回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?
从CIC上解读 Maternity EI是可以做为income来sponsor父母团聚的, 但是12C我就不理解是什么意思了:
12. Calculation of income based on the “Option-C Printout”
12.A ― Print the amount that appears at line 150 of the last notice of assessment (“Option-C Printout”) issued to you by CRA for the most recent taxation year.
12.B ― Enter all of the following payments that were included in line 150 of your notice of assessment, add them up and print the total:
- Provincial instruction or training allowance;
- Social assistance paid by a province;
- Employment insurance: only maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such a employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income; and
- Guaranteed income supplement paid under the Old Age Security Act.
12.C ― Deduct the total entered at 12.B (line 6) from the amount at 12.A (line 1). The result 12.C is your total income as per the simplified method of calculation.