


Loveinfall : 2018-01-10#1
那时起,他的政治生涯节节攀升,他陪同加拿大总理、总督和政要多次出访中国,为加拿大,为加中两国关系紧密递进履行他作为华裔国会议员的职责和影响力,他个人的生活周遭随职位变化发生重大 改变,他由一个加拿大的资深科学家和学者转身为一个华裔政治新星,随后,他深切地影响了全华社投身政治的人们。
“邮报”请中国通,引反对党,用语歧视,以新闻特权认真研磨一个华裔背景的人,并对其牵强附会,含沙影射,过度误读,歪曲诬陷,打压,抹黑华裔族群(参看原文:“Liberal MP Geng Tan acted as intermediary for businessman now accused of fraud”) 。作为媒体竟争者,我为这份报纸再度抢先和其操纵舆论的过硬手段表示由衷敬佩。
接到信的Cindy T ermorshuizen(任职加拿大驻北京大使馆副大使至今二年零七个月)将信转交RCMP在中国的联络官,之后被转交加拿大国内调查组。
至于,他为春节正名,为华社成长转型奔走,为加中两国经济发展效力,为Seneca College赢得$24,000,000建楼资助、创新项目$1,000,000资助、运动场$893,990资助,为选区708位年轻人赢得$1,825,326夏季工资助,为老人机构赢得$334,448资助,为公众健康赢得$1,794,664资助,为选区YMCA赢得$992,900资助,为15,00位儿童得到$5,500,000福利金。他还在每年180多天渥太华工作期做过11个专题咨询和演讲(内容涉及加中旅游、就业、教育、税收、春节动议、C-36法案、国际学生、核工业、矿业、油气工业等)。 当然,他还为很多人办过各种事儿,帮过各种忙儿,为各族裔代言当然都不能算事儿,当然,他还接待过数百位选民无数次来访,处理600多宗选民有关联邦的事宜,当然,还为许多人传过各种信,递过各种纸条,也更不算事儿。
“邮报”说谭耕自当选 国会议员后“频繁访问中国,同那里的中共官员接触”,我想“邮报”披露得完全正确,证据确凿。谭耕多次陪同总理或总督出访中国并与中国政要会唔多次,他有坚实的加中文化背景和丰厚工作经验,他完全胜任国会议员的这一职位。“邮报”还披露谭回国招留学业务,我想“邮报”也没说错。谭耕是学者,他从学生到学者到科学家到国会议员,他有这方面的远见与卓识,他有三个孩子,他清楚留学生背后的问题,他在权限内有抱负为加拿大来解决其中问题,我想,他会将这块“业务”做强做大。
至于,华社有个别人对谭耕投石落井冷嘲热讽,我也不以为然。人民有时也都不是完全靠谱的,都很靠谱也不成其为人民,更不具备真实的人民性,任何族裔里都有几位这样的人民,这很正常,关键时刻 ,国会议员和华裔的政治人物的未来还是要依靠人民,到时候人民当然也肯定是喜欢帮自己。
有些人不清晰也罢,但请国会议员“爱惜自己的羽毛”的人不清楚是说不过去的,作者应该很清楚加拿大司法系统presumption of innocence这一句的,连我都知道它的大概意思是meaning everyone is innocent until proven guilty.所以,作者此时写文拚力撑着一个自媒的权限,扒着英文媒体“环球邮报”的只言片语来大行帮腔,深度解读,说实话,即便假如你真是“邮报”的外编我也不太赞同你为人民过度的阐释,我甚至有些怀疑你的paralegal身份?
再者,你是否想过,一位国会议员帮助别人递交的一封信,怎么就会弄到英文主流媒体上去,还成为抹黑华裔的一个新闻 由头?
几年后的今天,中国故事继续,活生生的改写与现实存在,加拿大在年轻总理小特鲁多的带领下与世界各国重修友情,对于中国强大的事实,行动上更想与之共同促进发展。而不久前,“环球邮报”刊登英国诺丁汉大学台北“中国政策研究所”高级研究员、加拿大安全情报 局前分析员M I chael Cole的文章称,中国正企图提供 一种取代自由民主秩序的另类秩序,但正是这一秩序支撑二战结束后国际关系,加拿大也以这个秩序的参与者感到自豪。
很遗憾,在此文结束之际,看到加拿大总理办公室发出声明:自由党议员谭耕只是履行他的议员职责而已(见,GlOBE AND MAIL 1月9日)。
看到这个消息,我为“邮报”感 到伤心。精心策划一场混乱,臆断拼凑一场舆论,却原来是经不起推敲轻易被击毁的短期试验版,最终还沦为一场闹剧成为无效新闻,可怜文章操刀者,暗箱中失去理性,还好,毕竟,党争不是生活的全部,毕竟新闻渠道有欠清洁,但是,华裔族群在这别样的环境锤炼下,成熟是早晚的事。

环球邮报 是垃圾!

哈法 : 2018-01-11#2
Liberal MP Geng Tan hand-delivered a letter to a top official at the Canadian embassy in Beijing and personally spoke to Chinese authorities on behalf of a Liberal Party donor who has been charged with money laundering and the fraudulent sale of hundreds of millions of dollars in securities to Chinese citizens.

Chinese-Canadian businessman Xiao Hua Gong, also known as Edward Gong, was arrested in Toronto last week and the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has charged him with fraud over $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime, laundering proceeds of crime and uttering a forged document. None of the allegations have been proven in court.

On June 1, Mr. Tan acted as an intermediary for Mr. Gong, who at the time was under criminal investigation by the RCMP, Ontario Securities Commission [OSC] and China's Ministry of Public Security in connection with a $466-million pyramid scheme.

The rookie Liberal MP delivered an unsigned letter from Mr. Gong to Cindy Termorshuizen, the deputy head of mission at Canada's embassy in Beijing, according to an OSC affidavit filed in a Toronto court.

Related: Police arrest Toronto businessman charged with securities fraud by OSC

Read more: China accuses Canadian-Chinese tycoon of major role in pyramid scheme

Ms. Termorshuizen turned the letter over to the RCMP liaison officer in China, who forwarded it to investigators in Canada, the document says.

The affidavit said Mr. Gong denied in the letter that he was running a pyramid scheme and promised to co-operate with investigators in both countries.

He claimed he was "running a legitimate marketing and sales method called multilevel marketing and direct sales" of health-care products in China. A former Canadian ambassador to Beijing, David Mulroney, expressed surprise that the Liberal MP would approach the embassy on behalf of Mr. Gong, and praised Ms. Termorshuizen for giving the letter to the Mounties.

"It suggests a pretty shocking misunderstanding on the part of the MP on how our system works," Mr. Mulroney told The Globe and Mail on Thursday. "It is the kind of thing you do in China … when you try to use your prestige or connections to smooth something over. It is not how things are done in Canada."

The MP did not respond to written questions from The Globe about why he did not take the letter to the RCMP in Canada, what was his relationship to Mr. Gong and who paid for his trip to China.

"I simply transported a piece of correspondence on behalf of a fellow member of the Toronto-North York Community," Mr. Tan said in an brief e-mail on Thursday. "I was unaware of any Canadian investigation into this individual. Any inference of influence in this matter is simply wrong."

His office later confirmed that the MP also raised Mr. Gong's case with Chinese authorities.

"Mr. Tan communicated his hope to local officials that due process will be followed," the MPs' office told The Globe in an e-mail.

The Prime Minister's Office had no comment on Mr. Tan's actions.

"This would seem to be a serious example of very poor judgment and improper behaviour," Conservative ethics critic Peter Kent said in an interview. "One has to wonder whether this was a misguided favour on behalf of a financial contributor [of the Liberal Party]."

Mr. Gong is not a constituent of Mr. Tan and does not live in the MP's Don Valley North riding.

His home in Toronto's Bridle Path area, which authorities raided in December, is in Don Valley West, held by Liberal MP Rob Oliphant.

Mr. Gong has donated $7,000 to the Liberal Party over the past few years, and was at a Liberal fundraiser involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese-Canadian business people in Toronto in May, 2016.

Mr. Gong was in a widely circulated photo of the Prime Minister making dumplings for his donors at the event.

The picture was part of The Globe's coverage of cash-for-access fundraisers that prompted the Liberals to usher in legislative reforms on political donations.

Since the 2015 election, Mr. Tan has travelled frequently to China, where he has met Communist Party officials whose goal is to win overseas support for the authoritarian government's political agenda.

In April, he accepted a free trip to Hunan province paid for by Toronto businessman Kai Wu, who runs an an immigration investment and eduction enterprise.

Mr. Tan said he accepted the trip to help Mr. Wu "attract more international students to Canada to study."

The OSC affidavit said the investigation of Mr. Gong involved the New Zealand Police and China's Ministry of Public Security and as well as the RCMP and Canada's FinTRAC, a federal agency that tracks the movement of money offshore.

The OSC alleges that at least $190-million obtained from the pyramid operation was directed to Mr. Gong's bank accounts in Canada and used to buy hotels, residential property, luxury cars and a boat.

This money was in addition to $63-million in New Zealand accounts that investigators have frozen.

Attempts to reach Mr. Gong were unsuccessful, and his lawyer, Glen Jennings, did not respond to requests for comment.

The entrepreneur has rejected the allegations and proclaimed his innocence. In July, when the allegations were raised in China's media, Mr. Gong told reporters he uses the internet to sell health products in China and engaged in multilevel marketing, as other companies do in Canada or the United States.

The OSC charges against Mr. Gong stem from the alleged fraudulent sales of securities in two companies, O24 Pharma PLC, a health supplement firm, and Canadian National TV Inc., from Jan. 1, 2012, to Dec. 20, 2017.

The OSC alleges Mr. Gong controlled both companies and orchestrated the sale of their securities from the Toronto area. The scheme was allegedly run out of a private high school in Toronto that caters mainly to students from China. The school is in the same building as O24.

The OSC said Mr. Gong was "selling worthless shares of O24, an empty company that did not produce any products in-house" and promised big gains to shareholders of CNTV.

Chinese Public Security officers told the OSC and RCMP investigators 11 people were imprisoned and fined in connection with the alleged pyramid scheme in Shaodong county of Hunan Province.

Mr. Gong was not named among them, but the Ministry of Public Security alleged he "remotely developed" staff in China who were involved in the pyramid scheme, which reaped 2.3 billion yuan, about $466-million Canadian.

The Chinese embassy in Canada declined to comment on Mr. Gong's case or whether Beijing might seek his extradition. Mr. Gong was an opera director before he moved to Canada in 2002 and assembled a business empire.

EDITOR’S NOTE An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Geng Tan was the first Canadian Member of Parliament who was born in mainland China. In fact, he is not the first. This version has been corrected.

DKnight : 2018-01-11#3

刘瑛 : 2018-01-18#4

环球邮报 是垃圾!
