call center电话实在打不通,只好发贴在这里问了.
而停留加拿大,是入境时候,机场相关官员给盖个章,说明离开时间. 但是,父母不大懂,他们说机场有执勤人员指挥他们怎么走怎么走,他们就被带到取行李的地方,直接出来了.护照上只盖了一个加拿大这边的入境时间.
我不是很清楚怎么办了,打官方提供电话: 1-888-242-2100,根本打不通.
查询相关文件(5551E.pdf),说的不是很清楚: (他如果说, if there is a stamp without specifing a date, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada. 我就明白了.现在搞得我糊涂,虽然我觉得这种情况应该还是"your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.")
How do I know the expiry date of my temporary resident status?
1.Temporary residents travelling with passports:
When you arrived in Canada and gave your passport to the officer, they authorized your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document. Check your passport. If you find a stamp, it should look like one of these.
For example, if the officer specified a date as shown in the above illustration, your temporary resident status would expire on June 30th, 1993.
If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.
If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.