
有孩子上ST. Monica 天主教学校吗?


littlecat123 : 2005-09-28#1
大概在17AVE,SW 的这个教会学校排名是很后的,但有CCIS 机构专门为他们的小孩设有before/after school care, 对家长是很方便的, 他们说一般有位置的话就算不是教徒都会收的, 有谁的孩子在这里上学呢??? 怎么样?

网燕 : 2005-09-28#2
littlecat123 说:
大概在17AVE,SW 的这个教会学校排名是很后的,但有CCIS 机构专门为他们的小孩设有before/after school care, 对家长是很方便的, 他们说一般有位置的话就算不是教徒都会收的, 有谁的孩子在这里上学呢??? 怎么样?



sici : 2005-10-08#3
LITTLECAT123: 到了多久了。 你应该在我前面一点。 还好吗? 基本安顿好了吧。

gladiator : 2005-10-09#4

有孩子上ST. Monica 天主教学校吗?

大概在17AVE,SW 的这个教会学校排名是很后的,但有CCIS 机构专门为他们的小孩设有before/after school care, 对家长是很方便的, 他们说一般有位置的话就算不是教徒都会收的, 有谁的孩子在这里上学呢??? 怎么样?


hcu0803 : 2005-10-16#5
gladiator 说:
有孩子上ST. Monica 天主教学校吗?

大概在17AVE,SW 的这个教会学校排名是很后的,但有CCIS 机构专门为他们的小孩设有before/after school care, 对家长是很方便的, 他们说一般有位置的话就算不是教徒都会收的, 有谁的孩子在这里上学呢??? 怎么样?


Have you landed yet? How come you can landed on Jan 2005 again?

If you are going to land earlier the next year. The school which your daughter is eligible depends on where you live. In general, the school where you live is obliged to accept those children who are satisfied with the criteria. However, should the school be full, they will refer you to another school.

gladiator : 2005-10-18#6
Thank you for your answer! Credit points have been added to you.

Not landed yet. Probably in the early month next year. Very focus on school's location and studying atmosphere.

gladiator : 2005-10-18#7

hcu0803 : 2005-10-18#8
gladiator 说:
Thank you for your answer! Credit points have been added to you.

Not landed yet. Probably in the early month next year. Very focus on school's location and studying atmosphere.

What do you mean "focus on school's location"?

In addition, you will never know the "studying atmosphere" before you land here, since there could be very different answer for everyone. Basically, the public or Catholic elementary school in Calgary seems to have them in common, from my point of view.

littlecat123 : 2005-10-22#9
很抱歉, 我没回答这个贴子, 因为就是我儿子读书的事, 我繁心的要命, 总共在学校读了十几天就被学校停课三次!!!六岁的小孩, 一年级, 我该怎么办???

littlecat123 : 2005-10-22#10
等过了我的痛苦期, 我再把我的这方面的经历告诉大家.