回复: 2011年最佳新轿车
换句话说,严格的测试程序,包括“现实世界”在公共道路上驾驶 - 正是那里的消费者驱动器 - 这样的测试,投票,结果是,有关潜在的轿车和卡车买家。
团队成员使用了详细的评价形式,包括21个独立的评价参数,包括加速,制动,车辆动力学,可操作性,甚至越野能力,如适用。每个参数额定使用规定的0 - 10评定量表。
这些选票,然后由国际会计师事务所毕马威会计师事务所 (KPMG)列表。结果是保密的 - 甚至从AJAC - 直到奖新闻发布会,其中的类别和整体优胜者公布。
The evaluation process for the Canadian Car of the Year Awards (CCOTY) is based on "real-world" back-to-back testing so that the results have relevance for consumers.
In other words, the rigorous testing program includes "real world" driving on public roads exactly where consumers drive - so that the test, and vote, results are relevant to potential car and truck buyers.
Every member of a test team compares each vehicle in its class, back-to-back, on the same roads, under the same conditions to ensure objective evaluation.
Team members use a detailed rating form, comprising 21 separate evaluation parameters that include acceleration, braking, vehicle dynamics, maneuverability, even off-road capability, where applicable. Each parameter is rated using a prescribed 0 - 10 rating scale.
Every detail, from safety features to cargo capacity, is thoroughly scrutinized, discussed, and individually rated by secret ballot.
Those ballots are then tabulated by the international accounting firm KPMG. The results are kept confidential -- even from AJAC -- until the awards press conferences wherein the category and overall winners are announced.