话不能这么讲, 我们出来啦, 还准备回中国吗? 如果是投资移民,国内还有产业。可以到这边吃拿福利,反正不准备长住,主要是为了孩子教育出来的,也是可以吃拿,然后拍屁股走人。
我们既非superman,只能选地而居,我们出来的目的,一是为了自由,二是为了后代。择地而居,既然选择了这里,难道我们还希望,后代像我们一样,再做immigrant,做2等公民吗?只能希望本地好些儿,是个理想国度。但很明显 这个国度充满着矛盾,不利于黄种人。 这个地方是个政客性社会,充满了欺诈,虽然透明些。
正如这个 Trudeau,其实也是个政客,他是真心为Quebec好吗?不是,他只是想用Quebec来制衡Harper, 是个彻头彻尾的政客。
--He responded: "Don't worry...: exactly the opposite: Canada needs Qc to balance out Harper's vision that I (and many) just don't support."
他只是想利用Quebec平衡Harper政府,拿Quebec做筹码,支持他的Gay Marriage,和Abortion right。
"I always say, if at a certain point I thought that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper - that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways - maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country," he said.
所以这个 这个自由党徒的 真实用心,昭然若揭。