Also beware of the no risk investment, because that's simply not true。同时防止没有风险的投资,因为这是不可能的
加拿大华人防骗自助 : 2012-05-02#15
回复: 不如大家交流一下加拿大华人防骗的TIPS
Offshore or tax-free investments. There's no such thing as tax-free. At some point you have to pay taxes.
加拿大华人防骗自助 : 2012-05-02#16
回复: 不如大家交流一下加拿大华人防骗的TIPS
还有:Do not rely on appearance alone. Scam artists often have impressive offices and addresses to portray themselves as legitimate professionals。 不要被外表所欺骗,骗子们通常有令人印象深刻的办公室等
加拿大华人防骗自助 : 2012-05-02#17
回复: 不如大家交流一下加拿大华人防骗的TIPS
An easy way to protect yourself is to run a background check on anyone offering to sell you investments.。一个简单的防止被骗的方法是查提供你投资服务的人的背景
是不是厌烦了信箱里一大堆广告邮件?要减少它们很简单,Canada Post advises customers to tape a "No Junk Mail" sign on or in your mailbox or mail slot to stop receiving unaddressed advertisements. 加拿大邮政说,你可以贴一个“No Junk Mail”在邮箱上即可停止没有写你收的广告邮件
是不是厌烦了信箱里一大堆广告邮件?要减少它们很简单,Canada Post advises customers to tape a "No Junk Mail" sign on or in your mailbox or mail slot to stop receiving unaddressed advertisements. 加拿大邮政说,你可以贴一个“No Junk Mail”在邮箱上即可停止没有写你收的广告邮件
你的手机完全可以取代GPS。消费者报告(Consumer Reports)测试了多种手机GPS软件,表示 you can't go wrong buying an app from one of the GPS giants like TomTom, Garmin, Navigon and Magellan.。TomTom, Garmin, Navigon and Magellan都挺好
Think twice before you buy pink。加拿大买东西经常会看到买东西会有部分捐给加拿大防止乳癌基金的标志(pink ribbon粉红丝带),按照规定凡是参与了这个活动的公司必须贡献最少10%的销售给基金会,但是很多公司做不到。来源:CTV。本微博并非鼓励大家不做慈善。
加拿大华人防骗自助 : 2012-05-06#51
回复: 不如大家交流一下加拿大华人防骗的TIPS
CTV的消费专门记者Lynda Steele专门调查发现,加拿大很多一样的东西,针对卖给女性的贵过卖给男性的 Lynda Steele went on a shopping trip to London Drugs to do a gender pricing experiment, and found that women are paying more for the same goods
加拿大华人防骗自助 : 2012-05-06#52
回复: 不如大家交流一下加拿大华人防骗的TIPS
买到有缺陷的车(lemon car)怎么办?加拿大没有柠檬法,但是有“汽车仲裁计划”Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan,凡是四年或12万公里以内的车都符合资格。此外还可以投诉到Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of BC(BC汽车销售监管机构),还有BC消费者保护机构(Consumer Protection BC)