


justin_zhu : 2005-12-25#1
Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:
  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.​

wyman : 2005-12-25#2

liuchh : 2005-12-25#3

蒙蒙牛 : 2005-12-25#4
谢谢ZHUZHU.HK给的EMAIL回答中的第一句到与ME信上第一句差不多,呵呵:. We have already completed the preliminary assessment of your application but further examination is required.只是后面跟了个BUT.还有就是描述初步的单词用了preliminary

jie_ming : 2005-12-25#5

bullock : 2005-12-25#6

点点 : 2005-12-25#7

wingwinggg : 2005-12-25#8


一个愤青 : 2005-12-26#9

芽芽学语 : 2005-12-26#10
不错, 谢谢,

好运永相伴 : 2005-12-26#11

Peter_ZKH : 2006-01-01#12

maryhunter : 2006-01-01#13
谢谢juetin zhu

Don : 2006-01-01#14
好贴子. 藤子们把自己的ME跟株株的比较一下, 看看是不是一样D

seasand : 2006-01-01#15

wellssong : 2006-01-01#16

nursery : 2006-01-01#17

today : 2006-01-01#18

yoycat : 2006-01-01#19

tonyga1 : 2006-01-01#20

dwenzhy : 2006-01-01#21
justin_zhu 说:
Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:
  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.​

饭泡粥 : 2006-01-03#22

justin_zhu : 2006-01-03#23

偏偏 : 2006-01-03#24

Kent : 2006-01-03#25

加拿大刺猬 : 2006-01-10#26
还没见到FN, 先见到ME了, xixi...

canada2003 : 2006-01-10#27

vivian1030 : 2006-01-11#28

baby : 2006-01-11#29

Peter_ZKH : 2006-01-26#30

today : 2006-01-26#31

yezhijing : 2006-01-26#32
恭喜啊!! 整整一年 可算有结果了 苦进甘来! 也给别的移友一点信心:))

:wdb10: :wdb10:
justin_zhu 说:
Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:
  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.​

vivian1030 : 2006-01-26#33

gdpingping : 2006-02-04#34

jeff021 : 2006-02-04#35

heavenrain : 2006-02-04#36

heavenrain : 2006-02-04#37

风眷叶 : 2006-02-04#38

螃蟹 : 2006-02-04#39

veiclee : 2006-02-05#40
再次请教justin_zhu,我收到体检表和补料信 ,但没有你所说的ME信的内容,这是怎么回事呀?

小林子 : 2006-02-05#41

20041018 : 2006-02-05#42
Me 了!

亲亲我的宝贝猪猪 : 2006-02-05#43

安心化妆品 : 2006-02-05#44

zeal : 2006-02-13#45

lili63 : 2006-02-17#46

redsea2008 : 2006-02-18#47

wildwind : 2006-02-21#48

heavenrain : 2006-02-21#49

silja : 2006-02-21#50


justin_zhu 说:
Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:
  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.​

阳光灿烂2006 : 2006-02-21#51

helei199 : 2006-02-22#52

junejune : 2006-03-20#53
Thank u !!!

有眼光 : 2006-03-20#54

justin_zhu : 2006-03-23#55
silja 说:

lihuanhuan2003 : 2006-03-24#56
ME 到Visa大楷需要多久呢?谢谢

justin_zhu : 2006-03-24#57
lihuanhuan2003 说:
ME 到Visa大楷需要多久呢?谢谢

luckyluo : 2006-03-24#58
请问JUZHU, ME 是不是A4大的信封, 我担心家里的邮箱口太小塞不进去, 邮递员放在BOX上面被无聊的人拿走就麻烦了

justin_zhu : 2006-03-24#59
luckyluo 说:
请问JUZHU, ME 是不是A4大的信封, 我担心家里的邮箱口太小塞不进去, 邮递员放在BOX上面被无聊的人拿走就麻烦了

luckyluo : 2006-03-24#60
谢谢JUZHU 的详细解释,我放心了

chaos : 2006-05-25#61

7-11 : 2006-05-27#62

amazon2002 : 2006-07-08#63
please do so by facsimile or mail.


0m02 : 2006-08-07#64

yutao175 : 2006-08-07#65


jangnara : 2006-08-07#66

weini : 2006-08-07#67

QinQin : 2006-08-07#68

holybear : 2006-08-15#69
good man

kevin_kang : 2006-08-17#70

气定神闲 : 2007-03-14#71

Dear Applicant,

We have completed the initial assessment of your application for permanent residence in accordance with the new immigration legistration, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA). Based on file information, we anticipate being able to finalize your application without a selection interview within the next 6 months. However, please note, we may decide, at any point in the application process, that an interview may not be waived.

In order to continue the processing of your application, please proceed with the items marked below:
  • Please find attached the necessary forms and instructions for an immigration medical examination. You are required to proceed with your medical examination within 45 days from the date of this letter.
  • Please refer to the attached list of documents. You are required to submit all documents marked with "" within 90 days from the date of this letter
  • No Additional documents at required at this time.
  • Applicants who meet the addmission requirements for permanent residence in Canada are required to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee(RPRF). The RPRF must be paid before you and your accompanying dependant receive your immigrant visa(s). The payment instruction sheet is enclosed. The RPRF only applies to principal applicant and his/her accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Upon receipt of satisfactory medical examination results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa. You should not contact this office regarding your case until you have submitted all required documents AND at least six months have passed from the date of your medical examination. We will not respond to any enquiries mode before then. However, should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by facsimile or mail.

If you fail to comply with the immigration requirements within the deadline, we may refuse your immigration application.

This is a computer-generated form letter which requires no signature.​
谢谢你的文件, 给我们以信心, 希望我们能在CANADA见面:wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9:

karen : 2007-03-14#72

等待ME : 2007-03-14#73

sunyong75 : 2007-03-14#74

login : 2007-03-23#75

wendywang : 2007-03-23#76

UNI-HARVEST-your close expert for transporting personal effects
Worry about the personal effects when you enter or leave a country? For they are too heavy, easily be damaged and inconvenience for boarding. Do not worry about it , UNI-HARVEST helps you solve all the problem. She will give you the best shipment choice and provide you the whole way service including packing, picking up your goods, storage, customs declaration, delivery and customs clearance.
Our service customers:
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Our service scope:
Call us ,and solve all the problem for you.
You can choose the service as :port to port , port to door ,door to port and door to door .
Any problem , please feel free to call us.

big-wolf : 2007-12-12#77
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


evaliu007 : 2008-01-14#78
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

hao,thanks a lot!

冰冷人心 : 2008-01-15#79
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

老贴浮上来了 但看到这样的帖子还是忍不住顶一下

我是大胖 : 2008-01-15#80
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


sdqd_szx : 2008-03-09#81
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


repassword : 2008-03-11#82
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


hainan : 2008-03-13#83
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

Thanks for sharing.

大D : 2008-03-19#84
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

Reading and try to memorize it~

victorfu : 2008-03-31#85
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


hyaluronase : 2008-05-25#86
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


小草花 : 2008-05-28#87
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


Amelie666 : 2008-09-24#88
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


joehe : 2009-03-17#89
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


jasony : 2009-05-18#90
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

thks for sharing.

timeluck : 2009-05-21#91
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


灿灿无语 : 2009-05-23#92
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

谢谢 ^_^ 谢谢

gdviginie : 2009-06-09#93
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


happyfreer : 2009-06-09#94
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


叔叔32 : 2009-06-16#95
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!

故乡的云 : 2009-07-03#96
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


Sunnyhh : 2009-11-01#97
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!


godfly : 2010-06-09#98
回复: ME信公开,给等ME的移友们一点信心!
