If your insurance can cover extracting, why not? you can't cash out the money of your medical package,so go ahead to use as many as you can if the treatment will not hurt you, or make your tooth better, my target is to use up $2500 each year.LOL
PS my dentist only use freezing when he deals with my cravity and extracting,not for cleaning...
According to my experience, usually, cleaning itself should be $200-$250. x-ray should be $200-250 , it's necessary when you visit your dentist for the 1st time, so total shouldn't more than $500. You maybe had some extra treatment, $1850 of cleaning is impossible.
FYI,dental package usually includes normal cleaning( several unit,15 min/unit) filling,extracting. make sure your dentist didn't take too many units for your cleaning, maybe you got a deep cleaning that's why you need freezing, if yes, the cost should be higher.If units of cleaning exceed your package maxium of it, although you have enough limits of package, you still need to pay the rest. My friend had such experience,so I usually take treatment after I see confirm letter of Claim from my insurance company unless I'm very sure it can be claimed.
As the extra one, you had better get more infomation to make decision, if we lost normal ones, dentist usually suggest to install one as replacement, otherwise the rest maybe loosen...
原来这个是预算,那有可能的了,很多治疗的费用很高的。我在我们的预算里发现一个不认识的玩意,问了才知道是睡觉时候带的可以防止磨牙的牙套,要400刀一付,反正自己不掏钱,做就做了,看看shoppers drug mart 只卖几十刀一个。。。订做的就这么金贵了。牙医的刀很快的,我就洗牙,补牙,再加牙套已经被砍掉2000了,算起来牙医今年前后能从我们的保险公司弄到5000刀,赚大方了,要不是保险公司能全cover,我就要哭天抢地了我不吓呼你,拔牙如果伤口深的,要缝针,外带吃药。。。不深的啥都不要。某人第一个牙拔的轻松,回来很神气,第2个就比较的惨重了,说再也不拔了,医生配了好多药,缝了好多针。希望你的牙就算拔也是容易的那种。