关于Charter School
众所周知,大部分加拿大地区都有三个并行的教育体系:公立学校(Public school),教会学校(Catholic School)以及私立学校(Private School)。但较少为外界所知的是,比起加拿大的其它省份,阿尔伯塔还有一类介于公立和私立之间的特许学校(Charter School),其代表者就是全省小学排名第三,中学排名十七的Westmont Charter School(注意不是Western Canada高中)。
What is a charter school?
A charter school is a tuition-free public school that provides choice in education.
Recognizing a need for enhanced learning options, Alberta Education legally established charter schools in 1994, making Alberta the first Canadian province to move forward on this exciting path. There are now 13 charter schools operating in Alberta, each designed to implement unique innovations in the organization and delivery of education, which result in improvements in student learning.
Charter schools:
公校的费用,私校的质量是charter school的最大看点。此外,多样化的选择及不受学区限制的校车接送也是charter school的优点。
众所周知,大部分加拿大地区都有三个并行的教育体系:公立学校(Public school),教会学校(Catholic School)以及私立学校(Private School)。但较少为外界所知的是,比起加拿大的其它省份,阿尔伯塔还有一类介于公立和私立之间的特许学校(Charter School),其代表者就是全省小学排名第三,中学排名十七的Westmont Charter School(注意不是Western Canada高中)。
What is a charter school?
A charter school is a tuition-free public school that provides choice in education.
Recognizing a need for enhanced learning options, Alberta Education legally established charter schools in 1994, making Alberta the first Canadian province to move forward on this exciting path. There are now 13 charter schools operating in Alberta, each designed to implement unique innovations in the organization and delivery of education, which result in improvements in student learning.
Charter schools:
- are tuition-free public schools
- are operated by non-profit organizations
- employ Alberta certified teachers
- are accessible to all students
- have no religious affiliation
- offer curriculum approved by Alberta
公校的费用,私校的质量是charter school的最大看点。此外,多样化的选择及不受学区限制的校车接送也是charter school的优点。
最后编辑: 2012-04-26