Hydrofoil Boat Co-invented by Alexander Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin in 1908
IMax Movie System Co-invented in 1968 by Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, and Robert Kerr
Instant Mashed Potatos Dehydrated potato flakes were invented by Edward A. Asselbergs in 1962
Insulin Process Fredrick Banting, J. J. Macleod, Charles Best and Collip invented the process for insulin in 1922
JAVA Software programming language invented by James Gosling in 1994
Jetliner The first commercial jetliner to fly in North America was designed by James Floyd in 1949. The first test flight of the Avro Jetliner was on August 10 1949.
Jolly Jumper Baby's delight invented by Olivia Poole in 1959
Kerosene Invented by Doctor Abraham Gesner in 1846
Lawn Sprinkler Another invention made by Elijah McCoy
Light Bulb Leads Leads made of nickel & iron alloy were invented by Reginald A. Fessenden in 1892
Marquis Wheat Invented by Sir Charles E. Saunders in 1908