同学,看文章要看实际性的东西,不要做文字功夫和钻牛角尖。。。1stFuzzyLogic 说:First of all, this statement is totally wrong. Many 老外can play 麻将 and play well, and I know several of them.
Secondly, 老外 also have 心极. Do you have poker game/gamble on TV? Not worse than Chinese.
俺同意!!而且他们要耍心机都是耍大的!!1stFuzzyLogic 说:Bro or Sis, I know what I am talking about. Unless I understand wrong, the article is talking about Chinese's so-called 劣根性 (and only in chinese) and of course other stuffs. But I think the former is not true, the foreigner has the same problems like 心极 etc.