Dutch Crocus
Common Crocus Species:
Fall And Spring Blooming Crocus Plant Varieties
Dutch Crocus (C. vernus). This species is the toughest crocus of all and is available nearly everywhere. It is available in a rainbow of colors, often marked with contrasting streaks or blotches.
荷兰番红花(C. vernus)是最顽強的番红花物种,几乎到处都有。它有彩虹的颜色,通常带有对比鲜明的条纹或斑点。
Scottish Crocus (C. bifloris) is a showy white flower with purple striped petals and yellow throats. Read the label carefully as some forms of Scottish Crocus bloom in autumn.
Early Crocus (C. tommasinianus). For color soon after the first of each year, consider this crocus species. Often known as “Tommy,” this small variety displays star-shaped blooms of silvery bluish lavender.
Golden Crocus (C. chrysanthus) is a delightful variety with sweet-scented, orange-yellow blooms. Hybrids are available in many colors, including pure white, pale blue, pale yellow, white with purple edges, or blue with yellow centers.
Saffron crocus (C. sativus) is a fall bloomer that produces lilac blooms with bright orange-red, saffron-rich stigma. As an added bonus, you can remove the stigma as soon as the blooms open, then dry them for a few days and use the saffron for seasoning paella and other dishes.
香料藏红花(C. sativus)秋天盛开,花朵淡紫色,带有橙红色的柱头。将其柱头干燥制作香料,非常名贵,自古藏红花用作食物调味和着色,如西班牙海鲜饭(Paella)。
Cloth of Gold (C. angustifolius) is a popular early-winter bloomer that produces star-shaped, orange-gold flowers with a deep brown stripe running down the center of each petal.
C. pulchellus produces pale lilac blooms, each with a yellow throat and contrasting veins of deep purple.
Bieberstein’s crocus (C. speciosus). With its flashy, bluish violet blooms, is probably the flashiest autumn-blooming crocus. This species, which increases quickly, is also available in mauve and lavender.