过了“?

volcanochai : 2017-05-02#49
那提案不是还各执在二读吗? 说白了不就是一打击偷税漏税的议案嘛,早通过省多大事。要是BC Liberals早憋出个类似政纲,那还有BCNDP啥事啊。自己看不清民意,成天尽嚷嚷些没用的,纯属自己把自己弄歇菜了。

laox888 : 2017-05-02#50
那提案不是还各执在二读吗? 说白了不就是一打击偷税漏税的议案嘛,早通过省多大事。要是BC Liberals早憋出个类似政纲,那还有BCNDP啥事啊。自己看不清民意,成天尽嚷嚷些没用的,纯属自己把自己弄歇菜了。


volcanochai : 2017-05-02#51

bowen685 : 2017-05-02#52
二等公民是什么?残废啊。没投票权,没被选举权这就是残废。你要是能投票,那就不算残废,别往二等公民里凑。还有,“人说只要我过的好就可以” 这话没毛病。难道要说“别人过得不好,我也不好好过了“?

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-02#53

jojot : 2017-05-03#54



我反而支持这个2%的征税范围能扩大到本地人,因为在温西和西温还有列治文住着太多那些每年报着低收入,却住着豪宅,开着豪车的“本地人”。当然,纵观欧洲白人殖民美洲的历史,我也知道华人这种肆无忌惮的炒房行为迟早会再次惹来白人的排华,所以我不会把所有的资产all in 压注在西方国家的不动产上。

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#55



flowing_water : 2017-05-03#56




NDP黨領John Horgan在接受電臺訪問時,指出自由黨接受商界大量捐款,有政治出賣之嫌,他指出NDP也有接受政治捐款,但他認為不合理的事,雖然涉及自己黨的利益,也要反對。

Kevinliu604 : 2017-05-03#57
While the incumbent BC Liberal Party has been somewhat softening its foreign buyer tax since it was controversially launched last August, the BC NDP opposition has been planning a broader tax on all owners of Metro Vancouver homes who are not resident in Canada for tax purposes.

David Eby, West Point Grey MLA and official NDP housing critic, told REW.ca that “the trouble with the [Liberals’] foreign buyer tax is that it doesn’t capture those who bought a home before the tax was introduced.”

His party has set out a new Housing Affordability Levy that means if the NDP were elected May 9, all Metro Vancouver home owners would have to declare their home ownership each year. All owners of Metro Vancouver homes who do not pay federal and provincial income tax an annual provincial property tax of two per cent of that year’s BC Assessment value of the home.

This tax would apply to any home owner, whether they are a foreign national, a Canadian living overseas or a Canadian living in Canada, but not paying income tax – no matter how long they have owned the property.

In fact, the levy applies to every owner of a Metro Vancouver home. However, the long list of exemptions would mean that the vast majority of local residents would not pay it.

Home owners who are resident in Canada and liable for federal and provincial income taxes of more than the amount of their personal levy amount would be exempt from paying it, which would capture most working and retired people. Those paying income taxes of less than the levy amount would pay the difference.

Also, anyone who has lived in their home for more than five years (and currently lives there) would be exempt, whether or not they are liable for Canadian income tax, which would capture many more people, including most seniors.

There would also be exemptions for various other cases, such as residents with no taxable income or war veterans, even if they have lived in the home for less than five years.

Further, any owner who rents out their property and declares the rental income in Canada would also be exempt from the levy.

The idea is based on the Housing Affordability Levy proposal issued last year by UBC Sauder School of Businessg adjunct professor Tom Davidoff, whom Eby and the NDP have been consulting with on the idea since Christy Clark and the Liberals rejected the proposal and applied the 15 per cent foreign buyer Property Transfer Tax.

As with Davidoff’s original proposal, the NDP’s legislative proposal document says that: “All proceeds of the Housing Affordability … Levy must be paid into a segregated Housing Affordability Fund to be established by the Minister of Finance. The Housing Affordability Fund proceeds received from a participating jurisdiction [Metro Vancouver] and any interest on these proceeds must be used exclusively for funding provincial housing affordability initiatives in that same participating jurisdiction.”


scarlett6 : 2017-05-03#58

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#59

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#60
While the incumbent BC Liberal Party has been somewhat softening its foreign buyer tax since it was controversially launched last August, the BC NDP opposition has been planning a broader tax on all owners of Metro Vancouver homes who are not resident in Canada for tax purposes.

David Eby, West Point Grey MLA and official NDP housing critic, told REW.ca that “the trouble with the [Liberals’] foreign buyer tax is that it doesn’t capture those who bought a home before the tax was introduced.”

His party has set out a new Housing Affordability Levy that means if the NDP were elected May 9, all Metro Vancouver home owners would have to declare their home ownership each year. All owners of Metro Vancouver homes who do not pay federal and provincial income tax an annual provincial property tax of two per cent of that year’s BC Assessment value of the home.

This tax would apply to any home owner, whether they are a foreign national, a Canadian living overseas or a Canadian living in Canada, but not paying income tax – no matter how long they have owned the property.

In fact, the levy applies to every owner of a Metro Vancouver home. However, the long list of exemptions would mean that the vast majority of local residents would not pay it.

Home owners who are resident in Canada and liable for federal and provincial income taxes of more than the amount of their personal levy amount would be exempt from paying it, which would capture most working and retired people. Those paying income taxes of less than the levy amount would pay the difference.

Also, anyone who has lived in their home for more than five years (and currently lives there) would be exempt, whether or not they are liable for Canadian income tax, which would capture many more people, including most seniors.

There would also be exemptions for various other cases, such as residents with no taxable income or war veterans, even if they have lived in the home for less than five years.

Further, any owner who rents out their property and declares the rental income in Canada would also be exempt from the levy.

The idea is based on the Housing Affordability Levy proposal issued last year by UBC Sauder School of Businessg adjunct professor Tom Davidoff, whom Eby and the NDP have been consulting with on the idea since Christy Clark and the Liberals rejected the proposal and applied the 15 per cent foreign buyer Property Transfer Tax.

As with Davidoff’s original proposal, the NDP’s legislative proposal document says that: “All proceeds of the Housing Affordability … Levy must be paid into a segregated Housing Affordability Fund to be established by the Minister of Finance. The Housing Affordability Fund proceeds received from a participating jurisdiction [Metro Vancouver] and any interest on these proceeds must be used exclusively for funding provincial housing affordability initiatives in that same participating jurisdiction.”


comeback : 2017-05-03#61

黄蓉 : 2017-05-03#62

scarlett6 : 2017-05-03#63

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#64


心铃 : 2017-05-03#65

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#66



flowing_water : 2017-05-03#67

volcanochai : 2017-05-03#68

scarlett6 : 2017-05-03#69


清风拂面 : 2017-05-03#70

清风拂面 : 2017-05-03#71
[QUO济搞得门TE="Suave, post: 11679309, member: 343051"]喜不喜欢另说,对加拿大经济增长最有利的党是:保守党。我就是个有正职工作的华人,不吃懒人福利。我就选保守党。

清风拂面 : 2017-05-03#72

bowen685 : 2017-05-03#73

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-03#74
教皇到一个城市,刚下飞机,有妓者问他对本地妓院有什么看法。教皇问,这里有妓院吗?于是新闻头条登出: 教皇到了某地,第一句话是'这里有妓院吗?'

清风拂面 : 2017-05-03#75

清风拂面 : 2017-05-03#76

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#77


shi-ma-he : 2017-05-03#78

大河马一号 : 2017-05-03#79


comeback : 2017-05-03#80
教皇到一个城市,刚下飞机,有妓者问他对本地妓院有什么看法。教皇问,这里有妓院吗?于是新闻头条登出: 教皇到了某地,第一句话是'这里有妓院吗?'

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-03#81

comeback : 2017-05-03#82

flowing_water : 2017-05-03#83



Davidsy : 2017-05-04#84

Kevinliu604 : 2017-05-04#85

Hello Comeback 大哥 这是NDP的Proposal 基本上所有税务居民都不受影响的哦 房子住了五年以上,退休人士,都不会因为个人所得税交不够而被打税

Housing costs pose a significant challenge for Lower Mainland households. Among the factors contributing to price growthis the inflow of money into the local housing market. We propose a B.C. Housing Affordability Fund (BCHAF) thatdelivers cash to BC residents, paid for by property owners with limited residential or economic ties to B.C. The BCHAFwill make British Columbia a better place to live and work, by making B.C. a less attractive target for investors who wish toavoid taxation or park cash in residential real estate.
Description and Precedent
The BCHAF will be funded by a new 1.5% property surcharge on residential real estate. The revenues will then bedistributed as lump-sum payments to all Canadian tax filers in any area included. The tax would target owners of vacant properties and those with limited economic or social ties to Canada. All other owners will be exempt. The proposed BCHAFcontribution structure would provide broader exemptions than those under the Home Owner's Grant, by allowing non-resident landlords and not-yet-landed immigrants with taxable Canadian earnings to claim exclusions.
Exemptions for Homeowners
Nearly all resident owner-occupiers should be exempt from the surcharge on one of the following bases:

Veterans and disabled persons and those living with them would be exempt, as in the B.C. Home Owner'sGrant.

Canadian residents of retirement age would be exempt if they are recipients of Canada Pension Plan benefitsor qualify for Old Age Security.

Those who contribute to the local economy will have their BCHAF contributions reduced or eliminated. TheBCHAF surcharge would be reduced dollar-for-dollar by Provincial and Federal income taxes paid by allmembers of the household. For example, the owners of a $1,000,000 home would face a $15,000 BCHAFcontribution in a given tax year. If this household paid $15,000 or more in income taxes, they would not haveto contribute to BCHAF. If they paid $10,000 in income taxes, they would owe at most $5,000 to BCHAF, ifnot otherwise exempt.

Those who have been part of the local economy for a long time would be exempt. Specifically, tax filers whohave claimed their current homes as their principal residence for a significant number of years would beexempt. This would protect homeowners who are long-time residents of their communities, but would not beable to buy in at prevailing prices. The exemption could be a lifetime benefit so that households moving to adifferent home later in life would remain exempt.
Exemption for Rental Housing
To provide incentives for rental housing, and disincentives for leaving units vacant, non-occupant investors would only beable to claim exemptions for occupied rental units. Owners of rental properties should be allowed to offset BCHAFcontributions based on the rental revenue they report to CRA. This could involve providing credits against the surcharge forgross rental revenue, or setting minimum gross rental revenue levels to claim complete exemption from the BCHAF charge.To accommodate periodic vacancies, landlords might be allowed to average across multiple years. To prevent fraud,exemptions should be denied for leases between family members.

Which jurisdictions should impose an affordability surcharge is a political question. We recommend that the BCHAF bespecific to a given locale, with jurisdictions choosing to join. By keeping the taxes paid in and the benefits granted specificto a given jurisdiction, BCHAF would provide the most help to those facing the strongest impacts of vacant units and capital1 To further protect working homeowners, legislators may want to allow unused income tax credits to cover future years'contributions, and to offer couples where both partners earn moderate incomes a credit to reflect income tax progressivity. To further protect households, all taxes paid by all individuals claiming a tax home at a given addressshould be credited, whether the payer is on the title or not.

inflows on affordability.
For any jurisdiction that participates in the BCHAF, revenues will be distributed as an equal lump-sum amount to alltaxpayers in that jurisdiction. Eligibility for receiving the lump-sum payment will merely require filing the regular incometax and benefits return (T1) and being a resident of the jurisdiction.
A total property tax rate of 2% is no higher than in many U.S. jurisdictions, and the BCHAF structure would retain ratesunder 0.5% currently faced by most households. The difficulty of building new housing units in the Lower Mainlandsuggests that the property tax share of revenues generated in B.C. should be relatively high, and the income tax burdenlower. BCHAF would represent a small step in the direction of tax efficiency, without imposing higher obligations on thevast majority of B.C. taxpayers.
Economic Impacts
Estimated Benefit
BCHAF could provide considerable benefits to B.C. residents. Based solely on vacancy data, we estimate the surchargecould provide residents with roughly $90 million per year in Vancouver alone.
Revenues would likely be greater than thisestimate, which is based only on vacant units, because there are likely owners of high end B.C. properties who would notqualify for any of the exemptions to the surcharge listed above. As politicians have emphasized, we lack the detailed data onincome and taxes paid to make a precise forecast of potential revenue. An added benefit of the BCHAF program would beto obtain these data.
Financial Inflows and Vacancy
An additional effect of BCHAF could be an improvement in affordability by reducing the inflow of cash to residential realestate, thus reducing upward price pressure. We doubt that our proposal would have a detectable effect in this way. While asignificant surcharge might discourage investment in B.C. housing, the number and composition of immigrants to Canada islargely determined by Federal immigration policy (though B.C. does have an increasingly important role through theProvincial Nominee Program). Given the excess demand for Canadian residency, we expect this proposal to have a limitedeffect on the inflow of capital with immigrants. Our expectation is that the primary benefit is to provide cash to amelioratethe negative effects of these capital flows on local residents.Implementation of BCHAF would make participating jurisdictions less attractive to investors hoping to invest in real estatewithout paying taxes. In contrast, it would make B.C. a more attractive place to live and work. Critically, by raising the costof holding a property vacant, BCHAF would also provide investors with an incentive to rent out currently vacant propertiesto B.C. residents.
By taxing activities that make housing less affordable for current B.C. residents, the proposed BCHAF can providesignificant benefits to Lower Mainland communities. Creating BCHAF would be a feasible and economically meaningfulresponse to the rising tide of global financial flows into B.C. residential real estate. We have designed BCHAF to maximizethe cash benefits available to those who live and work in BC, while creating exemptions to minimize the possibility thatsuch residents would face any new tax burden.2 An alternative would be to raise funds at the provincial level, and use proceeds to reduce tax rates. This would enhanceoverall efficiency, but would be difficult to implement when individual municipalities are choosing whether to join.3 The estimated share of units in the City of Vancouver not occupied by usual residents is greater than it is in otherCanadian cities. We assume that this difference in rates reflects investor held units subject to the proposed surcharge. Forour calculations we assume these rates are 7.5% for condominium units and 2% among other housing units. If we assumethat this rate is the same for both high and low value units, then using B.C. Assessment data and 2015 assessment values,incremental property tax paying into the BCHAF from the City of Vancouver alone would amount to $90 million per year.4 Immigration into participating jurisdictions would only increase to the extent that BCHAF makes living in B.C.more affordable, so the net effect could not be to reduce affordability to a representative household.

秋意正浓 : 2017-05-04#86

心铃 : 2017-05-04#87

要警惕 自油党和反骨婆在玩弄华人!

flowing_water : 2017-05-04#88
Hello Comeback 大哥 这是NDP的Proposal 基本上所有税务居民都不受影响的哦 房子住了五年以上,退休人士,都不会因为个人所得税交不够而被打税

Housing costs pose a significant challenge for Lower Mainland households. Among the factors contributing to price growthis the inflow of money into the local housing market. We propose a B.C. Housing Affordability Fund (BCHAF) thatdelivers cash to BC residents, paid for by property owners with limited residential or economic ties to B.C. The BCHAFwill make British Columbia a better place to live and work, by making B.C. a less attractive target for investors who wish toavoid taxation or park cash in residential real estate.
Description and Precedent
The BCHAF will be funded by a new 1.5% property surcharge on residential real estate. The revenues will then bedistributed as lump-sum payments to all Canadian tax filers in any area included. The tax would target owners of vacant properties and those with limited economic or social ties to Canada. All other owners will be exempt. The proposed BCHAFcontribution structure would provide broader exemptions than those under the Home Owner's Grant, by allowing non-resident landlords and not-yet-landed immigrants with taxable Canadian earnings to claim exclusions.
Exemptions for Homeowners
Nearly all resident owner-occupiers should be exempt from the surcharge on one of the following bases:

Veterans and disabled persons and those living with them would be exempt, as in the B.C. Home Owner'sGrant.

Canadian residents of retirement age would be exempt if they are recipients of Canada Pension Plan benefitsor qualify for Old Age Security.

Those who contribute to the local economy will have their BCHAF contributions reduced or eliminated. TheBCHAF surcharge would be reduced dollar-for-dollar by Provincial and Federal income taxes paid by allmembers of the household. For example, the owners of a $1,000,000 home would face a $15,000 BCHAFcontribution in a given tax year. If this household paid $15,000 or more in income taxes, they would not haveto contribute to BCHAF. If they paid $10,000 in income taxes, they would owe at most $5,000 to BCHAF, ifnot otherwise exempt.

Those who have been part of the local economy for a long time would be exempt. Specifically, tax filers whohave claimed their current homes as their principal residence for a significant number of years would beexempt. This would protect homeowners who are long-time residents of their communities, but would not beable to buy in at prevailing prices. The exemption could be a lifetime benefit so that households moving to adifferent home later in life would remain exempt.
Exemption for Rental Housing
To provide incentives for rental housing, and disincentives for leaving units vacant, non-occupant investors would only beable to claim exemptions for occupied rental units. Owners of rental properties should be allowed to offset BCHAFcontributions based on the rental revenue they report to CRA. This could involve providing credits against the surcharge forgross rental revenue, or setting minimum gross rental revenue levels to claim complete exemption from the BCHAF charge.To accommodate periodic vacancies, landlords might be allowed to average across multiple years. To prevent fraud,exemptions should be denied for leases between family members.

Which jurisdictions should impose an affordability surcharge is a political question. We recommend that the BCHAF bespecific to a given locale, with jurisdictions choosing to join. By keeping the taxes paid in and the benefits granted specificto a given jurisdiction, BCHAF would provide the most help to those facing the strongest impacts of vacant units and capital1 To further protect working homeowners, legislators may want to allow unused income tax credits to cover future years'contributions, and to offer couples where both partners earn moderate incomes a credit to reflect income tax progressivity. To further protect households, all taxes paid by all individuals claiming a tax home at a given addressshould be credited, whether the payer is on the title or not.

inflows on affordability.
For any jurisdiction that participates in the BCHAF, revenues will be distributed as an equal lump-sum amount to alltaxpayers in that jurisdiction. Eligibility for receiving the lump-sum payment will merely require filing the regular incometax and benefits return (T1) and being a resident of the jurisdiction.
A total property tax rate of 2% is no higher than in many U.S. jurisdictions, and the BCHAF structure would retain ratesunder 0.5% currently faced by most households. The difficulty of building new housing units in the Lower Mainlandsuggests that the property tax share of revenues generated in B.C. should be relatively high, and the income tax burdenlower. BCHAF would represent a small step in the direction of tax efficiency, without imposing higher obligations on thevast majority of B.C. taxpayers.
Economic Impacts
Estimated Benefit
BCHAF could provide considerable benefits to B.C. residents. Based solely on vacancy data, we estimate the surchargecould provide residents with roughly $90 million per year in Vancouver alone.
Revenues would likely be greater than thisestimate, which is based only on vacant units, because there are likely owners of high end B.C. properties who would notqualify for any of the exemptions to the surcharge listed above. As politicians have emphasized, we lack the detailed data onincome and taxes paid to make a precise forecast of potential revenue. An added benefit of the BCHAF program would beto obtain these data.
Financial Inflows and Vacancy
An additional effect of BCHAF could be an improvement in affordability by reducing the inflow of cash to residential realestate, thus reducing upward price pressure. We doubt that our proposal would have a detectable effect in this way. While asignificant surcharge might discourage investment in B.C. housing, the number and composition of immigrants to Canada islargely determined by Federal immigration policy (though B.C. does have an increasingly important role through theProvincial Nominee Program). Given the excess demand for Canadian residency, we expect this proposal to have a limitedeffect on the inflow of capital with immigrants. Our expectation is that the primary benefit is to provide cash to amelioratethe negative effects of these capital flows on local residents.Implementation of BCHAF would make participating jurisdictions less attractive to investors hoping to invest in real estatewithout paying taxes. In contrast, it would make B.C. a more attractive place to live and work. Critically, by raising the costof holding a property vacant, BCHAF would also provide investors with an incentive to rent out currently vacant propertiesto B.C. residents.
By taxing activities that make housing less affordable for current B.C. residents, the proposed BCHAF can providesignificant benefits to Lower Mainland communities. Creating BCHAF would be a feasible and economically meaningfulresponse to the rising tide of global financial flows into B.C. residential real estate. We have designed BCHAF to maximizethe cash benefits available to those who live and work in BC, while creating exemptions to minimize the possibility thatsuch residents would face any new tax burden.2 An alternative would be to raise funds at the provincial level, and use proceeds to reduce tax rates. This would enhanceoverall efficiency, but would be difficult to implement when individual municipalities are choosing whether to join.3 The estimated share of units in the City of Vancouver not occupied by usual residents is greater than it is in otherCanadian cities. We assume that this difference in rates reflects investor held units subject to the proposed surcharge. Forour calculations we assume these rates are 7.5% for condominium units and 2% among other housing units. If we assumethat this rate is the same for both high and low value units, then using B.C. Assessment data and 2015 assessment values,incremental property tax paying into the BCHAF from the City of Vancouver alone would amount to $90 million per year.4 Immigration into participating jurisdictions would only increase to the extent that BCHAF makes living in B.C.more affordable, so the net effect could not be to reduce affordability to a representative household.

flowing_water : 2017-05-04#89

要警惕 自油党和反骨婆在玩弄华人!

shi-ma-he : 2017-05-04#90
这个我赞同。实际上,捐助影响省自由党的有不少华人资金,很多是脏金。炒房产经济更是两者的共同利益。华人中高资产低税的比例也高过各群体平均,这些富人是省自由党合作的重要对象。它们互相支持,共同在炒做房产上赚取利益及逃避税。所以会有网上说 you chinese take your dirty conservetive money go back to your country 的言论

flowing_water : 2017-05-05#91