谢谢alberto!看来不同时期,不一样。可能是政府现在缺钱的问题吧。现在 Phase III + Phase IV = 42 周。
第五点的补充:现在Franchise和Daycare at Home 不能申请了。以前daycare at Home 是允许的。
State Farm 都不愿意接从中国进口生意的商业保险,郁闷。
我刚上完SEB ,楼主说想做电子产品德生意,目前进展怎样?
现在还有一个YEP(Young Entrepreneur Program),准对34岁以下的有自己创业的人士,条件比OSEB低。
- Youth 18 to 29 years of age are eligible to apply (Proof of age will be required).
- Must be Canadian citizens or have received landed immigrant status
- Must attend a three-day Business Start training program (depending on the location of your residence). Some applicants may be exempt if able to demonstrate past attendance at a similar business training.
- Where more than one business partner or investor is involved, the principal applicant to the program must be significantly involved in the management of the business. Not all business partners must be eligible youth, however, the principal applicant must be in the 18-29 years of age range and meet all eligibility criteria.
- Approved applicants must be working at the businesses on a full-time basis (30 hrs/wk), or if the business is not yet operational, the applicant must plan to work full-time and may not be employed elsewhere more than 20 hours a week or attending school on a full-time basis.
- The applicant must be actively involved in all aspects of the business on a day-to-day basis.
will software be supported by OSEB?
What kinds of business do you want to do?
Were/are you on EI?
There are several restrictions, but basically most of the business is qualified for the OSEB program.
I am going to be on EI
a software selling to college/university,
我是SEB intake #48的
对了,这个论坛我为什么不能加签名档呢? 谢谢了!
今天来解读下“ [FONT=宋体]政府小生意担保贷款[/FONT]”(CSBFL),先看下官方网站的说法。
Industry Canada
Canada Small Business Financing Program
About the Program
Small businesses are an important part of Canada’s economy, but they face unique challenges when they look for financing.
The Canada Small Business Financing Program helps you with your financing needs. Under the program, the Government of Canada makes it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders.
The program’s main objectives are:
to help new businesses get started and established firms make improvements and expand
On average, the program helps small businesses access 10,000 loans worth more than $1 billion each year.
- to improve access to loans that would not otherwise be available to small businesses
- to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for Canadians
Who is eligible?
Small businesses operating for profit in Canada, with gross annual revenues of $5 million or less.
Not eligible under this program are farming businesses (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has a similar program for the farming industry for information, visit www.agr.gc.ca), not-for-profit organizations, or charitable and religious organizations.
How much financing is available?
Up to a maximum of $500,000 for any one business, of which no more than $350,000 can be used for purchasing leasehold improvements or improving leased property and purchasing or improving new or used equipment.
How do I apply for a loan?
Financial institutions deliver the program. Industry Canada does not participate in making the decision to accept or refuse your loan application.
Discuss your business needs with a financial officer at any bank, caisse populaire, or credit union in Canada. The financial officer will review your business proposal and make a decision on your loan application. Once the decision is made to offer financing under the program, the financial institution will register the loan with Industry Canada. (List of lenders)
What can loans be used for under this program?
Loans can be used for financing up to 90% of the cost of:
For example, you can use a loan to finance:
- purchasing or improving land, real property or immovables
- purchasing leasehold improvements or improving leased property
- purchasing or improving new or used equipment
You cannot use a loan to finance items such as:
- buildings and land
- commercial vehicles
- hotel or restaurant equipment
- computer or telecommunications equipment and software
- production equipment
What are the costs?
- goodwill
- working capital
- inventories
- franchise fees
- research and development
The interest rate is determined by your financial institution. The interest rate may be variable or fixed:
A registration fee of 2% of the total amount loaned under the program must also be paid by the borrower to the lender. It can be financed as part of the loan.
- Variable rate: The maximum chargeable is the lender’s prime lending rate plus 3%.
- Fixed rate: The maximum chargeable is the lender’s single family residential mortgage rate plus 3%.
The registration fee and a portion of the interest are submitted to Industry Canada by the lender to help offset the costs of the program for the government.
What are the terms of the financing?
Lenders are required to take security in the assets financed. Lenders also have the option to take an additional unsecured personal guarantee, which cannot exceed 25% of the total amount loaned.
For more information, please contact your financial institution.
This program is administered by:
Small Business Financing Directorate
Industry Canada
Telephone: 1-866-959-1699 (toll-free)
Fax: 1-613-952-0290
Email: Canada Small Business Financing Program
Internet: www.ic.gc.ca/csbfp
我是SEB intake #48的
对了,这个论坛我为什么不能加签名档呢? 谢谢了!
为写Business Plan而头痛吗?
1、在Canada Bussiness 里面的Business Planning会教导怎样写和常见问题,还提供了不少版本和格式(Business plans - templates and samples),都很有参考价值。
I didn't pass too
今天来解读下“ [FONT=宋体]政府小生意担保贷款[/FONT]”(CSBFL),先看下官方网站的说法。
Industry Canada
Canada Small Business Financing Program
About the Program
Small businesses are an important part of Canada’s economy, but they face unique challenges when they look for financing.
The Canada Small Business Financing Program helps you with your financing needs. Under the program, the Government of Canada makes it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders.
The program’s main objectives are:
to help new businesses get started and established firms make improvements and expand
On average, the program helps small businesses access 10,000 loans worth more than $1 billion each year.
- to improve access to loans that would not otherwise be available to small businesses
- to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for Canadians
Who is eligible?
Small businesses operating for profit in Canada, with gross annual revenues of $5 million or less.
Not eligible under this program are farming businesses (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has a similar program for the farming industry for information, visit www.agr.gc.ca), not-for-profit organizations, or charitable and religious organizations.
How much financing is available?
Up to a maximum of $500,000 for any one business, of which no more than $350,000 can be used for purchasing leasehold improvements or improving leased property and purchasing or improving new or used equipment.
How do I apply for a loan?
Financial institutions deliver the program. Industry Canada does not participate in making the decision to accept or refuse your loan application.
Discuss your business needs with a financial officer at any bank, caisse populaire, or credit union in Canada. The financial officer will review your business proposal and make a decision on your loan application. Once the decision is made to offer financing under the program, the financial institution will register the loan with Industry Canada. (List of lenders)
What can loans be used for under this program?
Loans can be used for financing up to 90% of the cost of:
For example, you can use a loan to finance:
- purchasing or improving land, real property or immovables
- purchasing leasehold improvements or improving leased property
- purchasing or improving new or used equipment
You cannot use a loan to finance items such as:
- buildings and land
- commercial vehicles
- hotel or restaurant equipment
- computer or telecommunications equipment and software
- production equipment
What are the costs?
- goodwill
- working capital
- inventories
- franchise fees
- research and development
The interest rate is determined by your financial institution. The interest rate may be variable or fixed:
A registration fee of 2% of the total amount loaned under the program must also be paid by the borrower to the lender. It can be financed as part of the loan.
- Variable rate: The maximum chargeable is the lender’s prime lending rate plus 3%.
- Fixed rate: The maximum chargeable is the lender’s single family residential mortgage rate plus 3%.
The registration fee and a portion of the interest are submitted to Industry Canada by the lender to help offset the costs of the program for the government.
What are the terms of the financing?
Lenders are required to take security in the assets financed. Lenders also have the option to take an additional unsecured personal guarantee, which cannot exceed 25% of the total amount loaned.
For more information, please contact your financial institution.
This program is administered by:
Small Business Financing Directorate
Industry Canada
Telephone: 1-866-959-1699 (toll-free)
Fax: 1-613-952-0290
Email: Canada Small Business Financing Program
Internet: www.ic.gc.ca/csbfp
What kinds of business do you want to do?
Were/are you on EI?
There are several restrictions, but basically most of the business is qualified for the OSEB program.
SEB Self-Employment Benefit计划是由Service Canada提供的一项政府性的福利计划。主要是为有兴趣在加拿 大创业,开立小生意的人提供一种无偿经济援助。政府从1993开始运行这个项目,根据最新权威统计,通过这种通过政府资助来扶持小生意度过第一个财年,可以有70% 以上的小生意获得5年以上的生命期。所以事实证明这种方法是很成功的。
1)、什么是SEB Program?
SEB Program是一个52周的创业启动项目,前10周培训,形成正式的商业计划;后42周辅导并生意正式运作。政府补贴个人CAD423/周 x 52周,不用归还。
2)、谁有资格申请SEB Program?
1。就业辅导机构推荐,有Return-to-Work Action Plan;
2。SEB辅导机构参加Information Session,提供个人信息,一周内书面申请;
3。准备Business Concept Presentation,2-4周后向SEB辅导机构介绍,SEB辅导机构决定是否批准推荐到政府。如果被拒绝了,程序结束。
3。专业(Doctor, lawyer, accountant, architect, etc.)
7。Skilled trades
SEB Program同时对培训辅导期间的权利义务有严格的规定,其中一条就是所有信息(当然包括以上信息了)归SEB Program所有,学员不得擅自利用!
6)、是不是没有领过EI 或者父母金的 就没有qualify 申请啊?
对 不起,我没有看懂你的意思,什么叫顾问批准了?这个PROGRAM是必须通过政府批准的。那些顾问和BUSINESS COACH都是帮助你申请的人,他们是靠这个PROGRAM吃饭的,没有资格通过或不通过。你如果已经在申请了,你应该知道要先找顾问做RETURN TO WORK ACTION PLAN,然后去办这个PROGRAM的学校递交BUSINESS CONCEPT PLAN, 那里的人如果对你的PLAN感兴趣,会让你去做PRESENTATION, 完了他们再决定推荐不推荐你。如果他们推荐你,就成功了80-90%。最后才是政府审核,会找电话问你一些问题,他们讨论完以后会通知成功CASE去签一 份AGREEMENT,然后开始上课(一个半月左右)。不成功的也会通知,但会有下次机会继续申请。(修改BUSINESS CONCEPT PLAN)我不知道你走到哪一步了?
HERE IT IS: 譬如特许经营,咨询,专业人士(Doctor, lawyer等),直接依靠Commission的销售,只有一个客户的Subcontractor,MBA,非盈利机构及季节性的生意。
不用还,是无偿的。在这里我想提醒一下国人,这个PROGRAM是政府出资帮助那些真正想做生意的人。 政府花了大力气,投入了想当的成本和人力,成功以后要去上课,会有专人帮助你制定BUSINESS PLAN 和在随后的一年里跟踪运营情况。所以善意提醒一下,提前想好BUSNIESS IDEA, 做好市场调研,准备投入大量的时间去好好经营你的生意才去申请这个BENEFITS,要不就是浪费政府的钱和自己的时间和钱。
10)、请问:申请这个SEB PROGRAM 对申请者的语言程度有要求吗?
据我所知,现在多伦多只有三家机构是政府指定的,我在的这家是JOBSKILLS, 另外两家我不是很清楚,但你去找顾问做RETUREN TO ACTION PLAN 的时候,他们会告诉你,让你选。 据内部消息(我们上课的时候COACH说的,不知道可靠不可靠),JOBSKILLS的申请批准率是最高的,因为政府希望把小生意集中在北边多一些。 这里是他们的WEB: http://www.jobskills.org/seb/
Ontario Self-Employment Benefits Program
The Ontario Self-Employment Benefits (OSEB) Program provides a competitive edge for those wishing to start their own business. The program provides eligible unemployed applicants, selected through competition, with comprehensive business training, practical advisory assistance and up to one year of income support.
The formal training phase of the program focuses on all aspects of business preparation and planning. Upon graduation from the training phase, each participant would have completed a comprehensive business plan for his or her particular business venture. In the remaining ten months of the program, participants receive ongoing business counselling and income support for the start-up and development of their business.
Who Can Apply
The program is available to residents in the Toronto area who are unemployed and eligible for, or collecting, Employment Insurance Benefits.
A provision is made for eligible 'reach back' individuals who are currently unemployed and whose EI benefits ended within the past three years (or whose benefits started within the past five years for maternity or paternity benefits.) To determine if you are eligible for the program as a 'reach back' client, contact the Human Resource Assessment Centre nearest you.
Applicants must agree to make a full-time commitment to their business, complete all the requirements of the OSEB Program and establish a viable business.
How the OSEB Program Works
1、Phase I - Registration and Orientation:
Contact your local Assessment Centre (AC) to make an appointment. Your AC will evaluate your needs and prepare a Return-to-Work-Action Plan indicating their approval of your pursuing self employment as a career option. Your AC will advise you of future OSEB Information/Orientation Sessions to be conducted by the Centre of Entrepreneurship and other Toronto OSEB coordinators. Participants at these orientation session will learn about the program, what is required in the application process, and decide whether or not they wish to apply and be considered for the program.
2、Phase II -Self-Assessment and Selection:
Participants progressing into this phase are provided with the guidance and assistance required to assess the validity of their business idea, to make decisions about their personal effectiveness and to j udge their own suitability for self-employment.
Employment Ontario makes the final selection of successful participants out of this phase for formal entry into the OSEB Program.
3、Phase III - Training & Self-Employment Development:
This phase lasting 8 weeks, is the official start of the program, and provides practical, skill-based instruction on adult learning principles, such as workshop training, one-on-one counselling, and individual research providing a balanced learning approach.
Instruction focuses on all aspects of business planning and operations for a new business. Upon graduation from this training phase, each participant would have completed a well-prepared, comprehensive business plan for his or her particular business venture.
4、Phase IV - On-Going Business Support:
This final phase of the program lasting 10 months is designed to provide advisory support and follow-up business counselling to participants during the start-up and development of their new businesses. Advisors maintain regular contact with the program participants, visiting their place of business when necessary, to monitor the progress of each business.
我是SEB intake #48的
对了,这个论坛我为什么不能加签名档呢? 谢谢了![/QUOTE】
SEB Self-Employment Benefit计划是由Service Canada提供的一项政府性的福利计划。主要是为有兴趣在加拿 大创业,开立小生意的人提供一种无偿经济援助。政府从1993开始运行这个项目,根据最新权威统计,通过这种通过政府资助来扶持小生意度过第一个财年,可以有70% 以上的小生意获得5年以上的生命期。所以事实证明这种方法是很成功的。
1)、什么是SEB Program?
SEB Program是一个52周的创业启动项目,前10周培训,形成正式的商业计划;后42周辅导并生意正式运作。政府补贴个人CAD423/周 x 52周,不用归还。
2)、谁有资格申请SEB Program?
1。就业辅导机构推荐,有Return-to-Work Action Plan;
2。SEB辅导机构参加Information Session,提供个人信息,一周内书面申请;
3。准备Business Concept Presentation,2-4周后向SEB辅导机构介绍,SEB辅导机构决定是否批准推荐到政府。如果被拒绝了,程序结束。
2。咨询SEB Program同时对培训辅导期间的权利义务有严格的规定,其中一条就是所有信息(当然包括以上信息了)归SEB Program所有,学员不得擅自利用!
3。专业(Doctor, lawyer, accountant, architect, etc.)
7。Skilled trades
6)、是不是没有领过EI 或者父母金的 就没有qualify 申请啊?
对 不起,我没有看懂你的意思,什么叫顾问批准了?这个PROGRAM是必须通过政府批准的。那些顾问和BUSINESS COACH都是帮助你申请的人,他们是靠这个PROGRAM吃饭的,没有资格通过或不通过。你如果已经在申请了,你应该知道要先找顾问做RETURN TO WORK ACTION PLAN,然后去办这个PROGRAM的学校递交BUSINESS CONCEPT PLAN, 那里的人如果对你的PLAN感兴趣,会让你去做PRESENTATION, 完了他们再决定推荐不推荐你。如果他们推荐你,就成功了80-90%。最后才是政府审核,会找电话问你一些问题,他们讨论完以后会通知成功CASE去签一 份AGREEMENT,然后开始上课(一个半月左右)。不成功的也会通知,但会有下次机会继续申请。(修改BUSINESS CONCEPT PLAN)我不知道你走到哪一步了?
HERE IT IS: 譬如特许经营,咨询,专业人士(Doctor, lawyer等),直接依靠Commission的销售,只有一个客户的Subcontractor,MBA,非盈利机构及季节性的生意。
不用还,是无偿的。在这里我想提醒一下国人,这个PROGRAM是政府出资帮助那些真正想做生意的人。 政府花了大力气,投入了想当的成本和人力,成功以后要去上课,会有专人帮助你制定BUSINESS PLAN 和在随后的一年里跟踪运营情况。所以善意提醒一下,提前想好BUSNIESS IDEA, 做好市场调研,准备投入大量的时间去好好经营你的生意才去申请这个BENEFITS,要不就是浪费政府的钱和自己的时间和钱。
10)、请问:申请这个SEB PROGRAM 对申请者的语言程度有要求吗?
据我所知,现在多伦多只有三家机构是政府指定的,我在的这家是JOBSKILLS, 另外两家我不是很清楚,但你去找顾问做RETUREN TO ACTION PLAN 的时候,他们会告诉你,让你选。 据内部消息(我们上课的时候COACH说的,不知道可靠不可靠),JOBSKILLS的申请批准率是最高的,因为政府希望把小生意集中在北边多一些。 这里是他们的WEB: http://www.jobskills.org/seb/
Ontario Self-Employment Benefits Program
The Ontario Self-Employment Benefits (OSEB) Program provides a competitive edge for those wishing to start their own business. The program provides eligible unemployed applicants, selected through competition, with comprehensive business training, practical advisory assistance and up to one year of income support.
The formal training phase of the program focuses on all aspects of business preparation and planning. Upon graduation from the training phase, each participant would have completed a comprehensive business plan for his or her particular business venture. In the remaining ten months of the program, participants receive ongoing business counselling and income support for the start-up and development of their business.
Who Can Apply
The program is available to residents in the Toronto area who are unemployed and eligible for, or collecting, Employment Insurance Benefits.
A provision is made for eligible 'reach back' individuals who are currently unemployed and whose EI benefits ended within the past three years (or whose benefits started within the past five years for maternity or paternity benefits.) To determine if you are eligible for the program as a 'reach back' client, contact the Human Resource Assessment Centre nearest you.
Applicants must agree to make a full-time commitment to their business, complete all the requirements of the OSEB Program and establish a viable business.
How the OSEB Program Works
1、Phase I - Registration and Orientation:
Contact your local Assessment Centre (AC) to make an appointment. Your AC will evaluate your needs and prepare a Return-to-Work-Action Plan indicating their approval of your pursuing self employment as a career option. Your AC will advise you of future OSEB Information/Orientation Sessions to be conducted by the Centre of Entrepreneurship and other Toronto OSEB coordinators. Participants at these orientation session will learn about the program, what is required in the application process, and decide whether or not they wish to apply and be considered for the program.
2、Phase II -Self-Assessment and Selection:
Participants progressing into this phase are provided with the guidance and assistance required to assess the validity of their business idea, to make decisions about their personal effectiveness and to j udge their own suitability for self-employment.
Employment Ontario makes the final selection of successful participants out of this phase for formal entry into the OSEB Program.
3、Phase III - Training & Self-Employment Development:
This phase lasting 8 weeks, is the official start of the program, and provides practical, skill-based instruction on adult learning principles, such as workshop training, one-on-one counselling, and individual research providing a balanced learning approach.
Instruction focuses on all aspects of business planning and operations for a new business. Upon graduation from this training phase, each participant would have completed a well-prepared, comprehensive business plan for his or her particular business venture.
4、Phase IV - On-Going Business Support:
This final phase of the program lasting 10 months is designed to provide advisory support and follow-up business counselling to participants during the start-up and development of their new businesses. Advisors maintain regular contact with the program participants, visiting their place of business when necessary, to monitor the progress of each business.[/QUOTE
你好,我在国内也是搞医疗器械的,现在已拿到枫叶卡,准备2016年底长登,能留个联系方式吗?方便以后交流。谢谢了回复: 召集帖:OSEB或者小生意人士