第一种,递担保到CPC-M的时候,如果Dependent Children还不够22周岁及未婚,就是锁定了Option A。
“Your child or a child of your spouse or common-law partner will be considered a dependent child if that child
A.is under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship; or
B.married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age 22 and, since becoming a spouse or a common-law partner, has
been continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority and
depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; or
is 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, has
been continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority and
depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; or
C.is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition. ”
最近我在南亚和东南亚的英语移民论坛找到一个链接到CIC的文件“OP 2 Processing Members of the Family Class”。链接为http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/resources/manuals/op/op02-eng.pdf
其中在第18页5.23. When must requirements be met by family members?.找到这个问题的答案。
“Dependent children under 22 years of age
Is under 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner when the application is received by CPC-M; and
without taking into account their age, they continue not to be married or not involved in a common-law relationship at visa issuance and when they enter Canada.”
这是2006.11.14的文件,我在CIC搜索了一下,没有找到日期比它更新而同是Processing Members of the Family Class的文件,所以我觉得这文件应该已经是最新的了。
P.S.不知道这些适不适用于投资移民的随行子女,不过相信CIC对dependent children只有同一套标准。