斯坦福 IT



感恩节到了,Monica 忙着为大家做感恩节大餐,做到一半的时候,Chandler跑进来让大家去天台看热闹,于是一伙人都跟了出去。



Monica: Ok, right about now the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. Why are we standing here?

Rachel: We're waiting for you to open the door. You got the keys.

Monica: No I don't.

Rachel: Yes, you do. When we left, you said, "got the keys."

Monica: No I didn't. I asked, "got the ke-eys?"

Rachel: No, no, no, you said, "got the keys".

Chandler: Do either of you have the keys?

Monica: The oven is on.

Rachel: Oh, I gotta get my ticket!

Joey: Wait, wait, we have a copy of your key.

Monica: Well then get it, get it!

Joey: That tone will not make me go any faster.

Monica: Joey!

Joey: That one will.

Joey: Nope, not that one.

Monica: Can you go any faster with that?

Joey: Hey, I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.


Turkey(火鸡),是过感恩节必吃的一道菜,在看完热闹回来之后,Monica 美滋滋地说现在的火鸡应该被烤得外脆里嫩了(right about now the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside.)Monica用了两个很好的词crispy和juicy来形容她烤的这只火鸡,前者表示松脆,后者表示鲜嫩多汁,让人听了之后不禁垂涎三尺。

正说得起劲的时候,Monica忽然觉得奇怪为什么大家都站在门外(Why are we standing here?) Rachel回答说我们正等着你开门呢,你有钥匙 (You got the keys.) “No I don't (我没有)。”听到Monica这样说,Rachel急了, “你有的啊,我们离开的时候你不是说拿了钥匙吗?(Yes, you do. When we left, you said, "got the keys.") “不是,我是问拿了钥匙了吗?(No I didn't. I asked, "got the ke-eys?") 注意她俩说话的语调,同样一句话 “got the keys”, Rachel用的是降调表示这是一句肯定句,而Monica强调自己用的是升调,所以是句问句,于是误会就这样产生了,搞了半天原来两人谁也没拿钥匙。由此可见我们平时在听说英语的时候也要注意语音语调,因为它能传达文字以外的信息。

还好事情还没那么糟,Joey想起来他们屋里有一把备用钥匙(we have a copy of your key),Monica催促他赶紧去取,结果他拿了一抽屉的钥匙过来,一把一把地在试,Monica不耐烦地说: “Can you go any faster with that? (你能不能快一点啊?” Joey的回答很绝: “Hey, I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.” 钥匙洞只有一个,可钥匙却有无数把,你说Joey怎么快得了。math是算术,是mathematics的简写,You do the math 意思就是 “你自个儿去算吧”,怎么样,是不是很简单实用?下回你要表达相同意思时,记得用这句话噢!


be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside

you do the math



圣诞节快要到了,Chandler和老友们约好说这次圣诞节就他们六个人一起吃年夜饭, 不准有其它约会(Just the six of us- dinner.)。



Phoebe: I just- I just wanna be with him all the time. Day and night, and night and day... and special occasions...

Chandler: Wait a minute, wait a minute, I see where this is going, you're gonna ask him to New Year's, aren't you. You're gonna break the pact. She's gonna break the pact.

Phoebe: No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, could I just…?

Chandler: Yeah, 'cause I already asked Janice.

Monica: What?!

Ross: C'mon, this was a pact! This was your pact!

Chandler: I snapped, okay? I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped.

Monica: Yeah, but Janice? That-that was like the worst breakup in history!

Chandler: I'm not saying it was a good idea, I'm saying I snapped!


刚刚坠入爱河的恋人们总是恨不得每天都粘在一起,就像Phoebe说得那样:I just wanna be with him all the time. Day and night, and night and day...(日日夜夜),and special occasions...(还有一些特殊场合)。听到这儿,Chandler有点反应过来了:“Wait a minute, wait a minute, I see where this is going, 这句话颇有点像我们中文所说的“我知道你葫芦里装的是什么药了" ,圣诞节不就可以算是个 “特殊场合” 吗?所以Chandler猜测Phoebe想和他的男友一起过圣诞 (you're gonna ask him to New Year's, aren't you.),这样的话Phoebe就要打破他们先前的约定了(She's gonna break the pact)。pact就是 “约定” 的意思,它既可以指那些非常正式的,比方说国与国之间的互不侵犯协定 (e.g. The two countries signed a non-aggression pact.), 也可以是几个人之间的口头约定, 譬如:We made a pact never to tell anyone about what had happened.

既然和别人有了约定就应该遵守,break the pact 总是要被人骂的,所以当Chandler一语道破Phoebe的心思之后,她起先还一个劲地否认,最后才不好意思说:“Yeah, could I just…(是的,我能不能…?)” 没料到Chandler居然也回答说Yeah, 因为他自己也约了别人('cause I already asked Janice.) 这下大伙都跳了起来,要知道那个pact可是Chandler提出来的, 难怪Ross说: “This was your pact!” 自知理亏的Chandler只得承认自己受不了新年没有约会的压力,出尔反尔(I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped) 。handle 是一个常用的动词,看它的拼写我们就不难想象出它的意思,需要用hand来做的事情总是比较复杂的,因此handle就可解释为 “处理” 棘手的情况、问题或是人,比如:She's very good at handling difficult customers. 而pressure (压力)就属难对付的情况之一,有些人就处理不好,像Chandler在压力之下就 “啪” 地一声被折断了( snap的基本含义.) 。顺便说一下,handle也可作名词,表示 “把手”, 如:She turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Monica更是想不通Chandler为什么偏偏还要约他的前女友Janice, 在和她分手之后,Chandler曾夸张地告诉大伙说那是史上最糟糕的分手 (That was like the worst breakup in history!) 面对Monica的诘问,Chandler只能辩解道:“我又没说这是个好主意,我说我受不了了嘛!(I'm not saying it was a good idea, I'm saying I snapped!)”


sign / make / break a pact

handle something / somebody

Chandler 平时的工作是做一些数字处理方面的事,最近他的上司想把他提升为主管(supervisor), 可Chandler却辞职不干了,理由是他觉得这个工作不够cool。


Joey: Hey Chandler, while you were sleeping that guy from your old job called again.

Chandler: Again?

Joey: And again, and again, and again... Hello? And again.

Chandler: (on phone) Hey Mr. Kostelic! How's life on the fifteenth floor? (Listens) Yeah, I miss you too. (Listens) Yeah, it's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know? (Listens) Well, that's very generous (Listens) er, but look, this isn't about the money. I need something that's more than a job. I need something I can really care about.... (Listens) And that's on top of the yearly bonus structure you mentioned earlier? (Listens) Look, Al, Al... I'm not playing hardball here, OK? This is not a negotiation, this is a rejection! (Listens) No! No! No, stop saying numbers! I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy! You've got the wrong guy! (Listens) I'll see you on Monday!


Chandler以前的上司 (Mr. Kostelic) 以为他是因为钱的原因而辞职不干的,所以又打电话过来和Chandler商量。Chandler先是有些嘲讽地问候Mr. Kostelic, 然后说 “Yeah, it's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know? (是啊,你知道啦,从自己家里偷笔太没满足感了)。” 我本人蛮喜欢Chandler的这种幽默的,不过我也在猜想他平时是不是老从公司 “揩油” 啊?

接着Mr. Kostelic报了一个很generous (慷慨)的待遇, 但Chandler好像不为所动,他解释说这根本不是钱的问题,他想要的也不仅仅是一份工作,而是想做一些他能真正在乎的事情 (This isn't about the money. I need something that's more than a job. I need something I can really care about....)。大家不妨背一背这句话,在面试的时候拿出来show一下,说不定有奇效呢,呵呵。

显然Mr. Kostelic根本不理会Chandler刚才说的那一套,有一句谚语中西方都有,那就是 “有钱能使鬼推磨” (Money makes the mare go.) 于是他告诉Chandler说他刚才所讲的待遇可是额外于年终奖金的 (That's on top of the yearly bonus structure.) 他肯定觉得Chandler是在故做姿态以便讨价还价,但Chandler 说: “I'm not playing hardball here, OK? This is not a negotiation, this is a rejection! ” play hardball 原本是垒球术语,表示使用标准的硬球,后来引申为 “使用非常手段,有时甚至是不光彩的手段来取得胜利”,这个短语在商业或政治方面尤其常用,又比如:

Bush officials set to play hardball for tax cut.


面对这么丰厚的待遇Chandler不动心才怪,再加上Ross、Joey和其上司的一再劝说,在一连串的NO之后, 他终于气鼓鼓地接受了这个 “硬塞给他的工作”!


yearly bonus

play hardball



Ross: Uh, Rach, we're running low on resumes over here.

Monica: Do you really want a job with Popular Mechanics?

Chandler: Well, if you're gonna work for mechanics, those are the ones to work for.

Rachel: Hey, look, you guys, I'm going for anything here, OK? I cannot be a waitress anymore, I mean it. I'm sick of the lousy tips, I'm sick of being called 'Excuse me...'

Ross: Rach, did you proofread these?

Rachel: Uh... yeah, why?

Ross: Uh, nothing, I'm sure they'll be impressed with your excellent compuper skills.

Rachel: Oh my Goood!


Ross负责的是头道工序,也就是将Rachel的简历(resume)折起来,然后再交给Joey装进信封。过了一会儿,他对Rachel说:“Uh, Rach, we're running low on resumes over here.” 听到这句话,我想大家应该能明白Ross的意思是说他们那里的简历快没了,可反过来要是我们想表达“什么东西快没有了”,大家是否会用这个非常简单的词组 running low on sth 呢? 至少我以前是不会说 We are running low on milk 来表示牛奶快喝完了。

Rachel好像急于想换新工作,她甚至向机械方面的专业杂志Popular Mechanics投了简历。Rachel之所以这么“饥不择食”是因为她不想再当咖啡馆的女招待了(I cannot be a waitress anymore, I mean it.) 如果你想要强调自己所说的话是当真的,你就可以像Rachel一样在句子后面加上 I mean it。接下去她又说:“I'm sick of the lousy tips, I'm sick of being called 'Excuse me...' be sick of sth 也是一个常用的口语,表示 “对…感到很不高兴或是反感”。我们知道从事服务性行业的人都会有可能得到小费 (get a tip), 在国外尤其如此,而且数目不小。但在刚才的句子中,Rachel却用了lousy这个词来形容她所得到的小费少得可怜;这是一个非正式词语,就相当于bad, 比如我们还可以说:lousy weather, a lousy singer 等等。

就在大家快要完工的时候,Ross突然问Rachel有没有校对过她写的简历(Rach, did you proofread these?)我们听到她有点心虚地回答说yeah, 然后问怎么了。 “哦,没什么,我肯定他们会对你优秀的compuper skills留下印象(Uh, nothing, I'm sure they'll be impressed with your excellent compuper skills.)”原来粗心的Rachel把computer 给拼错了,害得大家白忙活了一场!


running low on sth

I mean it!

be sick of sth

lousy tips / weather / singer etc.



Rachel: How come you guys have never played poker with us?

Phoebe: Yeah, what is that? Like, some kind of guy thing? Like, some kind of sexist guy thing? Like it's poker, so only guys can play?

Ross: No, women are welcome to play.

Phoebe: Oh, OK, so then what is it? Some kind of... you know, like, like... some kind of, y'know, like... alright, what is it?

Chandler: There just don't happen to be any women in our games.

Joey: Yeah, we just don't happen to know any women that know how to play poker.

Girls: Oh, yeah, right.

Monica: Oh, please, that is such a lame excuse!

Rachel: Really.

Monica: I mean, that's a typical guy response.

Ross: Excuse me, do any of you know how to play?

Girls: No.

Rachel: But you could teach us.

Guys: No.


说到“打牌”,我们通常会想到play cards,但在刚才的对话中,我们听到的是play poker, 别以为两者是一回事,play poker可是要输钱或是赢钱的!Rachel觉得很奇怪为什么“他们”从来不和“她们”玩牌,于是她问:“How come you guys have never played poker with us?” how come 和why一样也可以用来引导一个问句,所不同的是,如果你用how come来提问就表示说你觉得某件事很奇怪,有点想不通。比方说星期一早上我应该起床去上班的,可等我妈妈买菜回来一看我还在呼呼大睡时就可以问:“ How come you are still sleeping? ” 还有一点需要注意,那就是以how come开头的问句使用的仍是陈述句的句式。

Rachel的诘问马上得到了Phoebe的附和,她接着问道: “Yeah, what is that? Like, some kind of guy thing? Like, some kind of sexist guy thing? Like it's poker, so only guys can play? (是啊,这是怎么回事?好像这是男人做事情,就好像这是扑克,只有男人们才能玩似的?)” 一般来说,女生总是play cards, 而男生则喜欢play poker, 当然这也不一定,所以Ross回答说: “No, women are welcome to play.” 然后Chandler和Joey补充说他们只是碰巧没遇上会玩扑克的女生 (Yeah, we just don't happen to know any women that know how to play poker.)。happen to do sth表示 “碰巧怎么样” 比如:I happened to meet an old friend in town. 另外,在问别人借东西的时候,譬如借一支钢笔,我们也可以说:“Do you happen to have a pen I can borrow?” 这样就会给人感觉相当的礼貌。

听完那些guys 所给的理由之后,Monica叫了起来: “Oh, please, that is such a lame excuse!” lame这个词的意思是 “跛足的、腐腿的”, 但现在我们通常很少用它来形容人,因为这会让人听了不舒服,所以lame经常被用来修饰excuse、explanation 或arguments等词,表示 “站不住脚的”。可结果Ross的一句问话证明他们刚才所说的并不是a lame excuse.


play poker

how come …?

happen to do sth

lame excuse / explanation / arguments



Danielle: Chandler?

Chandler: Danielle! Hi! Uh- everybody, this is Danielle, Danielle, everybody.

All: Hi. Hi.

Chandler: What are you doing here?

Danielle: Well, I've been calling you, but it turns out I had your number wrong. And when I finally got the right one from Information, there was no answer. So I thought I'd just come down here, and make sure you were okay.

Chandler: ...I'm, I'm okay.

Danielle: Listen uh, maybe we could get together later?

Chandler: That sounds good. I'll call you- or you call me, whatever...

Danielle: You got it.

Chandler: Okay.

Danielle: G'bye, everybody.

All: Bye.

Phoebe: Whoo-hoo!

Monica: Yeah, there you go!

Ross: Second date!

Chandler: ...I don’t know.

Rachel: You don't know?!

Chandler: Well, she seems very nice and everything, but that whole thing about her coming all the way down here, just to see if I was okay? I mean,... how needy is that?


Danielle可不像Chandler那样喜欢玩欲擒故纵的游戏,第一次约会后她就一直在打Chandler的电话,可结果发现她把号码给搞错了(Well, I've been calling you, but it turns out I had your number wrong.)。turn out 这个词组在这里表示“…证明为,”它经常以这样的句型出现 it turns out (that)...比如:It turns out that I was right all along. 当Danielle终于得到正确的号码再打给Chandler时,却没人接电话 (And when I finally got the right one from Information, there was no answer.) 注意这句话中的Information首字母大写,特指美国的电话查号台,就相当于我们这里的114。

在说明了来由之后,Danielle 试探性地问道:“Listen uh, maybe we could get together later?”还是Danielle采取了主动想再次约会Chandler,但由于他们才约会了一次,彼此都还不是很熟悉,再加上Danielle还不能确定Chandler是否愿意再同自己约会,所以她在问句中用了maybe和could这两个词,使句子听上去比较委婉。Danielle这样一问可正中Chanlder的下怀,可他还是“矜持”地回答说:“听上去不错,我再打电话给你吧,或者你打给我,怎么样都行(That sounds good. I'll call you- or you call me, whatever...)。”whatever用在口语里面可以表示任何一种选择都可以,你并不介意,又比如说:What can I offer you? Coffee, tea, lemonade? Oh, I don’t care. Whatever. 再看一下Danielle的回答,她说:“You got it.” 又是一个很口语化的表达法,它在这里的意思就是“听你的”,当我们表示同意按别人的要求或是想法去做某事时,除了最平常的Okay外,也可以说You got it.

Danielle走后,老友们都为Chandler感到高兴,Monica欢呼道:“Yeah, there you go!” there you go 这个表达法在不同的上下文中有不同的意思,它既可以用来褒贬某人的行为,也可以表示接受某件不如意的事情。在刚才那一句中,Monica所说的there you go 是用来增强Chandler的信心的,又比如:There you go! I told you it was easy. 另外, there you go 有时也可以说成there you are 。

按说Chandler的目的达到了,他应该觉得很兴奋才对,可此时他却提不起劲来,理由是:Well, she seems very nice and everything, but that whole thing about her coming all the way down here, just to see if I was okay? I mean,... how needy is that? 可能很多人都没想到need还有形容词形式needy,它除了用来形容那些生活贫困、缺衣少食的人之外,还可以形容某人在精神方面很需要关爱,例如:Sally was very insecure and needy. 先前Chandler可是一直坐立不安地在等Danielle的电话,一副 “needy” 样,可现在他反而嫌Danielle太needy了。看来 “女人太主动,男人就不珍惜” 这句话还真没说错呢!


it turns out (that)


you got it.

there you go





Phoebe: Ooh, oh, I've gotta go. Whoa, oh, head rush. One more, and then I have to go. (sits down, and then raises again) Cool!

Rachel: Where are you going?

Phoebe: Um, oh, I've got a birthday party, with some work people.

Chandler: Work people? Nobody told me.

Phoebe: No, I know. That's a part of the whole, you know, them-not-liking-you-extravaganza.

Chandler: You know, I don't get this. A month ago, these people were my friends. You know, just because I'm in charge doesn't mean I'm a different person.

Phoebe: Well, then you should come tonight. You know, just hang out with them. Let them see what a great guy you still are.

Chandler: You think I should?

Phoebe: I really do, yeah.

Chandler: Okay.

Phoebe: Okay.

Chandler: Okay.

Phoebe: Oh, but, could we not go together? I,I don't wanna be the geek that invited the boss.


大家肯定有过这样的经历,在一个地方蹲久了或是坐久了,然后一下子站起来的话会感到头晕得厉害,这种感觉就是Phoebe所说的head rush。她急着要和那些同事们去参加一个生日聚会 (I've got a birthday party, with some work people.) 这时Chandler跳出来说:“和同事?没人告诉我嘛 (Work people? Nobody told me.)” 这不正好说明那些同事们不喜欢Chandler吗?要不然怎么会不邀请他呢?所以Phoebe 才说:“That's a part of the whole, you know, them-not-liking-you-extravaganza.” extravaganza是指场景壮观,服饰华丽的娱乐表演,每逢特殊日子我们在电视上就能看到这样的节目;Phoebe故意用这么一个“大词”来起到一个夸张的效果。Chandler果然深感郁闷,他说:“I don't get this.” 很简单的一个字get在这里表示的是understand的意思,又比如别人讲了一个笑话给你听,一边说时还一边乱笑,可你听完之后并不觉得有什么好笑之处,这时你就可以说:I didn’t get the joke. What’s so funny about it? Chandler 搞不懂的是:一个月以前那些人还是他的朋友, 现在虽然他任主管了,但这并不意味着他就变成另外一个人了。再听一下他是怎么来说这段话的, “A month ago, these people were my friends. You know, just because I'm in charge doesn't mean I'm a different person.” in charge就是主管的意思,比如我们要问“谁主管这里?”,就可以说:Who’s in charge here? Philip’s in charge of our marketing department. 另外,在Chandler所说的话中还有一个非常好的表达法值得我们来效仿,那就是 just because …doesn’t mean, 例如:

Just because he’s rich, it doesn’t mean he’s better than us.

Just because I'm lending you my dress for tonight, that doesn't mean you can borrow it whenever you want to.

看到Chandler这么郁闷,Phoebe就建议他和她一起去参加聚会,让大家了解他依旧是原来的他 (Well, then you should come tonight. You know, just hang out with them. Let them see what a great guy you still are.) hang out 也是口语中经常会用到的词组,表示经常在某个特定的地方或是和某些特定的人消磨时间,比如:

She knew all the clubs where he usually hung out.

On the weekend I like to just hang out with my friends.

虽然Phoebe私自邀请了Chandler, 但临出门时她还是对他说:“Oh, but, could we not go together? I,I don't wanna be the geek that invited the boss.” 聚会上不请自到的人大多不太会受到欢迎,更何况那人还是平时的顶头上司,因此我们不难理解Phoebe为什么要提那样的 “请求”了。


head rush

I don’t get it.

in charge (of)

just because …doesn’t mean

hang out

Ross 的生日快到了,Chandler已暗地里为他准备好了“节目”:


Chandler: Ok, while Ross is on the phone, everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.

Phoebe: Um, is, is there any chance that you're rounding up? Y'know, like from 20 ?

Chandler: Hey, come on, we got the gift, the concert, and the cake.

Joey: Do we need a cake?

Chandler: Look guys, I know it's a little steep.

Rachel: Yeah, whoosh! (Imitates going over a cliff with her hand.)

Chandler: But it's Ross.

Phoebe: It's Ross.

Joey: Yeah, you're right.

Chandler: Alright, okay, I’ll see you guys later, I gotta go.


乘Ross在打电话的时候(while Ross is on the phone), Chandler向其它几个老友提到了为Ross过生日的费用问题,他说:“你们每人欠我62块钱(everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.)“钱” 我们都知道是money, 但在口语中老美们经常用的是buck这个字,比如 “挣钱”就可以说成make a buck / make a few bucks。注意到没有?buck是个可数名词,因此它也可以用来代替 a dollar, 那么1美元就是one buck。顺便说一下,如果是1000美元的话,通常不说1000 bucks, 而是 one grand。再来看几个和buck有关的例句:

Everyone’s trying to think of ways to make a few bucks.

This guy makes serious money, I mean big bucks.

平时我们在算钱的时候免不了会出现几毛几分这样的零钱,为了方便我们经常会把零头部分去掉以求个整数,用英语来表示的话就是round down,比如:The total came to $10.04, but she rounded it down to $10. 而在上面的对话中,Phoebe用的却是round up, 她觉得62块钱这数字太高了,所以就调侃Chandler说:“是不是有可能你把20块给整成62块了?(Um, is, is there any chance that you're rounding up? Y'know, like from 20 ?)” 哈,Phoebe说起话来就是这样离谱,20块钱到62块钱哪是什么round up呀,分明就是rip off (欺诈) 嘛!所以Chandler一听马上喊冤道:“Hey, come on, we got the gift, the concert, and the cake.”

生日礼物、蛋糕、再加上音乐会,花费的确不小,Chandler自己也承认说:“Look guys, I know it's a little steep.” steep这个词的本意是指斜坡、楼梯等的陡峭,但它也可以用来形容价格过高或要求不合理,例如:

We enjoyed our meal at the restaurant, but the bill was a bit steep.

The membership fees at the golf club are pretty steep.

"She expects me to take her children to school for her every day." "That's a bit steep."

Chandler话音刚落,Rachel就用手模拟了一座悬崖峭壁来表示62块钱可不只是a little steep, 最后Chandler只能说:“But it's Ross.”为了朋友有人还两胁插刀呢,花点钱算得了什么?


make a buck / make a few bucks

round down / up


Monica 刚被提升为厨师长兼采购主管,兴奋异常的她要和大伙一起出去庆祝一下(go out and celebrate),并且说要找个好点的地方 (someplace nice)。好地方就意味着好价钱,在一家档次比较高的餐厅吃完饭后,大伙又谈到了钱的问题:


Rachel: (to Joey and Phoebe) Ok, look you guys, I really don't want to get into this right now. I think it'll just make everyone uncomfortable.

Phoebe: Fine. All right, fine.

Joey: Yeah.

Chandler: You can tell us.

Ross: Hello, it's us, all right? It'll be fine.

Monica: Yeah!

Joey: Ok, um, uh, we three feel like, that uh, sometimes you guys don't get that uh... We don't have as much money as you.

Monica: Ok.

Ross: I hear ya.

Chandler: We can talk about that.

Phoebe: Well, then...Let's.

Ross: Well umm I, I just never think of money as an issue.

Rachel: That's cause you have it.

Ross: That's a good point.

Chandler: So um, how come you guys haven't talked about this before?

Joey: 'Cause it's always somethin', you know, like with Monica's new job, or the whole Ross's birthday hoopla.

Ross: Wha—Whoa, hey, I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative—there's gonna be a hoopla?


朋友之间谈到钱的问题时总会让人有些不自在,尤其是当自己囊中羞涩的时候,所以Rachel 说她不想在此刻提这事(Ok, look you guys, I really don't want to get into this right now. I think it'll just make everyone uncomfortable.)。而Ross,Monica和Chandler三人觉得朋友之间嘛有什么不能谈的,于是Joey 在支吾了老半天之后,终于憋出他、Rachel和Phoebe三人的心声,那就是 “we three feel like, that uh, sometimes you guys don't get that uh... We don't have as much money as you.” 说完之后,情况果然有些尴尬,大伙一时都不知说什么好,Ross最后来了一句“Well umm I, I just never think of money as an issue. (我从来没想到钱会个问题)” 真是站着说话不腰疼,他薪水不错,当然不用愁钱,所以Rachel马上抢白道“That's cause you have it.” Ross 也意识到自己说错话,于是就说“That's a good point.” point 作为名词其最基本的意思就是 “尖端,尖点”,数学符号中的小数点也是point, 证券市场中上升或下降了几个点也可以用point表示,如:The pound fell several points on the Stock Market today. 此外, point 还经常用来表示 “论点、观点、要点” 等等,比如有人就某个问题滔滔不绝地说了老半天但就是没切中要害,这时你就可以问“What’s your point?” 或者也可以这样说 “We haven’t got all day, so please get to the point.” 要是对方说了一个观点你觉得很对,就可以用Ross所说的那句“That's a good point ”或者是“You’ve got a point.” 还有I see/take your point or point taken也是一个常用的表达法,它表示虽然你并不赞同对方的某些观点,但你能理解对方为什么这么说。

Chandler觉得有些奇怪为什么Joey他们以前从没提起过“经济困难”的问题,所以就问 “So um, how come you guys haven't talked about this before? ” Joey 回答说是因为老是有事情发生,比如Monica的新工作啦,Ross要过生日啦,在这种时候说没钱不免有些扫兴。听到他们要给自己过生日,而且还是hoopla, Ross有点抑制不住自己的兴奋了。hoopla 这个词在英国是用来指那种投环套物的游戏,在美国它主要用来表示一种“喧闹或兴奋”,或者是媒体对于某件事情的大肆传宣,例如:

A lot of hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.

In spite of all the media hoopla, the public has shown little interest in the space program this year.


come/get to the point

I see/take your point or point taken

you’ve got a point or that’s a point




Chandler: Gee, Monica, what's in the bag?

Monica: I don't know, Chandler. Let's take a look.

Phoebe: Oh, it's like a skit.

Monica: Why, it's dinner for six. 5 steaks, and an eggplant for Phoebe.

Ross: Whoo!

Phoebe: Cool.

Monica: Yeah, we switched meat suppliers at work, and the new guys gave me the steaks as sort of a thank you.

Ross: But wait, there's more. Hey, Chandler, what is in the envelope?

Chandler: By the way, this didn't seem so dorky in the hall.

Ross: Come on.

Chandler: Why, it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish! The Blowfish!

Monica: It's on us, all right, so don't worry. It's our treat.


skit 是幽默小品文章或短剧,不知大家有没有觉得Chandler和Monica 之间的对话一唱一答的,搞得像说相声一样,难怪Phoebe 说“Oh, it's like a skit.”

那袋子里有什么呢?“Why, it's dinner for six. 5 steaks, and an eggplant for Phoebe.”原来是用作晚餐的五块牛排,还是一只为Phoebe准备的茄子(因为她是素食主义者)。这句话开头的这个why,和第一句当中的gee 一样,都是语气词,它们总是放在句首,用来表示一种“惊讶”,比如:Why, I bet you never had the slightest intention of keeping your promise.(哈,我敢说你从来就没有一点点说话算数的意思。) 看过上篇讲解的朋友们都知道Monica现在是餐厅的采购主管,于是她把肉品供应商给换了 (we switched meat suppliers at work) ,而这五块牛排就是那家新的供应商给的,算是一点“小意思” (and the new guys gave me the steaks as sort of a thank you.)

接下来Ross又加入“表演”了,他问Chandler信封里有什么 (But wait, there's more. Hey, Chandler, what is in the envelope?) “Why, it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish!(是六张去Hootie and the Blowfish音乐会的门票)” 听到这个好消息,Phoebe、Rachel和Joey三个人应该很兴奋才对呀?怎么没反应呢?Chandler又强调了一下说 “The Blowfish!”, 还是没反应。

Monica猜想他们可能又在担心没钱的问题,所以赶紧说“It's on us, all right, so don't worry. It's our treat.” 平时我们吃别人吃什么东西时总会说“这算在我头上”,用英文说的话就可以是“It’s on me.”, 很简单吧。当然你也可以说 “It’s my treat.” treat作为名词的话可以解释为“款待、招待、请客”。又比如吃完饭结帐时,如果你想请客,就可以说“I’d like this lunch to be my treat.”要是你和对方比较熟的话,也可以简单地说一句“This is my treat.”




It’s on me.

This is my treat.


Monica: (on phone) Yeah, hi, it's Monica. I just got paged.

Chandler: I'm just saying that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.

Joey: And you feel like we hold you back.

Chandler: Yes.

Rachel: Oh!

Chandler: No.

Monica: Leon, Leon. Shhh! Guys. (They quiet down.) Wait, I don't understand. Those steaks were just a gift from the meat vendor. That was not a kick back. I'll just replace them and we can forget the whole thing. What corporate policy? No. (Listens) Yeah. (Listens) Okay. (Hangs up) I just got fired.


对于page这个词, 我们最熟悉的解释就是“页数”,其实它还可以作动词使用,表示“呼叫某人”,在beeper (呼机) 大行其道的时候,page的使用频率可是相当高的,那时我们总会说“有事呼我”(You can always page me if anything important comes up.)在Monica所说的 “I just got paged.” 这一句话中,page 就是作此解释。

在Monica回电的时候,其他几个老友又争论起关于花钱的事情来了,Chandler说“I'm just saying that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.(我只是说有时候我们喜欢做一些需要花多一点钱的事情)”stuff 是经常出现在口语中的一个词,它可以笼统地表示“任何东西或是事情”,注意这是个不可数名词,例如:

What’s all this stuff on my desk?

I’m telling him we don’t want all that stupid stuff here.

I think he has the right stuff for the job.

Chandler, Ross和Monica三个人赚钱比较多,因此就比较“小资”, 可Joey、Rachel和Phoebe三人的情况就不同了,所以Joey马上说“And you feel like we hold you back.(你觉得是我们拖累你们了)” hold back 也是个常用的词组, 它可以用来表示 “阻止、阻碍、防止移动”等意思,如:

No one can hold back the wheel of history.

Her hair was held back by two clips.

hold back 还常常表示“抑制某种感情”:

Joe held back his anger.

She bit her lip to hold back the tears.

Joey所说的正是Chandler所想的,所以他就很诚实地回应说Yes, 这下可引发了一声场口水大战,害得在一旁打电话的Monica都听不到电话那头在说什么了。等她让大伙安静下来之后,却发现自己被解雇了,原因是她拿了供应商的“小礼物”,而公司却认为是 “a kick back”, 也就是 “回扣”。



hold back

kick back

这一天Ross 带着他和前妻生的儿子Ben来Monica家里玩。有趣的是,每当Monica一抱Ben,他就开始哭,弄得Monica十分沮丧地说:


Monica: He hates me. My nephew hates me.

Ross: Come on, don't do this.

Monica: What if my own baby hates me? Huh? What am I gonna do then?

Chandler: Monica, will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet.


“My nephew hates me(我的侄子恨我)” 听到Monica这么说,Ross马上安慰她道“Come on, don’t do this.” come on 可以说是口语中出现频率最高的几个词组之一,它在不同的情况下可以表达不同的含义,在刚才的对话中,Ross 说come on 是用来安慰Monica的,他的儿子Ben怎么会恨Monica呢,可能只是不喜欢被她抱而已。come on还可以用来催促别人,如:Come on! We’re going to be late. 生活中有些人很喜欢打架,碰上点事情就会拉开架式,嘴里喊着come on向别人挑衅。此外,当别人说了一些让你难以置信的话时,你也可以说上一句 come on 以示怀疑。

Ross的安慰显然不起作用,Monica担心地说:“What if my own baby hates me? Huh? What am I gonna do then (如果我自己的孩子恨我呢?那时我该怎么办? ” 这时,在一旁的Chandler听不下去了,他觉得Monica未免担心过早了一点,她连男朋友都还没有呢,还谈什么孩子呀,所以他有点刻薄地说“Monica, will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet.” 在这句话中,this is nuts其实就是 this is crazy的意思。Nut这个词的本意是“坚果”, 但在俚语中,nut可以用来指人,比如说 He is a nut.意思是“他是个疯子”。又比如说有些人对于某项活动特别爱好,以至于到了疯狂的地步,这时我们也能用nut来指这类人,例如:Ian's a tennis nut - he plays every day. nut的复数形式nuts可以作为形容词来用,意思和用法都和crazy 一样,可以直接跟在动词后面,例:

You must be nuts to go climbing mountains in winter.

My sister will go nuts when she finds out I've lost her key.

Sophie's nuts about dinosaurs (恐龙).

I'm nuts over Harrison Ford.


come on

nut & nuts

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