大家好! 申请父母移民表格IMM1283我真的不知道怎么填了,有知道的能不能帮助我一下? 谢谢您了!!!
但现在的问题是 第2页 和第4页我根本不明白是什么意思.
第2页的details of your family members and persons included in undertakings in effect or not yet in effect signed by you and ,if applicable,your co-signer然后下面就是
3B i
ersons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect
3B ii
ersons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect
3B iii
ersons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are still in effect
3B iv:
ersons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are not yet in effect