Provide assistance for people looking for jobs, career direction or starting their own business, including information and workshops on local labour market, assistance with career planning, job search techniques, interview skills, résumé building.
Provide access to job posting board; access to the Internet for job searches as well as free or low cost access to computers, telephones, fax machines and photocopying. Business directories, job search materials, and labour market information are also available. Lawrence Square Employment Resource Centre - North York
700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 433, Toronto
Tel: (416) 789-5877
1280 Finch Avenue West, Suite 607, North York - Tel: (416) 787-1151
Youthinc, North York City Centre, 5150 Yonge Street, Concourse Level, North York - Tel: (416) 395-8875
1200 Markham Road, Suite 400, Toronto
Tel: (416) 439-8448
Scarborough的ERC地址是: Employment Resource Centre
The following organizations:
Provide assistance for people looking for jobs, career direction or starting their own business, including information and workshops on local labour market, assistance with career planning, job search techniques, interview skills, résumé building.
Provide access to job posting board; access to the Internet for job searches as well as free or low cost access to computers, telephones, fax machines and photocopying. Business directories, job search materials, and labour market information are also available. ACCES (Accessible Community Counselling and Employment Services) - Toronto
2100 Ellesmere Road, Suite 250, Toronto
Tel: (416) 431-5326