
BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-05#1

view canada : 2010-08-05#2
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


view canada : 2010-08-05#3
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-05#4
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

钱到现在现在还没退,说是再交3万加币做DHS,还要参加雅思考试,,what changcn said is exactly correct !i have totally lost my direction !in deep depression ,view canada , regarding ur question , the 120,000 is just fee for processing the case , instead of investment amount , if u guys think my english is too chiglish , please excuse me , donot abuse me , please

view canada : 2010-08-05#5
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-13#6
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

i`ve read a lot of articles pasted here in the forum,i ended up deciding not to immigrate the damn country , where new immigration has to confront with some hursh time , such as unemployment , cultrual shock,but i wanna tell u guys , the one ,who refused my application , his family name is guo , female , a little bold , he works with BC development of economy , which was located downtown of vancouver,i now keep cursing on him and his family all the time , i believe , someday the curse would become ture !!his life , including his family life would be suffering from hell-like pain!i swear , he would be ....his next generation ,somehow,one of them , would get "noasshole" !!let`s see , i would past vicious curse on him and his family moer and more !!if some day he come to china !!if , coincidently in the forum , someone get the information , please must note me !!!i would perform a wonderful play to show you guys !

真心常在 : 2010-08-13#7
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-15#8
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

i know , i totally am aware what i am thinking , it is completely wrong thing .i also entirely agree with changcn.only one way u can get unleashed , just let it out let it all out , life is just passing by , regardless u r angery or happy .i know that is not correct way to keep cursing on him , or anyone , the best way to help myself out is forgive him , or in the contect , forgive him is not correct.if someone smash on ur right face , the best way to wipe off ur rage is to tribute smasher ur left face .so via my narration ,i guess u can get what my situation is in mind , i might be too long winded.yeah.

HuluHulu : 2010-08-16#9
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-17#10
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

that is the reason !i did bc pnp as a key staff. i had a very rich chinese boss , who live in tianjin china , according to bc pnp , if main applicant applies for business investing 40 cad to run in britain columbia , he would be qualified for taking a key staff to go to canada to do the business , then after 6 months of running the business which ,ahead of schedule , would be prepared by hiring a lowyer.then , BC government`d check the business plan.if it is approved , the main applicant and his or her key staff would grant visa to go to have an interview with BC emigration officer , i got passed on the two procedures , means the business in the future which would be operated , and granted visa to interview the damn officer named guo , who , i mentioned , keep cursing on and his familes . u know , the rich man , as main applicant , he can`t speak english , but i can , then i was very confident i would get the worl permit after the interview.but finally the bald , the damn guo , who is hongkongese approved the main applicant ,instead refusing me , the reason from his mouth as smeely as his asshole is incredibly , the main applicant himself is capable enough to run the business , he doesnot need any key staffs at all.so i finally lost the chance .so guys!donot u think i should curse him and his families all the time ???

彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-18#11
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

yeah , this time , no one replied my paste , i can understand , nobody would care about a same complaining lasted very long , nothing new ,or it is for my poor english .i care ,but on the other hand i donot care .anyway , i have already given up the terrible immigration case , though i still insist in canada , there could be better off .who knows , meanwhile by reading articles pated on the forum , i also got to know , for new immigrate , over there , on a totally new land , they have also a lot of new stories , some r even very suffering .actually , regardless where u live , what u r facing , what u encountered , if u can got to be happy entirely results from ur inner world .even though in state , which usually is called greatest country , there r also a lot of things would upset u , let it be let it out , life is just actually very simple !each time when my mam`s death comes to my mind , i always feel life is just a vain thing.resulting in some many messes , is just for our mind , our mental.if someone like reading my paste,just answer me , which one is better between to be thoughful and to be less thoughful , i will appreciate ur reply following below .

彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-19#12
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

说实话,我很想移民,因为看到中国的现状,我太失望了,这也是我为什么努力学习英语的原因,也是为什么我在这里用英文写的原因,我在知道我的英语不可能是地道的,应为毕竟不是NATIVEENGLISH SPEAKER ,因此如果哪位高手看了觉得不好甚至恶心请见谅。可不知道为什么满腔的热情就这样被当头一棒,事情虽然应经过去了将近一年了,但那种无助和迷茫似乎变得越来越深远,忽然间觉得自己的价值观出现错误了!让我和大家说说也许可能是真实情况我为什么被拒吧,我这里所说的也学可能是真实情况是因为我只有心理上的感觉而没有实际的证据。我的面试官员是一个来自香港的加拿大人,就是和你我一样的华裔,但我能从他的态度看出来,似乎他很歧视我们大陆人,是个姓郭的秃子,40左右岁吧,我想要是真正的白人本地加拿大人可能我的结果就是现在应经在加拿大了,所以你说我是不是有理由失去我的风度??我会讲英语,有很多北美的朋友,他们还都可以帮我,而且我还是一名会计师,当然是中国的,可这正是加拿大紧缺的呀,而且我们还会带资金过去,而且投资人不会讲英语,大家觉得被拒符合逻辑吗?既然不符合那肯定有些人为的情绪因素了,唉人生就是这样,有时你觉得100%能成的事情最终就是空欢喜,其实我已经做好了最坏的打算,到那里daLOBAR苦几年,至少可以变得和那里的自然一样洁净舒缓,可就是被拒了,我为了能去加拿大,一直没买房,最后不得不在房价最高的去年买了150万的房子,本来这些钱是可以话在加拿大的,说实话,我真的是做好为那个国家,那个朝思暮想的我心中的圣地甚至牺牲生命在所不惜的思想准备的,可到头来。。。。,大家知道两年的时间,10几万,钱还是次要,那些经历,那些对生活的寄希,对家人的承诺,特别是对孩子的承诺,就这样被那个郭姓秃头无情的击碎。这些难道不会颠覆一个人价值观吗?恩,谢谢还能有人回帖,虽然看来我必须用中文,是呀,干什么用英语,那些和我有什么关系?

彻底的梦想者 : 2010-08-23#13
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

i still want to type english , please donot mind me , it , at least , is a practise , though some of viewers would think my english is a torture.if u think that way , please forgive me for my poor english.yeah , as changcn said ,u must calm down and cool down no matter how dreadful day u encountered ,i agree with u ,i nearly get in peaceful.coz , even if u dont cool down , insanity doesnot work on what u r mopey with. cheer up is a way for all time .maybe my failure to immigrate to canada is that god deliberately did to me .coz , there would be a ordeal waiting for me to spend like many articles narrated in the forum .today , i just want to tell u ,my pals , following story after my bc pnp , as a key staff,was refused.in the last september , right after i came from canadian interview , i thought , granting two years of work permit would be one hundred percent of no problem .so i started to prepare for the journey ,about which i have thought a lots.it would be a severe hard confrontation.then , my wife started to become pretty worried , she had a very good job , a civil servand working with financial ministry ,steady and good payment.and for long time no using english , her level was just abc ,sounds a little bit exaggerated ,but compared with canadian local english , that i s ture , i believe , new immigrates surely have the feeling . she is so worried and mess with the journey coming up.even she got sick ,which was totally caused by the worrying and high-pressure .she always asked me , if we could not get job there , what would we live on?and she didnot want to give up her domestic good job.then time passed by ,damn agency informed me , i was refused , u know what ?she became very happy !she said , thank for god , the refusal wiped my worry off !so , when agency told me , they had another method , which called hsd , and pursaded me to pay 30000$ for it ,then within 7 months of processing i would get permanent residential .i definitely refused this proposal!the hsd (it can possibly be "hsd"or other speeling , whatever)asked me to take IELTS.the 30000$ was used to hire a canadian local employer .i think u guys shoud know the case .
to be frank , i donot know my refusal to the advice is correct or incorrect.i am actually regretful , but , on the anther hand,i am 40 years old , some passages pasted in the forum , told me , for 40-year-old , immigration is really a huge risk , life is confused , world is confused , when people failed , people start becoming to like musing !

view canada : 2010-08-24#14
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


加国传奇 : 2010-08-24#15
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!



Jeangao : 2010-08-26#16
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


pangpang和mama : 2010-09-01#17
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-09-27#18
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

sure , i`ve not logged in the forum for very long time ,so forum system automactically reminded me of coming up and have a rest to talk with friends , recently , my situation seems to be worse !not only about the damn immigration case , but also my domestic work !i am now in dellimma!i know thoroughly , no one could help me out.life itself is just a torture,which u have been surrfering from since u were taken out of mam`s womb .that is why new born infint starts crying , instead of smiling !some say that is scientific phenomena , but , smiling is also people`s natural reflex , then why people , at the very starting of coming down to the earth ,would cry!whatever , actually , i donot know what to say here to share with my friends , i just am like a long winded barstard complaining with nothing !but it is my real emotional express ,i wish u guys won`t mind infect my bad mood brought u.the best wish for , those have been succed in immigrating to canada ,

夜蓝山 : 2010-09-27#19
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

sure , i`ve not logged in the forum for very long time ,so forum system automactically reminded me of coming up and have a rest to talk with friends , recently , my situation seems to be worse !not only about the damn immigration case , but also my domestic work !i am now in dellimma!i know thoroughly , no one could help me out.life itself is just a torture,which u have been surrfering from since u were taken out of mam`s womb .that is why new born infint starts crying , instead of smiling !some say that is scientific phenomena , but , smiling is also people`s natural reflex , then why people , at the very starting of coming down to the earth ,would cry!whatever , actually , i donot know what to say here to share with my friends , i just am like a long winded barstard complaining with nothing !but it is my real emotional express ,i wish u guys won`t mind infect my bad mood brought u.the best wish for , those have been succed in immigrating to canada ,





彻底的梦想者 : 2010-09-29#20
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

hey nite blue mountain , thank u so much , u replied my paste ,though i made some mistakes in my passage , some r very childish mistakes , like infant , i spelt as infint.
yeah , i am also 40 years old.maybe , some pals in the forum would think me as a weird dude , look , all of pen pals ,here ,write feelings down in english .just only the dork use english.emm,i know some muct be laughing at me.i care , or donot care.u know , i used work with foreign companies , and have stayed in state and canada for a couple of time.i know how beautiful and pleasant atmosphere is over there.also know how hard new immigrate would confront.seems to be a little mess.let`s talk sth about mature.it ,i feel,seems to be dead heart!never impulsive anymore,no longer be active,acknowledge whatever u face,no more creative ideas ,just work and wait for the day of leaving for tomb ,or becoming bone ash of put in the small box?who knows , i hope , all of followers of my english passages can keep in touch with me .time to eat , god bless u , though my praying doesnot seem to be working ,

夜蓝山 : 2010-09-29#21
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

hey nite blue mountain , thank u so much , u replied my paste ,though i made some mistakes in my passage , some r very childish mistakes , like infant , i spelt as infint.
yeah , i am also 40 years old.maybe , some pals in the forum would think me as a weird dude , look , all of pen pals ,here ,write feelings down in english .just only the dork use english.emm,i know some muct be laughing at me.i care , or donot care.u know , i used work with foreign companies , and have stayed in state and canada for a couple of time.i know how beautiful and pleasant atmosphere is over there.also know how hard new immigrate would confront.seems to be a little mess.let`s talk sth about mature.it ,i feel,seems to be dead heart!never impulsive anymore,no longer be active,acknowledge whatever u face,no more creative ideas ,just work and wait for the day of leaving for tomb ,or becoming bone ash of put in the small box?who knows , i hope , all of followers of my english passages can keep in touch with me .time to eat , god bless u , though my praying doesnot seem to be working ,





彻底的梦想者 : 2010-09-29#22
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

it looks like our connection have been built up.i am glad of it.i know , if i ask u to type english as communicating way ,u`d definitely regard me as a doofus .however i still ask u to type eng,coz english is really a crucial factor for u to fit in canadian society soon.maybe ur english is already good upon to "donot neet to practice ,i hope so .what u said about bad mood would infect family,make them be as upset as i am ,i have the sense ,but very hard to return , i mean out of the frustration , or i am not persistent , not tough.i admire ur determination , i also hope u realize ur dream , unlike me , end up being a thorough dreamer .actually , reason why i am so upset is not only for failure of the immigration case but i also have some other reasons , to sum up , i paid too much for the damn immigration thing!therefor feel so lost .i`d like to tell u more if our communication can last in long time .

laozhang : 2010-10-10#23
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-10-11#24
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

my attorney (who really sucks) told me , the reason BC official refused me is ,the investor is good enough to run the business.he doesnot need me , as a key staff !!!the reason is too fucking bad isnot it ???neither for files nor others. just after being interviewed , my agent informed me the result.and , my attorney told she has appealed to bc`s relevant department ,but no dice at all to change the result.that is what i got after paying her 120,000 rmb and two years of exertion !

HDNN : 2010-10-18#25
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-10-19#26
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

yeah , thing is just like what u said , i answered interviewer in english , but at the moment , my lawyer was just beside me , she encouraged me to speak english , and interviewer , a chinese from hongkong , also asked me in english. u know what ,the whole process just lasted for 10 minutes !!!maybe shorter , then the damn baster made a decision , refusal !!!
i also have another experience about speaking english with native english speaker , who is visa officer working in american embassy of beijing , i was interviewed for twice , frist time , some guys told me before entering interviewing room , donot speak english with visa officers , coz they would think u have intent to stay in usa .then , i didnot speak eng with officers , finally i was refused , second time, i thought , no matter what u would refuse me, then i justtake the interview as oppotunity to practise my english , so i thrown those nonspeaking english advice , just talked with officers in english , then i granted visa to state !i am totally subject to fate , but i am not lucky guy , at least not last , i am now like this way !

清风秀影 : 2010-10-20#27
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


哄妻公 : 2010-11-02#28
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


彻底的梦想者 : 2010-11-03#29
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!

thank u ,husband of caring for wife for responsing to me!i see u said , just do it , and totally be ready for failure , this attitude is absolutely correct !i, just thought , i would be one hundred precent of success!but i failed !that is jusr reason why i have been pretty blue mood!and it is very hard to reserve to normal mood , donot speak of good mood !after i got refused , my wife was desperated to buy house , finally i bought a house with money which was used for my canadian journey !120 large !!!originally i might buy at a very low price !that is life !i am pretty interested in ur idea , once u fail u`d work hard to earn money then immigrate in investment way , that is also my ideal.to be frank , i donot give up my dream as well, i am also quite active of earning money , but i have no good profitable project , just work as an employee, like a dog.i hope we both would be in touch all the time , good wish for u , urs

wliu88 : 2010-11-07#30
回复: BC PNP 我作为关键员工被拒!!!


木子李Alison : 2019-11-01#31