


哈法 : 2017-09-10#1
上班和supervisor 聊天,说到hurricane Irma ,又说到前些日子因hurricane Harvey 的关系,德州水灾,到现在水还没全部退完。她说我讲个笑话给听。

哈法 : 2017-09-10#2
When hurricane came the government declared state of emergency and ordered evacuation. Josh stayed at home and a national guard knocked the door and said:"Sir, you need move out now!" Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me." He refused leaving. Water flooded, Josh standed on second floor, a boat came by and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving again. Sooner Josh standed on the roof, a helicopter came and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving once more. Josh drowned and in the heaven. Josh looked very sad. Lord asked him:" What's matter, Josh?" Josh said:" You said that you would always take care of me and protect me. But now I drowned." Lord said:" Thats right, Josh. I sent a national guard, a boat and a helicopter to save your life!"

xueshan : 2017-09-10#3

哈法 : 2017-09-10#4

哈法 : 2017-09-10#5
我笑的眼泪都出来了!我对supervisor 说:" Lord is always right!"

xueshan : 2017-09-10#6

看到你先占位 然后再补充内容,赞! Thanks for the sharing.

哈法 : 2017-09-10#7
看到你先占位 然后再补充内容,赞! Thanks for the sharing.
好笑吗?西人supervisor ,法语人士但在安省长大,流利双语。我怀疑她也许信教但不是教徒,所以敢嘲笑上帝,而且不只一次。

xueshan : 2017-09-10#8
好笑吗?西人supervisor ,法语人士但在安省长大,流利双语。我怀疑她也许信教但不是教徒,所以敢嘲笑上帝,而且不只一次。

俺的有些同事也是基督徒,他们聊天时也常嘲笑上帝,估计都不是虔诚的信徒,只是follow and respect their parents' religion.

哈法 : 2017-09-10#9
俺的有些同事是基督徒,他们聊天时也常嘲笑上帝,估计都不是虔诚的信徒,只是follow and respect their parents' religion.
新教徒(Protestant) 可能会好点儿。天主教徒(Catholic)可能不行。我认识个印尼来的华裔女孩,我知道她信教,有次聊天,她对我说如果不信教,最后不要说my God 等。

xueshan : 2017-09-10#10
新教徒(Protestant) 可能会好点儿。天主教徒(Catholic)可能不行。我认识个印尼来的华裔女孩,我知道她信教,有次聊天,她对我说如果不信教,最后不要说my God 等。

学习了!---- “她对我说如果不信教,最后不要说my God 等”。


哈法 : 2017-09-10#11
学习了!---- “她对我说如果不信教,最后不要说my God 等”。

我也没谈宗教的问题。那个女孩不会说中文,我与她交谈都是英文。有时说英文经常会说my God ,其实也就是一句口头语。但是对她来说如果我不信教最好不要这么说。

xueshan : 2017-09-10#12
我也没谈宗教的问题。那个女孩不会说中文,我与她交谈都是英文。有时说英文经常会说my God ,其实也就是一句口头语。但是对她来说如果我不信教最好不要这么说。

赞同你说的,多数人说my God ,其实也就是一句口头语,并不表明就信仰那种宗教。 在国内时 我们也常说:天哪、老天爷、菩萨保佑之类的,但很多人也不信仰佛教。

在公司里我从不主动问 同事的婚姻 家庭 宗教 收入等事,这么多年来 同事们也从来没有问过我,挺喜欢这样的工作环境的。

gongbao : 2017-09-10#13

iloveiwc : 2017-09-10#14

xl : 2017-09-10#15


宇航员 : 2017-09-10#16
When hurricane came the government declared state of emergency and ordered evacuation. Josh stayed at home and a national guard knocked the door and said:"Sir, you need move out now!" Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me." He refused leaving. Water flooded, Josh standed on second floor, a boat came by and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving again. Sooner Josh standed on the roof, a helicopter came and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving once more. Josh drowned and in the heaven. Josh looked very sad. Lord asked him:" What's matter, Josh?" Josh said:" You said that you would always take care of me and protect me. But now I drowned." Lord said:" Thats right, Josh. I sent a national guard, a boat and a helicopter to save your life!"
我说:上帝是人造的。比如毛泽东。 -:)

Montreal7055 : 2017-09-10#17

baihuazs : 2017-09-10#18

哈法 : 2017-09-10#19

哈法 : 2017-09-10#20

gongbao : 2017-09-11#21


comeback : 2017-09-11#22
学习了!---- “她对我说如果不信教,最后不要说my God 等”。

soleil_lee-太阳李 : 2017-09-11#23
When hurricane came the government declared state of emergency and ordered evacuation. Josh stayed at home and a national guard knocked the door and said:"Sir, you need move out now!" Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me." He refused leaving. Water flooded, Josh standed on second floor, a boat came by and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving again. Sooner Josh standed on the roof, a helicopter came and asked Josh to leave. Josh said:"Lord always takes care of me and protects me."He refused leaving once more. Josh drowned and in the heaven. Josh looked very sad. Lord asked him:" What's matter, Josh?" Josh said:" You said that you would always take care of me and protect me. But now I drowned." Lord said:" Thats right, Josh. I sent a national guard, a boat and a helicopter to save your life!"

soleil_lee-太阳李 : 2017-09-11#24
赞同你说的,多数人说my God ,其实也就是一句口头语,并不表明就信仰那种宗教。 在国内时 我们也常说:天哪、老天爷、菩萨保佑之类的,但很多人也不信仰佛教。

在公司里我从不主动问 同事的婚姻 家庭 宗教 收入等事,这么多年来 同事们也从来没有问过我,挺喜欢这样的工作环境的。
不信教说 Mygoodness,不要说My god

laox888 : 2017-09-11#25
Two guys were chatting on a beach in the Caribbean, and the first guy said to the second guy, "Yep, I am here on insurance money. My factory burned down and my insurance company paid for everything."

"What a coincidence," said the second guy, "I am also here on insurance money. My warehouse was destroyed in a hurricane and my insurance company paid for everything."

Looking puzzled, the first guy said to the second guy, "Tell me something, how do you start a hurricane?"

esimon : 2017-09-11#26
信教的,不同教会对my god这种也有不同要求。
说中立点的最好, my goodness, holy cow, holy moly这种