calgarytoronto : 2010-04-16
刚收到加拿大政府的CONFIRMATION LETTER, 说父母的SPONSORSHIPR 已经通过了。但Application Kit 没有收到,是否要再等等才能收到?还是可以直接从网上下载所有材料?
1. ‘Citizens of the People's Republic of China must provide photocopies of the household register ("hukou")’
--那是否只要户口的复印件即可?不需要公证?如果是复印件是否要翻译?因为‘If your documents are not in English or French, you must include an accurate translation with a copy of the originals. Failure to do so could result in substantial processing delays.’
2. 'You must submit original police certificates of good conduct or clearances from each country in which you and each of your family members aged 18 years or over have resided six months or more since reaching 18 years of age.'
-- 那是否指我只要提交无犯罪记录原件,还是公证件?如果原件,是否要翻译?
lin_2010 : 2010-04-16
回复: 紧急求助:父母团聚
Application Kit 等等就会收到,和网上下载的材料一样。不过你自己该知道要下载香港的还是北京的。下载的好,直接在上面用软件填表,email回去打印就好。
calgarytoronto : 2010-04-16
kenlou2003 : 2010-04-16
回复: 紧急求助:父母团聚
swayer : 2010-04-17
回复: 紧急求助:父母团聚