。 权衡再三,打算撤案重递!今天DHL寄出简表给悉尼,特此开帖,感谢家园网各位热心,善良,神通广大的大侠的帮助
, 希望自己,包括家园的所有兄弟姐妹,都能顺利地办好移民事宜,有个开心和收获的2010年!
早在06年3,4月份就有移民的打算,并且陆续办理了一些文件,可惜由于我们夫妻的懒惰和接下来小孩的出生, 我们错过了时间,一支磨蹭,直到91新政后,07年2月才递交简表给HK, 07年7月得到FN, 接下来开始漫长的等待至今。。。
Dear Madam/Sir,
This is aaaaa and my immigration file number is B0509*****.
I have some questions on my case and I appreciate your help to answer:
1. as mentioned in the letter which provide me the file number, the review of my file will not occur in 24-30 months, time goes fast and it is 30 months since that, do we have any new estimated timeline for it to be reviewed?
2. my occupation changed to 0213 in year 2008 and it is in the new 38 NOC list, should it be helpful to get my application reviewed earlier if I can prove that? if yes, what should I do to change my NOC, and then when can I expect to get it reviewed?
3, if I need to withdraw my cuurent application and submit a new request to CIO in Sydney, what's the process I should follow to do the withdraw of my application?
Best regards!
2.1月6日,在没有得到HK移民部的答复后,我们给他发了邮件,要求撤案: WITHDRAW my immigration application, file number B0509*****. Waiting for your kindly reply...(说明自己为什么要撤案,打算走新政重递了,要求全额返还之前的申请费用,并问是否写邮件撤销就可以了,是否需要写纸质信件过去等)
3.1月8日(就在今天要寄送快递给悉尼前几分钟)打开邮箱,发现了HK移民部对我们27日邮件的答复了:Dear Mr. aaaaa,
The processing time mentioned on our acknowledgement letter is just a projection. We have no control on our intake level. As we develop inventory of applications, the processing time will be lengthened.
We are not yet ready to review simplified skilled worker applications. Please refer to the web site of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada to check status of the application at
https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=ecas&lang=en and processing times at
All applications received prior to February 27 2008 will be processed according to the regulations in place at the time. Since you applied in February 2007, your application will not receive expedited processing. Alternatively, you may consider to withdraw your application and re-apply under one of the occupations mentioned in the Ministerial Instructions. Since processing has not yet been initiated on your application, you are entitled to a full refund of fees paid with your application.
You can confirm your withdrawal by return email.
Thank you.
Immigration Section
Consulate General of Canada
G.P.O. Box 11142
12/F., Tower 1
Exchange Square
8 Connaught Place
Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2847-7493
Web Site:
最后,把这3封往来邮件都打印出来,附在其他文件中,快递给悉尼的ICO了。 考虑到之前递的是HK,他们速度太慢,所以这次改选北京,也算是一种新的期待,不走老路吧。。。 呵呵,希望后续顺利,谢谢大家!