


frank008 : 2009-06-24#1
本人永久居民,为加拿大公司工作3年,有公司保险(包括家人的基本险Provincial Plan等其他的)。夫人中国护照,非永久居民。由于本人外派,长期不在加,申请团聚被拒(认为本人不在加不能SPONSOR,但是 SPONSORSHIP申请被通过,折在北京使馆,F!)。转而给夫人申请5年长期往返签,获通过,计划在加生孩子。请问前辈,这种情况,夫人的生孩子的 费用是否可以享受保险?跪谢了。

never_talk : 2009-06-24#2
回复: 夫移民,妻持访问签证在加生孩子保险的问题

Normally the company health (medical) insurance only covers the cost which the Provincial health plan doesn't cover. If that's the case then I don't think your wife will be covered for giving birth. You have to check your company health (medical) insurance policy or talk to them (this is the easy way) to find out.