


巴西木 : 2010-12-16#1

Table 3 - Low Income Cut-off (LICO)

Effective until December 31, 2010
Size of Family UnitMinimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor)$22,171
2 persons$27,601
3 persons$33,933
4 persons$41,198
5 persons$46,727
6 persons$52,699
7 persons$58,673
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$5,974

If you are using this application kit after December 31, 2010, contact our Call Centre for revised figures.

巴西木 : 2011-02-28#2
回复: 担保父母团聚移民收入要求


Table 3 - Low Income Cut-off (LICO)

Effective until December 31, 2011
Size of Family UnitMinimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor)$22,229
2 persons$27,674
3 persons$34,022
4 persons$41,307
5 persons$46,850
6 persons$52,838
7 persons$58,827
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$5,989

If you are using this application kit after December 31, 2011, contact our Call Centre for revised figures.

YesNo : 2011-04-28#3
回复: 担保父母团聚移民收入要求
