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[FONT=幼圆] 美国在环境保护、环境治理上是下了很大功夫花了很大价钱的,美国今天的青山绿水、蓝天白云并不是凭空就有的,也不是历来如此的。为了环境,美国定下了很高 的环保准入门槛,稍有污染的项目便会被“枪毙”,即使政府环保部门批准,当地居民不同意,仍然难以实现;为了环境,美国利用国际产业转移的机会,将几乎所 有污染源全部转移出国境,只留下那些清洁产业;为了环境,美国制定了严格的污染指标,超标企业必须向低于标准的企业花钱购买指标,通过经济杠杆引导企业减 少污染。[/FONT]

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[FONT=幼圆] 关于防止地球变暖、减少二氧化碳等“温室气体”排放问题,国际上有一个“京都议定书”,规定各缔约国严格限制二氧化碳的排放,尽力减少温室气体对地球气候 的影响。美国原是倡议发起国之一,但因感到自身利益受到限制,小布什上台后便宣布退了出来。退出的理由之一,是中国、印度、巴西等发展中国家是当今温室气 体排放的主要国家,却统统不在“议定书”的缔约国之内,仅仅限制发达国家,美国认为不公平,不合理,并说只要中国、印度、巴西等国加入了“议定书”,美国 也可以考虑恢复加入。而中国、印度、巴西等发展中国家则认为,地球变暖的现实,主要是因为此前发达国家排放的温室气体导致的,现在你们发达了,不需要过多 地排放温室气体了,却要限定我们不能排放,这是不公道、不合理的;治理地球气候变暖,主要应该是此前造成这种局面的发达国家的事情,你们留下的后遗症,让 我们跟着“擦屁股”,对我们来说是绝对不公道、不合理的,我们坚决不干。并且也说,只要美国恢复加入了“议定书”,我们也可以考虑加入。一个发达国家,竟 然与我们发展中国家攀比起来,美国在这方面似乎有点小肚鸡肠了![/FONT]

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[FONT=幼圆] 在保护环境、保持可持续发展方面,中国发明了一个“循环经济”的概念。在美国,虽然很少听到“循环经济”的说法,但其在节约资源方面的许多做法,活生生的就是我们所说的“循环经济”。
由于可以廉价地从世界各地获取资源,过去,美国对废旧物品的回收利用率并不高。随着公众对环境保护意识的提高,废旧物品的处理日益成为难题,1987年, 一艘名为“Mobro”的轮船满载3000吨垃圾在大西洋沿岸游荡数月,也没有找不到一处人们愿意接受的卸货地点,对美国各界震动很大,意识到垃圾处理已 经成为一个重要的课题,传统的垃圾填埋并非有效的处理方法,公众和政府机构、企业越来越多的开始支持对废旧物品的重复利用。

2005年10月,美国政府发布了一项行动计划,确定提高全国城市固体废弃物回收利用的比例,到2008年达到35%,其中纸和纸板制品从2001年的 44.9%提高到53.8%,木质包装从15%提高到24%,塑料包装从6.6%提高到19%,饮料类包装从26%提高到39%。同时,美国环保局也发起 资源节约挑战计划,提倡城市固体废弃物、工业原材料的重复利用和循环利用,减少产品和废物中的有害物质,推进产品的“绿色化”。从2001年到2004 年,对燃煤电厂煤炭燃烧后产生的煤灰、煤渣等副产品的利用率已从31%提高到40%,预计2011年将达到50%。[/FONT]

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为了推动能源节约,美国政府制定了一系列的鼓励政策。例如,为了鼓励可再生能源的开发利用,政府不仅资助可再生能源技术的研发活动,还为消费者提供抵税优 惠;2005年能源法规定,安装光伏系统的家庭可以获得联邦政府的资金帮助,减税金额相当于太阳板成本的30%,最高可达2000美元;为购买混合动力汽 车的消费者减税,2010年前总额将达到8.75亿美元,购买一辆丰田Primus型混合动力车,可得到2500美元的减税。

为了保护环境和资源再生,美国对垃圾进行了有效的管理。在美国人眼里,垃圾并不是肮脏的东西,只是生活中被淘汰的物品。家用电器和家具等被淘汰后,并不是 随时随地都可以扔掉,需要按照指定的时间,放在指定的地点,有些州淘汰的家用电器还要交管理费,把垃圾扔在不该仍的地方,那肯定是要吃罚单的。

美国没有沿街叫买的流动废品收购商贩,也没有专门回收废旧物品的地方,废旧物品无论有没有价值,都换不回来多少钱,因此,从没有丢失井盖、电缆被盗之类的 情况发生。生活垃圾回收主要靠居民自觉进行严格的分类。为了垃圾分类,各家各户都要准备若干个大小垃圾桶,打包用的塑料袋也是必备的,每家还要备有一个或 几个底部装有轱辘的塑料垃圾桶,供盛装垃圾之用。自然界产生的垃圾,公共场所的枯树和枝杈有专人专车定期清理,树叶也是要回收的,但自家房前屋后的树叶要 由住户自行负责清理。

垃圾回收从周一到周末都在进行。各家各户在早上8点钟之前把垃圾桶推到自家门前的路旁,到时会有专人专车回收桶中的黑色垃圾包。旧的家具和家用电器、玩具 之类,也照此方法放在路旁,需要的人可以随意拿走。有的地方每周只有一次或几次收取垃圾的时间,平时的垃圾就只能放在家里,不能随便放在院子或路旁,不然 就可能被施以罚款,使得居民很为垃圾的事情发愁。

在这点上,我们中国还是有一定差距的。不说政府或有关部门能不能全方位、及时地回收人们的生活垃圾和自然界产生的垃圾,但说居民随手、随地、随时、随意乱 丢垃圾这一点,就需要向人家美国人好好学习。当然,一种好习惯的形成需要必要的环境条件,也需要一定的时间和过程,但改革开放30年了,在一些不小的城市 里,垃圾仍然是堆满得街满巷,刮得满天满地,怎么说也是不应该的。[/FONT]



  美国也是一个出废品的大国。虽然美国人口数量远少于中国,但美国人口分布不均,多集中于东、西部地区。在人口集中的地区和城市,每天都要出许多的垃 圾和废品。这些废弃物中,不乏大量可以回收进行再利用的东西。例如,旧布料、硬纸板、广告纸、新闻纸、电话本、各种目录册和其他废旧纸张等等。旧布料可制 造高级纸张,然后用于印制美钞,或作相纸张、画册等用纸。硬纸板、广告纸、新闻纸等废旧纸张,则出口到中国等国家。


  跟别的国家不同的是,在美国包括纸板、纸张在内的所有废旧物品,虽有人回收,但无人出钱收购,分文不值。不像中国纸张、纸板、破布、塑料制品等,有 人收购,可以卖钱。尽管如此,但美国人对于废旧物品的分类处理做得很好。各家各户门前均有两个颜色各异和用途不同的两个大铁桶,其中一个装垃圾,一个装有 用的回收物品。由环卫工人开车定时去各家门前收取。美国的报纸多数免费取阅,广告纸多如雪片,每周下来单这类必须扔掉的废弃纸张就是一大堆。要是在中国, 每周出卖废纸怕也有不少收入。中国改革开放以后,因经营废品而出过破烂王和陈光标那样有名的致富人士,就有不少。可在那边家家户户只为清扫环境尽义务了。 值得称赞是,大家都按规定办理,绝无乱丢乱扔现象。这样,废品中的有用之物,就能保证回收到位。估计环保工人可能还是会拿去卖钱的,因为美国各地都设有废 品收购站,收购各类有用废旧物品。


  在废纸中,尤以纸板为最需求品。洛杉矶县有一位名叫伦哈特的失业者,给一个废品回收站收集废品。他主要从超市和小型购物商场免费采收旧的硬纸板盒, 然后将这些硬纸板卖给废品回收站。站上则将这些硬纸板捆扎起来装进集装箱,然后经过10分钟的卡车运输将纸板送到长滩港。在港口,这些纸板装船并运往中 国。伦哈特说:“收入还不错。”他从每货车的硬纸板中可以赚取大约85美元。

  废纸的出口,指的是用过的纸盒(纸板)和其它废纸的出口。这个市场,在美国正在迅速发展,前景似乎看好。有报道称,美国长期以来都将各种废纸,运往 中国。因为中国目前还没有足够的进口和自身丰富的木材,也缺乏有效的废品回收系统获得充足的原材料,来满足繁荣的本国市场和出口市场所需纸盒和其它用纸的 生产。尤其在现在,随着美国消费的复苏,中国更需要美国的旧纸盒生产新纸盒,以便包装将货物运往美国。与此同时,中国还需要美国的废纸生产新纸张来包装消 费品以售卖给本国掘起的中产阶级。

  有知情者和分折家说,中国在本土利用进口废纸生产纸盒比直接从国外进口新纸张盒便宜得多。其实,中国如果能够利用本国的废纸生产纸盒和其它用纸,价 格会更加低廉。中国是一个人口众多的国家,每天抛弃废纸不比美国少,只是没有很好回收,未能积极利用本土废纸进行再生产。对此,有关方面应该引起重视,在 进口国外废纸的同时,回收本国废纸进行再利用。既可解决纸张原料不足问题,又能作为一项产业加以发展。

  由于中国需求的增长,美国西部两个最繁华的集装箱港口长滩港和洛杉矶港的废纸总出口量, 2010年比上年增长了将近25%,超过了这两个港口所有出口商品15%的增长幅度。美国其它地区的废纸,也都同样收集起来分别从不同的地方运往中国。


Truck Rim


铬gè(英语:Chromium)是一种化学元素,它的化学符号是Cr,它是一种银色的金属,质地坚硬,表面带光泽,具有很高的熔点。它无臭、无味,同时具延展性。常用于制不锈钢,汽车零件,工具,磁带和录像带等。 铬镀在金属上可以防锈,也叫可罗米,坚固美观。

20 largest North American scrap dealers, processed 55 Million tons of scrap steel,

20 largest North American scrap dealers, processed 55 Million tons of scrap steel, while entire volume is 74 Million tons
回复: 再探--在加拿大回收废金属之散打篇

North America’s largest ferrous scrap processors handled a tremendous volume of that material in 2011, processing more than 55 million gross tons. This figure shows modest growth of roughly 5 percent compared with the nearly 53 million tons of ferrous scrap processed by the companies on our 2009 list of the largest ferrous scrap processors in North America. (Recycling Today published this list in our April 2009 edition.)

Recycling Today bases its rankings on the amount of ferrous scrap physically handled by a company’s facilities. This includes ferrous scrap accepted across all of the facilities a company operates, whether it is processed further or shipped loose. This figure, however, excludes scrap that is never physically present at a corporate facility but that is brokered by traders or brokers who are employed by the company.

In comparing our current ferrous processors list with our previous list, readers will see that many of the same companies are represented, with a couple of exceptions.

First Timers

Ranking for the first time in 2012 is Upstate Shredding, Owego, N.Y., and Liberty Iron & Metal, Phoenix. These newcomers processed in excess of 1.5 million tons in 2011 and currently operate six auto shredders between them. Upstate is in the process of installing its second shredder at the company’s Rochester, N.Y., yard, which it acquired from Genesee Scrap in mid-2011.

“My father (Ben Weitsman) taught me it’s better to expand in a downtime,” Adam Weitsman, president and CEO of Upstate Shredding told Recycling Today Editorial Director Brian Taylor for the April 2010 cover story, “Comeback Kid.” He added, “The cost of land and equipment is cheaper, your lead time to install equipment can be shorter, and the suppliers can give you more attention.”

After overseeing Upstate through the boom years from 2003 to mid-2008, Weitsman put that philosophy into action during the market downturn.

In addition to Genesee Scrap, Upstate Shredding has acquired a number of companies in its operating region in recent years, including Liberty Scrap Metal, Liberty, N.Y.; Matlow & Co., Syracuse, N.Y.; and Weinstein Scrap Metal Corp., Jamestown, N.Y. The company also purchased land for a new feeder yard in Scranton, Pa., in 2011.

Liberty Iron & Metal Holdings LLC operates 11 scrap yards.

The company also ranked on Recycling Today’s 2010 list of the largest nonferrous scrap processors in North America as the 17th largest processor of aluminum, the 18th largest processor of red metals and the 13th largest processor of zorba.

Most recently, Liberty Iron & Metal announced a joint venture with Scholz AG, Southwest Metal Industries and We Buy Scrap LLC to consolidate each of the respective companies’ Phoenix-area operations into a new company called Liberty Southwest Holdings LLC. The joint venture includes five facilities in the Phoenix area.

Liberty Iron & Metal entered into a joint venture with Germany-based Scholz AG in 2007 to expand its operations in North America. With the Arizona deal, Liberty and Scholz have completed three joint ventures in North America, with other operations located in Ohio and Chihuahua, Mexico.

These two newcomers to the largest ferrous scrap processors in North America join an overwhelming number of stalwarts who have made the list each time we’ve published it.

The Stalwarts

It’s no surprise that Sims Metal Management, headquartered in New York City, should take the No. 1 spot on our list. The company, which operates 120 facilities, including its joint venture with Anaheim, Calif.-based Adams Steel that created an entity that operates as SA Recycling, processed 8.7 million tons of ferrous scrap in 2011. This figure is somewhat smaller than the 9 million tons the company was estimated to have processed in 2008.

OmniSource Corp., Fort Wayne, Ind., ranks a distant second. This division of Steel Dynamics, which describes itself as the nation’s fifth largest producer of carbon steel products, processed nearly 6 million tons of ferrous scrap in 2011 at its 70-plus facilities, 11 of which operate automobile shredders.

Advancing to the third spot from its No. 4 position in 2009 is Schnitzer Steel Industries, Portland, Ore., having processed 5.3 million tons of ferrous scrap in 2011. The company made a number of acquisitions in recent years, including Amix Salvage & Sales Ltd., Vancouver, Macon Iron & Paper Stock of Georgia and Steel Pacific Recycling, based in British Columbia.

Schnitzer Steel operates three vertically integrated divisions: ferrous and nonferrous recycling, auto parts recycling and steel manufacturing. In an interview with Recycling Today Managing Editor DeAnne Toto in late 2010, the company’s CEO Tamara Lundgren said, “We leverage the full cycle of the reclamation process―sourcing product through a wide network at the earliest stages of disposal, maximizing the amount of valuable scrap recovered through our innovative shredding and sorting technologies and producing finished steel products with our own recycled scrap.

“At the earliest stage, our APB (auto parts business) generates multiple value streams for the end-of-life cars it purchases by selling used parts through its retail network, separating valuable nonferrous metals and core parts and ultimately selling the crushed auto bodies to metals recyclers, such as our own MRB (metals recycling business),” she says.

“APB is the largest single supplier to our MRB business in California, but MRB also hosts it own network of 44 facilities that collect scrap within the continental U.S. as well as Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

“Finally, our Steel Manufacturing Business (SMB) sources 100 percent of the scrap metal it uses through our MRB to produce a wide range of products, including reinforcing bar (rebar), coiled rebar, wire rod, merchant bar and other specialty products,” Lundgren continues. “While the mill pays competitive export pricing for its scrap, it benefits from availability and proximity to our MRB, and the close relationship between the businesses helps MRB to improve the size and purity of the products it provides both to SMB and customers globally.”

Another company many readers expect to see among the top five ferrous scrap processors is The David J. Joseph Co., Cincinnati. This division of steel producer Nucor Corp., which boasts 26 million tons of production capacity, processed 5 million tons of ferrous scrap in 2011, the same figure reported by Tube City IMS, Glassport, Pa. Compared with the 3.9 million tons Tube City was estimated to have processed in 2008, its 2011 ferrous scrap volume grew considerably.

Commercial Metals, Irving, Texas, also grew the volume of ferrous scrap it processed relative to 2008, which increased from 2.8 million tons to 3 million tons. This increase caused it to move up one place on the 2012 list to No. 6.

Also advancing in rank from 2009 to 2012 is American Iron & Metal Co. Inc., based in Quebec. In 2011, the company says it processed 1.8 million tons of ferrous scrap. This is an increase of 500,000 tons, or roughly 15 percent, relative to the 1.3 million tons the company processed in 2008.

Big Deal

Judging by the tonnage handled by the 20 largest ferrous scrap processors in North America, it’s easy to see how ferrous scrap ranks among the most highly recycled material. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Washington, D.C., notes that 74 million metric tons of ferrous scrap were processed by the U.S. scrap recycling industry alone in 2010, which amounts to more than 55 percent of the volume of all domestically processed recyclables.
回复: 再探--在加拿大回收废金属之散打篇





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