


njqintian : 2009-03-12#1
Dear ,

Please be advised that if you wish to withdraw your application, we require a signed written request from you clearly indicating your request. Please complete the refund form attached above, you may send it back by fax to (86-10) 5139-4449, or send a letter to the address below. Please make sure that you indicate your file number, your name (pin-yin) and date of birth on all correspondence, as well as your name and address in Chinese characters.

Please note that since we have not done initial assessment of your application, you qualify for a refund of the processing fees.

Please be advised that your refund may take up to 3 months for processing. Please be patient during this time. If we do not receive a written request from you to withdraw your application, it will continue to be processed. Any documents used for the purpose of filing the application will not returned and will be retained on file. All original documents will be returned to the applicant.

Please ensure that we have your updated address including postal code on file, as we will return your documents to this address. We cannot confirm receipt of every fax/mail received. If you have already sent us your address, please do not send repeat e-mails or faxes. Please allow us a few days to respond to your inquiries.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Yours sincerely,
Visa and Immigration Section

Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China

Immigration Section / Bureau de l'immigration [FONT=宋体]加拿大驻华大使馆签证[/FONT]
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District [FONT=宋体]北京市朝阳区东直门外大街[/FONT]19
Beijing, People's Republic of China 100600 [FONT=宋体]邮政编码[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]100600
Fax: (010) 5139-4449 [FONT=宋体]传真[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]010-5139-4449
Internet: www.beijing.gc.ca

Date/[FONT=宋体]日期[/FONT]: _______________ File/Dossier/[FONT=宋体]档案[/FONT] _______________

I would like to withdraw my application for permanent residence to Canada and I would like a refund of:
Je voudrais retirer ma demande d’immigration au Canada et j’aimerais demander un remboursement de:

9 Right of Permanent Residence Fees/Frais de traitement de residence permanente/[FONT=宋体]永久居住权费[/FONT]

9 Processing Fees/Frais de traitement/[FONT=宋体]申请费[/FONT]

Refund transactions are only done by way of direct bank transfer to a bank account in China. Refunds
cannot be sent to a bank outside of China. Please complete the form below and mail or fax it to us at the coordinates given at the top of this letter. Please provide all information in Chinese Characters and pinyin.

Remboursement des frais peut être envoyé par virement bancaire direct seulement à une banque en Chine. Remboursements ne peuvent pas être envoyés à une banque à l’étranger. Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et veuillez l’envoyer à notre bureau par poste ou par télécopieur aux coordonnées ci-dessus. Veuillez fournir toutes les informations en caractères chinois et en pinyin.


Please provide the legal Name (as shown on the bank account):
Veuillez fournir le nom légal (tel qu’il apparaît sur le compte bancaire):
[FONT=宋体]请提供合法登记姓名[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]与银行账户所显示姓名一致[/FONT]):
[FONT=宋体]拼音[/FONT] / Pinyin: _____________________________________
[FONT=宋体]中文[/FONT] / Chinese / Chinois : ____________________________

Bank account number / Numéro du compte bancaire / [FONT=宋体]银行账号[/FONT]:

Bank Name/ Nom de la banque / [FONT=宋体]银行名称[/FONT]:
[FONT=宋体]拼音[/FONT] / Pinyin: _____________________________________
[FONT=宋体]中文[/FONT] / Chinese / Chinois : ____________________________

Bank Branch, City, Province, Address:
Succursale bancaire, ville, province, adresse:
[FONT=宋体]拼音[/FONT] / Pinyin: _____________________________________
[FONT=宋体]中文[/FONT] / Chinese / Chinois : ____________________________

Please provide both your home and mobile telephone numbers.
Veuillez fournir votre numéro de téléphone à la maison ainsi que votre numéro de cellulaire.
Telephone / Téléphone / [FONT=宋体]电话[/FONT]: ____________________________ ____________________________


大拿 : 2009-03-12#2
回复: 退款信的样本,希望对你有帮助。


lenalupoppy : 2009-03-12#3
回复: 退款信的样本,希望对你有帮助。

Good luck.

scepter : 2009-03-12#4
回复: 退款信的样本,希望对你有帮助。
