


lilianou : 2005-09-30#1


900,000 ICBC rebate cheques are in the mail

Fiona Anderson

The cheques are in the mail. To date, 600,000 rebate cheques have been sent to British Columbians who bought optional insurance through the Insurance Corp. of Canada, ICBC's CEO Paul Taylor told the Vancouver Board of Trade Wednesday. Another 300,000 will be sent out shortly.

The rebates were announced earlier this year, along with a reduction in rates that will save 1.6 million drivers a total of $100 million a year, Taylor said. People who bought insurance before the rate reductions were put in place can expect the rebate, which averages $37 per person.

Costs of sending out the cheques are estimated to be around $1 per cheque -- or $900,000 -- ICBC media relations spokesperson Doug Henderson said.

Similar rate reductions for mandatory insurance, which can only be purchased through ICBC, are unlikely, despite the corporation earning profits of $340 million last year. That money is needed to build up retained earnings, Taylor said.

"Those retained earnings allow us to cushion or provide support in times when claims costs rise to a level we don't expect them to," Taylor said.

But setting the rates is now in the hands of the B.C. Utilities Commission. That has "de-politicized" rate setting, Taylor said.

"There is an independent organization that does an open and transparent review of basic insurance rates," Taylor said. "And any citizen in British Columbia or any company that has an interest in insurance is welcome to come before the commission and argue their case."

ICBC has asked that rates remain unchanged this year but it's up to the commission to decide whether to follow that recommendation or not.

But the submissions filed in support of the rate freeze show that ICBC is over-charging motorists by $185 million a year or $66 per vehicle, Canadian Direct Insurance said in a news release issued Wednesday. That's the profit ICBC admitted making on its mandatory basic insurance, the release said.

"That money is absolutely surplus to ICBC's requirements and should be returned to every driver in B.C. in lower premiums for basic insurance," CDI's chief operating officer Colin Brown said in the release.

Bruce Cran, president of the Consumers' Association of Canada said ICBC has collected about $1 billion more than it needs by raising rates, and that surplus is likely to increase to $1.5 billion if things continue as they are.

"This corporation is supposed to be a non-profit organization put together originally for the benefit of B.C. motorists to provide insurance on a non-profit [basis]," Cran said in an interview.

The money is not needed to cushion unexpected claim rates, Cran said because ICBC already has $6 billion for contingencies.

"They are already up to their gunnels in our dollars for those sort of things," Cran said.
