斯坦福 IT


  • 主题发起人 Beijing2008
  • 发布时间 2007-03-04


有些人考TOEFL,雅试拉得了较高的分,很得意,没错,考好了该得意.但是这些考试是为英语为第二语言者设立的.考了满分充其量如NATIVE 高中生.要在学习工作中运用自如还远呢.很多TOEFL高分者到了美加学习发现听也听不懂,说也说不了,国内听久了发久了的音到了北美很难改,最要命的是写作,写的不知所云.所以与其在国内拼命读,不如到了加拿大强化训炼.在国内多花时间掌握技能如编程什么的.



我没特别的办法,要指望一日千里也不现实,日积月累,还要有悟性,但勤奋占99%.我在MCGILL上了两个学位,本身就是一个好的环境,再加上每天看电视,多找老外学生LANGUAGE EXCHANGE,工作以后,我主动做COORDINATOR,慢慢就到了一定阶段,虽然口音难改,但已达了可在大学教书的水平.网站用的很少,主要还是专业训练,比如选修大学里的ACADEMIC WRITING, Pronunciation,多写Summary,review,abstract,这些靠大量的阅读,我在本站文学论坛里贴有我写的看了初唐诗一书的SUMMARY,就是一例,我贴在这里供大家参考.

Stephen Owen's "The Poetry of the Early T'ang (1977)"
***Stephen Owen, professor of East Asian Studies, Harvard University

In this essay, I will review the main viewpoints of the book " The Poetry of
the Early Tang" written by Stephen Owen. These main viewpoints are court
poetry, its opposition poetics, and important poets of the Early Tang. In the
end of this report, the summary and the arguments will be given.

Stephen Owen's "The Poetry of the Early T'ang (1977)"chronologically,
systematically studied the whole poetry of the Early Tang. He solved the
following problems:

What process was that the Regulated Verse, as Recent Poem, was
formulated and gradually became a unified style? Why the "old " poem,
especially seven characters old poem, became popular in High Tang and
Middle Tang and evolved into fixed style away from court poetry through
numerous tries and considerable reforms by the Early Tang poets? What kind of
the historical positions have the Early Tang's poets such as the Four Talents
of the Early Tang, Chen Tze-ang, Tu shen-yen, Shen Chuan-chi, and Sung Chih-
wen? What characteristics are there in Court Poetry and its opposition

What is court poetry? 宫廷诗

Court poetry is the poetry referred to later Southern Dynasties, Sui, and
Early Tang (page 1). Court poetry mainly has two styles. One is the imitation
of folk lyrics, Yuefu. The other is the formal occasional poem (正规应制诗) (page5). Court
poetry has the following characteristics and conventions (page 5-13):

・ Basic, prearranged themes and forms set by court
・ Gracious adornments
・ Creative imitation
・ Novelty of expression
・ Fixed structural conventions
・ Of rules of rhetoric and decorum
・ Lexical decorum
・ Recurring elegant terms
・ Each sub-genre with its own conventions
・ Tripartite form
・ Parallel couplet

The last two characteristics are the most important techniques in court
poetry. "Tripartite form" consists of three parts, respectively topic,
descriptive amplification, and response (page 234).

Usually a poet begins his poem with gracious statement as possible as he can.
Then he amplifies the theme with two or more descriptive parallel couplets in
the middle of the poem. In the end of the poem, the poet always sends the
messages of personal reaction to the scene. These messages can be a witty
compliment, an intrusion of personal opinion, some observation, some witty
idea, or emotion and sentiment. Court poetry dominated the whole early Tang.
The forms, themes, and stylistic conventions were taken by many great poets of
the eighth and ninth centuries. While the clearest picture was reflected from
the last year of Empress Wu's region and from the second reigns of Chung-Tsung
and Jui-Tsung, because more materials including poems, complete poem series
and anecdotes were survived than those of other reigns. So the forms, genres
and sub-genres of writing a court poem were clearly mirrored from the picture
of courtly composition from the beginning of the year 708 to next two
decades (page 234). As mentioned above, the fixed technique to compose a court
poem is to use the " Tripartite Form"(三段论) . The conventions including "Tripartite
Form" contributed to the formation of the regulated verse (律诗) , Lu shi, basically
combing the very common eight-line poem, certain rules of tonal decorum, and
the tripartite form (page 235).

Other early poetry that ignored its proprieties or avoided them, associated
with the presouthern Dynasties, developed into " old poetry", Gu-
Shi. The tripartite form was widely used in both regulated verse, Lushi,
and "old poetry", Gushi .(page 236) Although some great poets such as
Chen Ziang tried to use different structural principles in poems, most other
poets unavoidably manipulated the structure for their own purposes. In a word,
the "tripartite form" is the most essential part in the poetry of Early Tang.
The other technique is the parallel couplet that is very useful for courtier
who is required impromptu to compose a poem if he masters it effectively (page
238-246). Certain changes and developments to the styles of the High Tang can
be seen from the intrusion of individuality into court poetry and the broken
of rigid codes of decorum and normative conventions of earlier court poetry
during the period of Empress Wu's reign and her successor's reigns. The amount
of personal poetry and informal occasional poetry increased although court
poems and formal occasional poems still dominated the period ( Part 4,the
court poets of empress Wu and Chung-Tsung 680-710,page 224-380).There are
numerous court poets in the Early Tang. Only a few of them survived their
poems. The representatives are Shang-Kuanyi (page page 72), Tu shen-yen (page
325), Sung Chih-wen (page 364), and Shen Chuan-chi (page 334). The later two
poets contributed to the perfection of the regulated verse (page 334&364 ).The
topics of court poetry cover many aspects of the life of the court, private
banquet, " poetry on things", parting poem, verse letters including travel
poems, and new songs (page 256-324).

What is opposition poetics?和对立论

The opposition poetics, as the immediate reaction to the court poetry, has
different definitions to different people. Unfortunately, it has only theory
lack of practice. In some extent, it is a kind of "fu-ku", "return to
antiquity". It strongly rejects those poems lack of directness and concision,
political import, morality. In short, it opposes all characteristics of the
court poetry (page 14). Thus, the " opposition poetics" is not completely the
return to antiquity although sometimes it implies the meaning in some cases.
The representative literal theory works of the opposition poetics are "Wen-hsin
Tiao-Lung" by Liu Hsieh (page 15) and " Essay on Insect Carving " by Pei Tze-
yeh (page 16). The representative poets who use their own special structural
principles and styles to compose poems are Sui Wen-Ti (page 16) and his son Sui
Yang-Ti (page 20), Wei Zheng, Li Pai-Yao (page 27-41), Wang Chi (page 61-71).

However, the great literary reformation away from the court poetry, began in
the year 661 (page 80). The four talents of Early Tang (初唐四杰) played very important
role in departure from the courtly , although they still composed lots of
court poetry. They respectively created their own styles. Strictly speaking,
Yang Chiung never really formed his own style and could not be regarded as the
reformer of the courtly (page 81), although later people classified them
as a homogeneous family. Chen Tze-ang (661-702) is regarded as the first
conqueror of the court poetry (page 153). He encouraged directness and
concision, admired elegance and "Bi-xing", rejected completely soft, erotic and
over decorum of the Six-Dynasties, and interested in restoring to the style
of Han and Wei (Fu-Gu). His poetry was united with plentiful contents and
straight forms. His verses were full of directness and concision. He stressed
social, political, and practical meanings of the reality. Therefore, he is
esteemed as the forerunner of the reformation of the Early Tang (part Three:
Chen Tze-ang, page 151-223).

The summary and arguments:

The book gives us the whole picture of the poetry of Early Tang. The
conventions of the poetry of the Early Tang provided poets in High Tang with a
set of composition skills and forms. The poets of the High Tang increased
their individuality and other structural principles. Although there are
differences between the two periods, no evidence shows absolute isolation
existing between them. In contrast, most poets in High Tang inherited the
composition techniques of the Early Tang and developed these skills for their
own purposes. The history of the poetry of the Early Tang to High Tang can be
referred to the process of the topic from " Court" to " Popular". After the
court poetry achieved the summit of the poetry development through the
evolution from Southern Dynasties to Early Tang, people tried to develop new
style to express broader topics and wider sub genres. I will argue here,
besides the development of the literary and poets, politics, economy,
military, and other Asian culture import might have produced some influences on the
changes of the poetry of Early Tang to High Tang.

由版主最后编辑: 2007-03-05
我没特别的办法,要指望一日千里也不现实,日积月累,还要有悟性,但勤奋占99%.我在MCGILL上了两个学位,本身就是一个好的环境,再加上每天看电视,多找老外学生LANGUAGE EXCHANGE,工作以后,我主动做COORDINATOR,慢慢就到了一定阶段,虽然口音难改,但已达了可在大学教书的水平.网站用的很少,主要还是专业训练,比如选修大学里的ACADEMIC WRITING, Pronunciation,多写Summary,review,abstract,这些靠大量的阅读,我在本站文学论坛里贴有我写的看了初唐诗一书的SUMMARY,就是一例,我贴在这里供大家参考.

Stephen Owen's "The Poetry of the Early T'ang (1977)"
***Stephen Owen, professor of East Asian Studies, Harvard University

In this essay, I will review the main viewpoints of the book " The Poetry of
the Early Tang" written by Stephen Owen. These main viewpoints are court
poetry, its opposition poetics, and important poets of the Early Tang. In the
end of this report, the summary and the arguments will be given.




Commentary on Our History is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution [Pathfinder 2005

SAM NOUMOFF, Professor of the Department of Political Science, McGill University

While there remain many gaps in our general knowledge of the Chinese Diaspora, probably the least known is that of their immigration to Cuba in the 19th and 20th Centuries, and their contribution to the Cuban Revolution in its making to the present. The narrative presentation is based on a series of interviews conducted by Mary-Alice Waters, together with Arrin Hawkins Martin Koppel, Luis Madrid and Michael Taber.

In 1844 the Spanish Crown opened a recruitment office for Chinese in the coastal city of Xiamen, signing up young Chinese men to 8 year contracts at 4 pesos a month plus food and clothing. These contracts could be resold for 70 pesos. After the passage of eight years as indentured labourers they were “free” to return to China or remain. As virtually none of them had been able to save for the return passage, they remained. Spain initially deposited 206 Chinese, followed by the United Kingdom who planned to land 365 more. With seaborne deaths the number deposited in 1847 numbered in the neighborhood of 500. Over the next quarter of a century an additional 141,000 were signed up, with between 10% and 15% dying on route. To this number were added a few stragglers from the post Civil War U.S., while others moved from the U.S. after the completion of their transcontinental rail-road labour.

The overwhelming majority were brought as sugar cane and other agricultural workers, to replace the African slaves after slavery was declared illegal.

Spain developed an immigration scare in 1857 and capped the inflow of Chinese, although the importing of contract labour continued until 1874

The Cuban population of Chinese origin came to affiliate with Cuban nationalism during the 1868 unsuccessful War of Independence from Spain, when indentured labour, as well as slavery, were declared void by the nascent Republic, with an estimated 6,000 Chinese joining the struggle. Recognizing that the 1857 cap had failed the Spanish Crown in 1871 it suspended all Chinese contract labour on the grounds that they were enemies of the Nation. As I learned during my own visits to Cuba, the Masonic movement began to take root in subsequent decades and some more well to do members of the Chinese community joined, which reinforced their middle-class nationalism.

As agricultural labourers the Chinese men could not follow the tradition in other parts of the Diaspora to have brides sent from China, married into Cuban society with some ease. Notwithstanding this some Chinese families in the 20th Century followed a system of matrilineal endogamy, whereby the girls in the family could only marry men whose both parents were Chinese, while the boys could marry anyone. A colleague of mine reported one evening over a drink that he had some Chinese heritage but it was not reflected in his name, as his paternal grandmother, in anger, removed the name from the family lineage after her husband was killed in a battle against the American occupation. I have no data on the frequency of this phenomenon.

In the pre-revolutionary period, those of Chinese appearance or had Chinese names, faced intolerable racist exposure, being called narra {equivalent to the N word); China-Manila {after Chinese who came via the Philippines} as well as being excluded from private schools, beaches, Clubs and clinics. In the main, they were primarily shop-keepers and small merchants, although some became quite wealthy becoming bankers and members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce; the most powerful among them heading up the office of the Guomindang [GMD], the Party of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The GMD retained its political leverage until 1960 when the Cuban government became the first in Latin America to recognize the People’s Republic of China.

Some Chinese escaped to Cuba from the mainland after the repression by the GMD of the Canton Commune in 1927. The most prominent among them being Jose Wong, who after landing in Cuba joined the movement fighting against the U. S. supported dictatorship of Gerardo Machado. Wong was arrested and strangled to death by a government agent while imprisoned. He was subsequently honoured by naming a Brigade in his memory, which cleared the Havana Chinatown of drugs, prostitution and gangsterism after the 1959 Cuban Revolution.

Before going on to discuss the three Generals, it is important to note that relations between the two governments and Parties of Cuba and China have not always been friendly. The rupture can be dated to 1965 with a dispute over the price of Cuban sugar, but in fact masked the deeper issue emerging in the International Communist Movement, that of the dispute between China and the Soviet Union. Diplomatic relations reached the virtual breaking point during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1967 period, but was resolved at the formal level by a face saving formula acceptable to both sides. Relations continued to slide through the Pinochet coup in Chile, and the war in Angola, continuing up through the implosion of the Soviet Union. The changing global balance of forces led to a very slow amelioration of these relations. Let me add here a personal note. During the late l980’s during a lecture on Central America and the Caribbean which I delivered to the research institute of the Chinese Foreign Ministry my argument that there were many similarities between the Cuban and Chinese Revolutions was met with derision. During a subsequent visit to Cuba in the early 1990’s when I made the same argument the response was viscerally equal to the derision I had met in Beijing. It was apparently too early for both sides to forget the areas of fundamental strategic disagreement. Owing to the newly emerging circumstances, I recall from memory that through the 1990’s it became apparent that whenever the Chinese found themselves in some serious disagreement with the U. S. they would announce a delegation to visit Cuba. This was one way to pull on the feathers of the American eagle. Relations went from frigid to lukewarm to moderately friendly over the past 15 years. Currently China is providing long term credits for the provision of intra and inter city buss replacements and energy saving home electrical appliances in the form of refrigerators, fans and air-conditioners, plus transformers for more efficient use of the electrical grid. Cuba responded by establishing the Chinatown Promotion Group in 1993 and promoting the Chinese House of Arts and Traditions, revitalizing the Chinese Studies Programme at the University of Havana and by hosting the Conference on the Chinese Diaspora in the Caribbean.

Let me turn now to the central characters in the book; Generals Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui and Moises Si Wong. There are a number of common features to them all in the pre-Revolution period; they all came from small merchant backgrounds, they all experienced and witnessed racism towards the Chinese before the 1959 Revolution, and via slightly varying routes came to develop a consciousness of social injustice, they were all inspired to revolutionary activity by the assault on the Moncada military garrison led by Fidel Castro and 160 of his comrades in 1953, and finally they came to see the revolution as the sole means for the elimination of racism and injustice.

Choy was arrested six times during the underground period before 1959, Chui was severely scared by his separation from his mother who was black and unacceptable to his father’s family, while Si Wong experienced first hand the class exploitation of his rich brother-in-law who was head of the GMD.

In the post 1959 period they have each served in Angola; Choy as Head of the Anti-Aircraft and Missile Unit, Chui as Deputy Chief of Mission, and Si Wong as Chief of Logistics. Currently they each hold positions of importance in the Cuban Government; Choy as Head of the Havana Port Revitalization endeavor, Chui, as Head of the Association of Combat Veterans of the Cuban Revolution and Si Wong head of the National Institute of State Reserves and President of the Cuba-China Friendship Society.

Owing to the degree of racial intermarriage between Chinese and other Cubans, it is impossible to even estimate the number of Sino-Cubans in leadership positions within the society, save to say that it surprisingly large. Where that identity is possible, one can note the Ideology Secretary f the Central Committee, the Minister of Domestic Trade and the Vice-President of the International Commission of the legislative Assembly.

Some well to do Chinese who fled the mainland after the Chinese revolution in 1949 fled to Cuba. One colleague mentioned to me in passing that her father arrived in that period, and after hearing the first speech of Fidel Castro, again fled to the U.S., saying he sounded too much like Mao Zedong. His family remained in Cuba.

After covering the background to the Chinese presence in Cuba and the biographies of the three Generals, the book continues with a discussion of Cuba’s role in Angola, conditions of the “Special Period”, relations with Venezuela and the Education Revolution in the Battle of Ideas, all from the perspective of Choy, Chiu and Si Wong.

What is noteworthy about Angola was that it was exclusively a Cuban initiative; quoting Gabriel Garcia Marques that Cuba notified the Soviet Union after the troops had been dispatched. This is confirmed by an old friend who was stationed in Eastern Europe at the time, who informed me that on a specified date all Cuban diplomats in the Socialist Countries were instructed to have an emergency meeting with the 1st Secretaries of the Communist Parties, inform them of the dispatch of troops and request specific aid from a predetermined list of likely needs; trucks from one, field hospitals from another and so on. Over the 15 years of Cuba’s presence in Angola, 375,000 troops served, with 2,000 killed in combat. Cuba’s policy was not to interfere in intra, Angolan fighting, but to insure that the real and potential intervention by South African forces be thwarted. Things were not absolutely smooth, as in 1987 Cuba opposed an Angolan government assault upon the city of Chita, in opposition to Soviet advice to go forward. Other strategic and tactical disagreements occurred between the Soviet and Cuban sides, both here, and I might add as well in Ethiopia. The guiding Cuban strategic principle was to never let the enemy choose the terrain of a decisive battle. These disputes must be seen against the backdrop of the 1981 intimation by the USSR that Cuba no longer fell under the Soviet “nuclear umbrella”. I might also add that during the 15 year period the USSR attempted to change the leadership of the Angolan Government Party, the MPLA, but were prevented from so doing by Cuban forces.

The three Generals repeated over and over that Cuba’s motivation for becoming involved in Angola was derived from the revolutionary heritage of their own struggle going back from the 19th Century to the present when Poles, Dominicans, Chinese, Argentineans, and North Americans all contributed to Cuban success. The most well known being Che Guevara, who proved inspirational while fighting in the Mountains as an asthmatic foreigner.

The Cuban economy has always been under stress from the outset, through the U.S. imposed embargo, the U.S. Helms-Burton Law, to the present policy of the George W. Bush Administration, not to mention the Bay of Pigs failed invasion and the innumerable assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. The USSR and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [COMECON] provided a substantial buffer until the early 1990’s when the Soviet Union imploded. With this Cuba’s ability to purchase in the international market decreased by 80%. By 1993 the economy opened a bit, with tourism and some foreign investment. While this was viewed as essential, the wealth gap between those who had access to U.S. dollars and those who did not was accentuated. High prices in the special Dollar Shops was designed to absorb dollars and redistribute benefit through financing government programs. In addition to the obvious problem of inequality so generated there was a second consequence; most of the foreign remittances in dollars came from Cubans abroad, most of whom are white who were the disproportionate beneficiaries, as few Afro-Cubans left for abroad.

The impact of the reforms in China have had some selective impact on Cuba. Subsequent to Minister of Defense Raul Castro’s visit to China in 1997, he remarked that it was not a crime for a peasant to earn even 1,000 pesos a month through honest labour. An echo possibly of Deng Xiaoping’s comment that 10,000 Yuan rmb per year peasant family income was admirable. Subsequently vegetable production increased from 4,200 tons per year in 1994 to 4 million tons in 2004. Forms of production units became more flexible to include State Enterprises, Cooperatives, Basic Unit Cooperatives, back yard gardens and parceleros, or parcels of land which anyone can cultivate. In addition a mixed system of distribution was introduced. All of these program are to take place within the rubric of environmental protection and sustainable development.

It is widely accepted that Cuba has arguably developed the best medical education and delivery system in the 3rd World. In support of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, Cuba began to dispatch medical doctors in 1998, rising to 10,000 in number, who see a patient roster of 1.5 million per month. In addition sight clinics and dental services have been added. Supplementing this is an education aid program from literacy classes up through High School, and Sports training initiatives. Reciprocally Cuba receives petroleum products at concessional rates.

Problems of the “Special Period” have been extraordinarily challenging. In addition to the economic problems, the central problem is the need to cultivate future generations with a socialist culture. In the late 1990’s, there were 76,000 young people across the Island who were neither in school nor had employment. A programme for paying them to attend school was initiated as a response. At the end of the process there must be a relevant employment plan to insure that it is not merely deferred unemployment.

This book is a remarkable testament to the struggle for justice by the Chinese who migrated to Cuba, and their finding a place within Cuban society through their active participation in the Cuban Revolution.



Sam Noumoff(山姆·努莫夫)文

Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui, Moises Sio Wong, Our History Is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution, Pathfinder Press, January 15, 2006

1844年,西班牙皇室在中国的港口城市厦门建立了劳工征召所,愿意参加的中国年轻人要签8年合同,每月可以得到4比索外加食物和服装。 这些合同可以以70比索的价格转让。完成8年的劳工契约后,他们可以“自由”选择返回中国或留下。但最后几乎没有人有积蓄能够返回中国,他们只好留在了当地。西班牙最初引进了206个华人,随后是英国(英国原计划引进365个华人)。由于海运中的死亡,1847年实际出去的劳工数量大约500人。在接下来的25年中,又有141000人签定了劳工合同,其中10%到15%的劳工死于运输途中。另外,一些美国内战后的落伍士兵以及完成了穿越美洲大陆铁路修建的劳工也加入了这个劳工队伍。
在前革命时期,这些有着中国面孔或者中国名字的人,面对着一种难以容忍的种族歧视。他们被叫做那拉,或者中国-马尼拉(是自从华人从菲律宾转道而来后这样叫的),他们被排除在私立学校、沙滩、俱乐部以及诊所之外。尽管有些很富裕并且成为银行家和中国商会的成员,有些更有权势的更是挤进了蒋介石为首的国民党领导层,但他们中的大多数都只不过是小货店主和小商人。国民党一直保留了它的政治组织体系直到1960 年古巴成为第一个在拉丁美洲认可中华人民共和国的政府。
在讲述这三个将军之前,有必要提一下中古两党两国关系并不是总是友好的。这种不和可以追溯到1959年的关于古巴糖的价格争端,但是实际上深层的问题是国际共产主义运动中的中苏争端。中巴外交关系在1967年中国文化大革命时期到了破裂的边缘,但是后来通过一个双方都可以接受的保全面子的方案恢复到了正常水平。在皮诺切特的在智利的军事政变,安哥拉战争,苏联的分裂这一段时期中,中古关系继续发展。这种全球力量平衡的变化减慢了这种关系的良好发展。让我在这里加一些个人注解, 在1980年代后期的一次关于中美和加勒比海的演讲中,我曾经向中国外交部研究所提出了一个论点即中古革命存在许多相似处,但这个观点当时遭到了冷遇。1990年代初期,在对古巴的一次访问中,当我提出同样的观点的时候,所得到的回应与我在北京遇到的是一样的。很明显,那个时候让双方忘记在一些领域的根本战略分歧有点太早了。由于新出现的情况,我记起在整个1990年代,无论何时中国政府与美国政府出现严重分歧的时候,中国政府都会宣布他们将会派代表团访问古巴,这是制约美国的一种策略。在过去的15年里,中古关系从冷冻期到缓和期,发展到了适度友好期。现在,中国正在提供更长期的信誉,譬如帮助古巴替换城市电车轨道线,提供节能家电(冰箱、电扇和空调)以及高效利用蓄电池铅板的变压器等。古巴则以在1993年设立中国城促进工作组,促进中国艺术与传统机构,复苏哈瓦那大学的中国研究项目,以及主持有关在加勒比的中国移民的会议来加以回报。
关于安哥拉,值得一提的这是古巴一手制造的。引用加布里埃拉·加西亚·马科斯的话来说,古巴是在已经派遣了军队后才通知苏联的。这一点得到了我一位当时驻扎在东欧的老朋友的确认。这位老朋友告诉我说,在一个特定的日期,出使在社会主义国家的所有古巴外交官都被要求参加一个由第一书记所召集的紧急会议。这个会议通知这些外交官关于军队派遣的情况并要求他们根据预先确定的列表寻求各种可能的帮助。比如从这个国家要卡车,从另外一个国家寻求战地医院,等等。在古巴占领安哥拉的15年中,375000名军人在那里服过役,其中2000人在战斗中失去了生命。古巴的政策不是深入内部干涉安哥拉人的战争,而是确保阻止真正的和潜在的南非军队的入侵。事情并不是绝对的顺利,因为在1987年,古巴反对了安哥拉政府对赤塔城的进攻,和苏联的建议是背道而驰的。出现在苏联和古巴双方的战略战术分歧,除了在安哥拉,我也许还要加上在埃塞俄比亚。古巴的指导性的战略原理是永远不要让敌人选择决定性战役的地点。这些争执可从苏联在1981年警告古巴不再处于苏联的核保护伞下这一点看出一些端倪。我也许还得加一点说明,在这15年里,苏联曾经试图更换安哥拉政府党MPLA 的领导层,但结果都被古巴军队阻止了。



每天一小时远远不够,刚到加拿大时,我每天花十几小时学英文,除了上课,参加LANGUAGE EXCHANGE PROGRAM,还看书,看电视至少5个小时,连广告也不放过,可先看带字幕的,这样两年后,基本算能做到上课听讲不用竖起耳朵,也可参加和老外学生一起的ACTIVITIES,讨论时也能侃侃而谈.到毕业时,我就得到了ARIZONA大学的面试邀请见我所写文章(签字里的连接),最近又得到了耶鲁大学的面试,如幸运的话就可能到耶鲁工作,就是去不了,我也满足了,至少我够格了.









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