


popiston : 2017-11-13#1

popiston : 2017-11-13#2
My legal name is... I was your tenant at 7 Barrie from August to October.
I am writing to request you to return the remaining part of my deposit that you have not returned to me and the interests.
And I did not hear the explanation why you cashed out my check for the last month (October, 2016) while you had taken my deposit for it on June 28, 2015. I had informed you that I would move out and asked you to destroy the check. I am requesting the reason for this.
You still owe me the remaining deposit of $495.00. You returned me the deposit of only $500.00 on November 21, 2016. You wrote on the check about not owing me, but I also wrote I do not agree.
I am requesting the interests of totally $26.09. The guideline deposit interest rate in 2016 was 2% as according to Landlord and Tenant Board. The interests from August 2015 to July 2016 are $19.90 ($995*2%). The guideline interest rate in 2017 is 1.5%. The interests from August 2016 to June 2017 are =$6.81 ($495*1.5%*11/12). I will request for more interests if the payment will delay further.
Please be aware that I know about my rights under The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA), and if I do not receive the money of $526.71 by August 20, I will take this matter to the Landlord and Tenant Board of Social Justice Tribunals Ontario.
The check to me should print my legal name..My current address is ..

Best regards,

The following for your reference are statements from Residential Tenancies Act, and Landlord and Tenant Board.
Does a landlord have to pay interest on a rent deposit?
The landlord must pay the tenant interest on the rent deposit every 12 months. The percent interest is the same as the rent increase guideline that is in effect when the interest payment is due. The guideline is set each year by the Ministry of Housing.
If the landlord does not pay the interest owed to the tenant when it is due, the tenant can:
deduct the interest from a future rent payment, or
file a Tenant Application for a Rebate
Instead of paying the tenant the interest, the landlord can reduce the amount needed to update the rent deposit (so that it equals the current rent) by the amount of interest owed.

Can a landlord collect a rent deposit?
A landlord can collect a rent deposit as long as they ask for it on or before the day that the landlord and tenant enter into the tenancy agreement. The rent deposit cannot be more than one month's rent or the rent for one rental period, whichever is less. For example, if rent payments are made weekly, the deposit cannot be more than one week's rent; if rent payments are made monthly, the deposit cannot be more than one month's rent.
The rent deposit must be used for the rent for the last month before the tenancy ends. It cannot be used for anything else, such as to pay for damages.

j0n6dj2y2w : 2017-11-13#3
My legal name is... I was your tenant at 7 Barrie from August to October.
I am writing to request you to return the remaining part of my deposit that you have not returned to me and the interests.
And I did not hear the explanation why you cashed out my check for the last month (October, 2016) while you had taken my deposit for it on June 28, 2015. I had informed you that I would move out and asked you to destroy the check. I am requesting the reason for this.
You still own me the remaining deposit of $495.00. You returned me the deposit of only $500.00 on November 21, 2016. You wrote on the check about not owning me, but I also wrote I do not agree.
I am requesting the interests of totally $26.09. The guideline deposit interest rate in 2016 was 2% as according to Landlord and Tenant Board. The interests from August 2015 to July 2016 are $19.90 ($995*2%). The guideline interest rate in 2017 is 1.5%. The interests from August 2016 to June 2017 are =$6.81 ($495*1.5%*11/12). I will request for more interests if the payment will delay further.
Please be aware that I know about my rights under The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA), and if I do not receive the money of $526.71 by August 20, I will take this matter to the Landlord and Tenant Board of Social Justice Tribunals Ontario.
The check to me should print my legal name..My current address is ..

Best regards,

The following for your reference are statements from Residential Tenancies Act, and Landlord and Tenant Board.
Does a landlord have to pay interest on a rent deposit?
The landlord must pay the tenant interest on the rent deposit every 12 months. The percent interest is the same as the rent increase guideline that is in effect when the interest payment is due. The guideline is set each year by the Ministry of Housing.
If the landlord does not pay the interest owed to the tenant when it is due, the tenant can:
deduct the interest from a future rent payment, or
file a Tenant Application for a Rebate
Instead of paying the tenant the interest, the landlord can reduce the amount needed to update the rent deposit (so that it equals the current rent) by the amount of interest owed.

Can a landlord collect a rent deposit?
A landlord can collect a rent deposit as long as they ask for it on or before the day that the landlord and tenant enter into the tenancy agreement. The rent deposit cannot be more than one month's rent or the rent for one rental period, whichever is less. For example, if rent payments are made weekly, the deposit cannot be more than one week's rent; if rent payments are made monthly, the deposit cannot be more than one month's rent.
The rent deposit must be used for the rent for the last month before the tenancy ends. It cannot be used for anything else, such as to pay for damages.


erugigonc : 2017-11-13#4

popiston : 2017-11-13#5

soleil_lee-太阳李 : 2017-11-13#6

轻舟已过万重山。 : 2017-11-13#7

每次要求修东西,我都是email 和text 同时通知,全部书面,没有口头方式。

007KJJ : 2017-11-13#8

考拉不是熊 : 2017-11-14#9

家园小千 : 2017-11-14#10
每次要求修东西,我都是email 和text 同时通知,全部书面,没有口头方式。

考拉不是熊 : 2017-11-14#11

家园小千 : 2017-11-14#12

轻舟已过万重山。 : 2017-11-14#13

popiston : 2017-11-14#14

popiston : 2017-11-14#15

popiston : 2017-11-14#16
每次要求修东西,我都是email 和text 同时通知,全部书面,没有口头方式。


shuhaiyanzhong : 2017-11-14#17
很多华人房东就指着扣押金当一笔收入 呢

annie66 : 2017-11-14#18
我也写过类似的给正规公寓管理公司总部。最后退了全款,本来搬出报告上有扣45刀洗窗费的。本地的管理公司居然说没收到我的提前一月move out挂号信和管理经理做的搬家检查报告。

annie66 : 2017-11-14#19
建议租公寓时move in 一定要仔细检查。一些特别不注意的地方,厨房台面的细小刀痕,oven面上的小米粒大小掉漆痕迹,地板的小刮痕等。我搬进去的还是全新装修的公寓。在move out都查啦。

annie66 : 2017-11-14#20