首先我们讨论的都是FAMILY CLASS的。以下段落来自担保人的声明。其中并没有写多长时间,但写有"settle successfully and permanently in Saskatchewan.",我想一年应该是最短期限吧。
5. I declare that I clearly understand that applicant(s) to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (named below) must make a formal declaration of their intention to live and work in Saskatchewan, and that I will be prohibited from supporting other Family Members in the future, if the applicant named on this affidavit does not settle successfully and permanently in Saskatchewan.
cream6 : 2010-10-25#10
回复: 萨省的亲属提名,登陆后可以选择其他省生活吗?
官方并没有一个解释一定居住满一定期限,只要官方认为你不是intent to live and work in sk(如果官方觉得1年还够不上intent呢),那个后果我不晓得.