我一直在揣测到底北京网站比cic快还是慢。Option 1: Maybe when Beijing updates any information, the CIC database updates the system by inputing the updates information no matter if the status in Beijing changes or not. So we can see CIC address bar dispear yet Beijing stays the same.
Option 2: CIC database will generate the priority according to cases information for VO to work in the following week. In this case, Cic is ahead of Beijing.
我也是06年5月BJ FN。申请后到07年只看到北京办的越来越慢,而且又听说不鼓励技术移民,只鼓励投资移民了,从07年就少管它了。刚刚看到楼主帖子,到移民部查询网址看了看,也是
your permenant mail address: Beijing
Status: In Progress
不知是不是和楼主说的一回事,但好像07年查过也好像这样,移民部网址改版后没去过了。希望Good Luck!