


Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#1




227的代表案例Ms. Gurung的要求 dismissed

227的dismissed 不是败诉。事实上,参加这个起诉的157个227的人,也都ME了,并且将在180天内结案。


[1] The applicants seek orders of mandamus compelling the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Minister) to process their applications for permanent residence under the federal skilled worker (FSW) class.

[2] The applications at issue were selected through a case management process as representative cases for two groups of applicants whose FSW applications have not been processed to completion. Applicant Dong Liang represents 671 applicants who submitted their applications before February 27, 2008, when amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001, c 27(IRPA) were enacted through the Budget Implementation Act, 2008, SC 2008, c 28 or “Bill-C50” (pre-C50 applications). Applicant Phool Maya Gurung represents 154 applicants who submitted their applications between February 27, 2008 and June 26, 2010, a period of time during which eligibility for a FSW visa was governed by a set of Ministerial Instructions (MI1 applications). They both allege that the Minister has unreasonably delayed processing their applications by choosing to accord higher priority to applications submitted more recently and according to different criteria.

[3] For the reasons that follow, the application in respect of Mr. Liang is granted, and dismissed in respect of Ms. Gurung. No order is made in respect of the other applications held in abeyance pending the outcome of this litigation. The Court has been informed that the parties have agreed on a protocol to address those cases based on the outcome of these two applications.

判决书开宗明义解释了这次诉讼的性质:mandamus litigation,mandamus是要求法庭对政府发号施令,命令政府完成某种行为的诉讼。

但是接下来的集体诉讼class-action,就是状告政府犯法,这次政府犯了什么法呢?Bill of Rights!当然政府不认为它犯了法,需要法庭来判决它有没有犯法。这个class-action,并不受申请人的主观想法影响,它是加拿大本国的三权制衡行为,是必然会发生的。

Applicant Dong Liang represents 671 applicants who submitted their applications before February 27, 2008


The applications at issue were selected through a case management process as representative cases for two groups of applicants whose FSW applications have not been processed to completion

have not been processed就是我们没有S2,以及S2了但Caips没打分的人

to completion则是那35人。

Background: Changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program

[4] By 2008, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) faced an enormous backlog of FSW applications. Over 600,000 applications were extant, a number which would only continue to grow since incoming applications continually exceeded the department’s processing capacity. This backlog, or more precisely, the lag time between the application, its processing and ultimate assessment, made it increasingly difficult to align candidates’ experience and skills to Canada’s prevailing labour market needs. Any changes to the eligibility criteria would not truly take effect for several years when those applications were finally processed.

[5] In response to this problem, the IRPA was amended in February 2008 to introduce section 87.3. The amendments authorized the Minister to issue instructions regarding which applications would be eligible for processing (Ministerial Instructions) and removed the obligation to process every application received. The amendments granted the Minister broad authority to triage the applications according to revised eligibility criteria, including the establishment of categories of applicants, global levels or quotas for all FSW applications, and sub-levels or quotas for particular occupations.


The Ministerial Instructions

[7] Since this amendment, the Minister has published four different sets of Ministerial Instructions. The first set of Ministerial Instructions was published on November 29, 2008 (MI1). They applied to applications received on or after February 27, 2008. Pursuant to the MI1, applications would only be eligible to be processed if the applicant: had experience in one of 38 listed occupations; an arranged offer of employment (AEO); or was legally residing in Canada as a temporary foreign worker or international student.


[8] The MI1 were ultimately unsuccessful in restraining the growth of applications. The backlog diminished at first, but eventually application levels increased beyond the levels before Bill C-50. Thus, on June 26, 2010, the second set of Ministerial Instructions was published (MI2). They applied to applications received on or after that date. The MI2 directed that applications would only be eligible to be processed if the applicant had an AEO or the applicant had experience in one of 29, as opposed to 38, listed occupations. The MI2 introduced a global cap on FSW applications: a maximum of 20,000 applications (excluding those with an AEO) were to be placed into processing each year. Within that cap, a maximum of 1,000 applications per occupational category were to be processed each year. Applications exceeding that cap would be returned unprocessed.



The backlog diminished at first, but eventually application levels increased beyond the levels before Bill C-50

[9] On June 27, 2011, the third set of Ministerial Instructions was published (MI3). They applied to applications received on or after July 1, 2011. The MI3 reduced the total annual cap for FSW applications to 10,000, with a maximum of 500 per occupation. The eligibility criteria in the MI2 groups (applicants with an AEO or experience in the 29 listed occupations) remained the same.

[10] The fourth set of Ministerial Instructions, published in November 2011 (MI4), did not affect the occupation list, global levels or occupational caps, but created a new stream of eligible applicationsnamely, international students currently studying in, or recently graduated from, Canadian Ph.D. programs. This new stream was capped at 1,000 applications each year. Other than adding to the processing burden on CIC, the MI4 are not relevant to these applications.


[11] The 2008 amendments and the ensuing Ministerial Instructions have had two main consequences: first, for all applications submitted after each set of instructions took effect, applicants needed to meet the revised eligibility criteria or the application would not be processed. This change prevented, at least from the respondent’s perspective, the backlog from continuing to grow. The total cap of 20,000, then 10,000 and the related occupational sub-caps allowed CIC to return applications once the annual cap was met. Second and most important to the applicants in this case, the instructions created a hierarchy of processing priority among FSW applications: those received under MI2 and MI3 were given the highest priority, followed by applications received under MI1 and finally, pre-C50 applications.


[12] This has not resulted in a complete halt to the processing of pre-C50 applications. According to the affidavit of J. McNamee submitted by the Minister, 34% of all FSW visas issued in 2011 were issued to pre-C50 applicants.
[13] However, the Minister’s instructions have indisputably delayed the processing of the pre-C50 applications. Furthermore, the MI2 and MI3 instructions delayed the processing of MI1 applications, since MI2 and MI3 applications have been accorded the highest processing priority.


13] However, the Minister’s instructions have indisputably delayed the processing of the pre-C50 applications. Furthermore, the MI2 and MI3 instructions delayed the processing of MI1 applications, since MI2 and MI3 applications have been accorded the highest processing priority.


Pre-C50 Representative Case (Liang)

[14] The representative applicant for the pre-C50 applications, Mr. Liang, is a citizen of China. He submitted an application for permanent residence under the FSW class as an IT project manager. It was received by CIC on October 11, 2007. According to the Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS) notes in his file, he received a positive selection decision on March 10, 2010, having attained 81 points (well over the minimum required 67 points).

[15] Despite the positive selection decision, Mr. Liang’s application did not move to acceptance and remains outstanding. When Mr. Liang inquired with CIC as to the timeline for completing his application he received an email response from the Beijing visa post, dated June 7, 2011, which stated in part:
At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.

[16] The respondent characterizes this as a mere suspension of Liang’s application, suggesting that what the officer at the Beijing Visa post intended to say was that either or both of the global and occupational levels had been reached. The Minister contends that this suspension does not amount to unreasonable delay, as it was now, following the 2008 amendments, authorized by legislation.



Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#2
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


[23] The issues for determination may be simply framed:
1. Have the applicants met the requirements for an order compelling the Minister to process their applications?
2. Do the applicants have a legitimate expectation that their applications would be processed on a first-in, first-out basis?


1. 申请人是否满足要求法院强制移民部长处理他们的案子的条件。

2. 申请人认为他们的案子必须按照先入先出的原则来处理,这个期望是否合法。

Have the applicants met the requirements for an order compelling the Minister to process their applications?

[24] Mandamus is a discretionary, equitable remedy. The parties agree on the legal test for mandamus, as set out in Apotex Inc v Canada (Attorney General), [1994] 1 FC 742 at para 45 (CA), aff’d [1994] 3 SCR 1100, which has been applied in the immigration context (see for example Conille v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), [1999] 2 FC 33; Vaziri v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2006 FC 1159):

1. There must be a public legal duty to act.

2. The duty must be owed to the applicant.

3. There is a clear right to performance of that duty, in particular:

(a) the applicant has satisfied all conditions precedent giving rise to the duty;

(b) there was (i) a prior demand for performance of the duty; (ii) a reasonable time to comply with the demand unless refused outright; and (iii) a subsequent refusal which can be either expressed or implied, e.g. unreasonable delay;

4. Where the duty sought to be enforced is discretionary, the following rules apply:

(a) in exercising a discretion, the decision-maker must not act in a manner which can be characterized as “unfair”, “oppressive” or demonstrate “flagrant impropriety” or “bad faith”;

(b) mandamus is unavailable if the decision-maker’s discretion is characterized as being “unqualified”,“absolute”, “permissive” or “unfettered”;

(c) in the exercise of a“fettered” discretion, the decision-maker must act upon “relevant”, as opposed to “irrelevant”, considerations;

(d) mandamus is unavailable to compel the exercise of a “fettered discretion” in a particular way; and

(e) mandamus is only available when the decision-maker’s discretion is “spent”; i.e., the applicant has a vested right to the performance of the duty.

5. No other adequate remedy is available to the applicant.

6. The order sought will be of some practical value or effect.

7. The Court in the exercise of its discretion finds no equitable bar to the relief sought.

8. On a“balance of convenience” an order in the nature of mandamus should (or should not) issue.

[Citations omitted]

[25] It is common ground between the parties that the Minister owes a duty to the applicants to process their applications, and that unreasonable delay amounts to an implied refusal to perform the duty. The Minister contends that even if there is delay, it is justified. The question of satisfactory justification for the delay is the central dispute in these applications. The Minister also raises issues regarding alternative remedies and equitable bars to relief, briefly addressed below.





法官认为:It is common ground between the parties that the Minister owes a duty to the applicants to process their applications,CIC不仅和我们存在合同,还存在duty,而且这个duty还不得拖延时间来完成!!!是不是又拆穿了康尼的一个谎言?



Was there Unreasonable Delay?

[26] The parties agree on the test for whether there has been an unreasonable delay, as articulated in Conille, above, at para 23:
…three requirements must be met if a delay is to be considered unreasonable:

(1) the delay in question has been longer than the nature of the process required, prima facie;

(2) the applicant and his counsel are not responsible for the delay; and

(3) the authority responsible for the delay has not provided satisfactory justification.


1. 根据常识,这个拖延,比正常的处理时间长

2. 申请人和他的中介不是造成拖延的原因

3. CIC不能提供拖延的合理理由

[27] At issue therefore, in light of the amended legislation and the evolving Ministerial Instructions, is whether the delay in question is longer than the nature of the process requires and, secondly, whether there is a satisfactory justification for the delay. I will first address the issues of length of delay and justification broadly, as they apply to all the applications at issue, before applying those principles to the two representative cases before the Court.

Length of Delay
[28] The pre-C50 applications were all submitted before February 27, 2008. The most recent applications in that group have been outstanding for at least 4.5 years, and some of them have been awaiting processing for as long as 9 years. The Minister did not argue very forcefully before the Court that this delay does not amount prima facie to a longer delay than the nature of the process requires.

[29] With respect to the MI1 applicants, the Minister, both in his report to Parliament and in a media release, indicated that FSW applications would now receive a decision within approximately 6 to 12 months.
What the Action Plan for Faster Immigration’s instructions mean for applicants

Federal skilled worker applications received on or after February 27, 2008, will now be assessed for eligibility according to the criteria set out in the instructions. […] New federal skilled worker applicants, including those with arranged employment, should receive a decision within six to 12 months.


[30] The MI1 applications have all been outstanding for somewhere between 24-52 months.

[31] In light of the number of years that have expired, and the government’s own statement of what is a reasonable period of time, I conclude that a prima facie case of delay is established in respect of both the pre-C50 and the MI1 applications, and turn to the question whether there is a reasonable justification.





Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#3
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

Justification for Delay - Discretion to Set Policy and Ministerial Instructions
[32] The Minister submits that any delay in the processing of the applications at issue is justified by the Minister’s policy choice to prioritize certain applications over others. The Minister argues that this kind of policy-making is authorized by section 87.3, the Ministerial Instructions, and the Minister’s general authority to administer the IRPA.


[33] The Minister’s argument cannot succeedfirst, because section 87.3 and the Ministerial Instructions are expressly inapplicable to the pre-C50 applications; second, because pursuant to the Minister’s own policy, the MI1 applications were to be processed within 6-12 months and were not to be affected by subsequent instructions; and third, because the Minister has framed the argument so broadly that it would in effect nullify his duty to process any application in a timely manner.

法官认为,87.3 无权拖延Pre-C50申请人,因为87.3不适用于Pre-C50!至于227,虽然被87.3管辖,但部长自己的嘴巴说了,227的申请人在6到12个月结案。


[34] Turning to the first reason, the Minister cannot rely on section 87.3 of the Act, or the resulting Ministerial Instructions, to justify delay of the pre-C50 applications, because Parliament clearly expressed its intention that the processing of pre-C50 applications would be unaffected by the Ministerial Instructions. Section 120 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2008, above, provides:

120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008.

120. L’article 87.3 de la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés ne s’applique qu’à l’égard des demandes faites à compter du 27 février 2008.


[35] The Minister concedes in written submissions that the MIs were to be applied prospectively only. Indeed, the Ministerial Instructions themselves confirm, as section 120 already made clear, that the processing of pre-C50 applications would be unaffected. The MI1 provides:

The Instructions apply only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008.
All applications and requests made prior to February 27, 2008, shall be processed in the manner existing at the time of application.


[36] Thus, in respect of the pre-C50 applications, the Ministerial Instructions cannot constitute a satisfactory justification for delay.


[37] The Minister’s argument fails on the facts in respect of the MI1 applications as well. Pursuant to his policy choices as embodied in the MI1, applications submitted under those instructions were to be processed within 6-12 months. Thus, the Minister exercised his power under section 87.3 of the Act to set a policy regarding FSW applications, and the MI1 applications have been delayed substantially past the processing time as set pursuant to that policy.

[38] The Minister also cannot reasonably rely on the subsequent Ministerial Instructions to explain the delay with respect to the MI1 applications, because those instructions expressly state that they only apply prospectively, and applications submitted under previous instructions are unaffected. For example, the MI2 states that all FSW applications received before its publication“…shall continue to be considered for processing having regard to the first set of Ministerial Instructions.” Thus, similar to the pre-C50 applications, the MI1 applications were not to be affected by subsequent instructions, and thus any policy choices embodied in those subsequent instructions cannot justify delay in respect of the MI1 applications.


[39] Finally, to permit the Minister to rely on a subsequent policy change to justify delay would in essence eliminate his duty to process applications in a reasonably timely manner. The heart of the Minister’s argument before the Court was that, even apart from section 87.3 of the Act and the Ministerial Instructions, he has an overarching authority to prioritize certain applications over others pursuant to his general authority to administer the Act, and the exercise of that authority is sufficient justification for any delay. The decision of Justice Judith Snider in Vaziri, above, confirms that the Minister does have this general administrative authority.

[40]Canadian jurisprudence has long recognized that Ministers have an obligation to perform their legal duties in a reasonably timely manner. This legal duty has long coexisted with the understanding that Ministers are accountable for the management and direction of their ministries and have the authority to make policy choices and to set priorities.从大家的申请费被CIC收取的那天起,CIC就对大家有不可推卸的责任和义务,并且该职责必须不被拖延,即时完成!!! These two seemingly conflicting propositions have been reconciled by according the Minister considerable leeway in determining how long any kind of application will take to process, based on his policy choices. Thus, if the Minister has determined that Canada’s immigration goals are best attained by processing spousal sponsorships in 4 years on average, it is not for the Court to say that it believes the Minister could, or should, process those applications in 2 years. It is for the Minister, and not the Court, to run the department.

[41] It is for this reason that projected processing times emanating from the Minister and the department are accorded so much weight. The Minister is not only best placed to know how long an application will likely take to process, but he has also been granted the authority by Parliament to set those processing times in a way that balances the various objectives of theIRPA. However, once an application has been delayed past those processing times, without a satisfactory justification, the Court is authorized to intervene and compel the Minister to perform his duty. This approach is consistent with the principle that the Minister is accountable to Parliament for his policy choices, and those choices are not to be gainsaid by the courts: Li v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2011 FCA 110. Thus, deference is accorded to the Minister in setting policies, but the limit of that deference is his legal duty under the IRPA.

[42] Section 87.3 has not altered this landscape. Rather, it confirms that the Minister has authority to set policies regarding processing that will best attain the government’s goals, and it has created a tool for the Minister to use to exercise that authority: the Ministerial Instructions. If the Minister establishes an order of processing for certain applications through Ministerial Instructions, those instructions, like any other policy from the Minister, will inform the determination of how long the process normally requires.

[43] However, section 87.3 does not eliminate the Minister’s duty to process applications in a reasonably timely manner, at least those applications that are accepted for processing. There is no language in section 87.3 or any other amendment to the Act that extinguishes the longstanding, well-accepted duty to process applications in a reasonable time frame. The Minister can set instructions that permit him to return some applications without processing them at all, and thus obviously there is no further duty in respect of those applications. However, for those that are determined eligible for processing, the duty to do so in a reasonably timely manner remains, absent clear legislative language extinguishing that duty. The Ministerial Instructions inform the assessment of whether that duty is discharged in a reasonable period of time.

[44] Thus, the most principled way to approach the analysis of unreasonable delay, in light of section 87.3 and the Ministerial Instructions, is to situate the question of the length the nature of the process in the full context of the immigration scheme. The Ministerial Instructions that apply to the application at issue are highly relevant in determining how long the process will require for that application. Also relevant are any statements by the Minister or his delegates regarding the projected processing time for that application. If, in light of this evidence, the application is still reasonably within the timeframe set out by the Minister, then mandamuswill not issue. If, however, the application has been delayed past the projected timeline, then the Minister must present some justification for the delay.

[45] This conclusion does not prevent the Minister from making policy choices that affect the processing time of applications. The Minister is free to set policies that may delay certain applications, so long as that delay arising from, or incidental to, that policy choice remains reasonable. To hold otherwise would in essence absolve the Minister of his obligation to process any application in a reasonably timely manner, an obligation which he retains under the law.

Application of the above principles to the Liang Application (Pre-C50)
[46] As discussed above, Mr. Liang’s application has been outstanding since 2007, and he has awaited finalization since his positive selection decision in 2010. This is prima facie longer than the nature of the process requires. The Ministerial Instructions cannot justify the delay, as they are inapplicable to his and other pre-C50 applications. There is no indication that Mr. Liang is himself responsible for any part of the delay.

[47] Furthermore, I am not persuaded by the Minister’s argument that Mr. Liang had an adequate alternative remedy. The Minister argues that Mr. Liang could have applied under MI1 and therefore had his application processed more quickly. The Minister notes that an applicant could have had two concurrent applications, his existing pre-C50 application and a subsequent MI1 application.



现在法官明确表达了:I am not persuaded by the Minister’s argument.......

[48] The Minister’s argument is unsupported by the evidence. The Operational Policy directive prevailing at the time indicates that the Department did not know which route would in fact be faster. Submitting a new FSW application under the MI1 instructions may have been an alternative open to Mr. Liang, but it would not have been adequate.

[49] I therefore find that Mr. Liang is entitled to an order of mandamus. With respect to the 670 other pre-C50 applicants, the Court has no evidence before it with respect to the factors unique to each particular application which may account for the delay. Part or all of the delay may be attributable to the conduct of the applicant or a third party over whom the government had no control. Thus, each case must be determined on a case-by-case basis, and with the exception of Mr. Liang, I make no finding save that in respect of the remaining pre-C50 applicants, a prima facie case of delay has been established and the Ministerial Instructions, in light of section 120 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2008, above, do not constitute a satisfactory justification for that delay.



Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#4
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



加拿大政府的影子内阁,NDP的移民部长Jinny Sims在此判决出来的时候,对所有媒体说:


Thursday’s decision by Federal Court Justice Donald Rennie said that while the minister has the power to determine which applications are ineligible, he has a responsibility to ensure those that are eligible are indeed properly handled.

Though the court ruling doesn’t deal specifically with Bill C-38, Sims said she’s convinced the decision requires the government to properly process and assess the applications that are currently in the system.

Jinny Sims甚至认为这是全体30万人的胜利!!!如果NDP是执政党,Jinny Sims就是移民部长了,她看不懂判决书吗?她的英语比某些跳梁小丑还差?

anxioustogetmoving : 2012-09-09#5
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


xiaohuilinlin : 2012-09-09#6
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#7
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


tguozq : 2012-09-09#8
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#9
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


frankpenn : 2012-09-09#10
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


kevintiger : 2012-09-09#11
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#12
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



有一种很微妙的感觉:我不得不get involved.

tguozq : 2012-09-09#13
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



有一种很微妙的感觉:我不得不get involved.

Les Paradis : 2012-09-09#14
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


newguy : 2012-09-09#15
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


oliverose225 : 2012-09-09#16
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


luke : 2012-09-09#17
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

感谢sansmoi !

shirley2011 : 2012-09-09#18
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


dollette : 2012-09-09#19
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


fglzyf : 2012-09-09#20
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


annie9988 : 2012-09-09#21
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

反复 看moi的分析,觉得就像美国大片,法律就是正义的化身。:wdb17::wdb9:

法国裁缝 : 2012-09-10#22
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。




tguozq : 2012-09-10#23
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


shaohaiyue : 2012-09-10#24
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

盼望楼主继续媒体攻势, 在最关键时候, 还是要发出91的声音,:wdb35:我们没有途径来为91大家做事, 只有坚强支持楼主的行动,拥护楼主的观点。:wdb9:

kphjc : 2012-09-10#25
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


fupeide : 2012-09-10#26
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-10#27
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



A 背景介绍


B 说明两个类别的起诉人(pre-C50和227)

C 说明此次诉讼的议题,具体内容和判决书的相关内容一样

D 代表案例


11. Both parties agree that proceeding by way of representative cases would be the most efficient method of determining the common issues.


12. There will be two representative cases one from each of the two classes listed above. The Applicants will choose a representative case from each class.


13. If the Court disposes of the representative cases on the basis of the Ministerial Instructions, the Applicants agree that this would therefore result in all the applications being dismissed. Accordingly, the other Applicants will discontinue their applications should the Federal Court’s decision not be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal.


14. If the Respondent’s arguments fail, the Respondent will be guided by the decisions in the representative cases, subject to appeal rights being exhausted, on the possible disposition of the remaining cases held in abeyance.



6月14号的判决书,明白无误的写着,法官的判决为最终判决,CIC不得上诉。一般而言,如果法官没有说明这一点,败诉方可以上Federal Court of Appeal要求申诉。

后来CIC展开了了拉锯战,要求法官同意继续申诉,法官有松动的口气,于是CIC提交motion,但最终仍然被驳回。这个事件有Toronto Star多伦多星报报道。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-10#28
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

明年开庭的集体诉讼class-action,如不出意外,第一回合在联邦法庭的较量CIC就会失败,但这不是终审判决,CIC会继续上诉到Federal Court of Appeal,而这一步还不是终点,还要经过Supreme Court。每个阶段持续近一年时间。如果CIC明年在联邦法庭妥协了,这意味它必须要给50万人一年的配额,才能解决将近100万人的技术移民和投资移民积案。

lelema : 2012-09-10#29
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


依然------ : 2012-09-10#30
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


luo-ai-wen : 2012-09-10#31
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



laomingbai : 2012-09-10#32
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

明年开庭的集体诉讼class-action,如不出意外,第一回合在联邦法庭的较量CIC就会失败,但这不是终审判决,CIC会继续上诉到Federal Court of Appeal,而这一步还不是终点,还要经过Supreme Court。每个阶段持续近一年时间。如果CIC明年在联邦法庭妥协了,这意味它必须要给50万人一年的配额,才能解决将近100万人的技术移民和投资移民积案。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-10#33



dussy2 : 2012-09-10#34
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


tguozq : 2012-09-10#35
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-10#36
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-10#37
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

希望大家看问题都能看到Both Sides.

来体会一下Both Sides Now, by Joni Mitchell

Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air
And feathered canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun they rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and ferris wheels the dizzy dancing way you feel
When every fairy tale comes real, I've looked at love that way
But now it's just another show, you leave 'em laughin when you go
And if you care don't let them know, don't give yourself away

I've looked at love from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud, to say, "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange they shake their heads, they say
I've changed
But something's lost but something's gained in living every day

I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

chris0915 : 2012-09-10#38
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

[FONT=宋体]有点疑惑[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法官[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日的判决那么清楚[/FONT], CIC[FONT=宋体]不执行[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法院为啥不强制执行[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]还在等什么[/FONT]? 6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日到现在[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]快[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月了[/FONT].

[FONT=宋体]真心明白了西方的所谓民主[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]恬不知耻啊[/FONT]!

苹果一路 : 2012-09-11#39
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

关键还是看法官如何解读那个“guided by”,CIC可能认为那些和梁案情况类似的案子都已经被“guided by”处理了,其余的案子并不适用“guided by”的范围。

苹果一路 : 2012-09-11#40
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

[FONT=宋体]有点疑惑[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法官[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日的判决那么清楚[/FONT], CIC[FONT=宋体]不执行[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法院为啥不强制执行[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]还在等什么[/FONT]? 6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日到现在[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]快[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月了[/FONT].

[FONT=宋体]真心明白了西方的所谓民主[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]恬不知耻啊[/FONT]!


chris0915 : 2012-09-11#41
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


[FONT=宋体]你怎么知道[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]流氓[/FONT][FONT=宋体]康妮拿赔偿来[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]谁稀罕这无耻国家[/FONT].

chris0915 : 2012-09-11#42
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

关键还是看法官如何解读那个“guided by”,CIC可能认为那些和梁案情况类似的案子都已经被“guided by”处理了,其余的案子并不适用“guided by”的范围。

[FONT=宋体]:wdb26::wdb26:这还用解读吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]判决书里写得清清楚楚,[FONT=宋体]好好学英语, [FONT=宋体]实在不行[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]看Moi[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]的中文注解[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]不会邯郸学步[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]什么都不会了吧[/FONT]!

Les Paradis : 2012-09-11#43
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

盼望楼主继续媒体攻势, 在最关键时候, 还是要发出91的声音,:wdb35:我们没有途径来为91大家做事, 只有坚强支持楼主的行动,拥护楼主的观点。:wdb9:

[FONT=宋体]有点疑惑[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法官[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日的判决那么清楚[/FONT], CIC[FONT=宋体]不执行[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]法院为啥不强制执行[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]还在等什么[/FONT]? 6[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日到现在[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]快[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月了[/FONT].

[FONT=宋体]真心明白了西方的所谓民主[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]恬不知耻啊[/FONT]!


I want her to make a public statement criticizing CIC's breaking of agreement. It's very clear CIC did its best to get around court's decison by patiently waiting until the pass of C38. It's a shame the ruling party of Canada trying to escape responsity which was ordered by the court, it's more shameful that a mature democratic country is trying to deprive an individual of his rights granted by the court. I think NDP has to stand up and speak out aginst it, at least let the public know what the Conservatives are doing.


chris0915 : 2012-09-11#44
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


I want her to make a public statement criticizing CIC's breaking of agreement. It's very clear CIC did its best to get around court's decison by patiently waiting until the pass of C38. It's a shame the ruling party of Canada trying to escape responsity which was ordered by the court, it's more shameful that a mature democratic country is trying to deprive an individual of his rights granted by the court. I think NDP has to stand up and speak out aginst it, at least let the public know what the Conservatives are doing.


[FONT=宋体]谢谢moi[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]希望我们能欢度中秋![/FONT]

kevintiger : 2012-09-11#45
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



这个大法官看来不是耳朵背,使眼睛不好使, 看不到TIM的动议。

kevintiger : 2012-09-11#46
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-11#47
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



Please note that these terms apply only to applicants properly joined in this litigation by June 14, 2012, the date of the outcome of the litigaiion, in accordance with our obligations under the agreed protocol.



Les Paradis : 2012-09-11#48
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


kevintiger : 2012-09-11#49
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

分析的在理,可怎么办呢? 你永远不可能唤醒一个装睡的法官.

fupeide : 2012-09-11#50
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

分析的在理,可怎么办呢? 你永远不可能唤醒一个装睡的法官.


shaohaiyue : 2012-09-11#51
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


同意楼主的分析, 看来CIC的康尼真是狡猾,在加拿大这边的中文媒体很久没有看到关于诉讼一刀切的进展及反对的文章了,楼主有途径还是帮助大家最近几天刊登一些文章, 旧文章加入些楼主有见解的新评论就很好的,在加拿大英文媒体如果有文章更好了,还是在9月16号之前有些声音发出吧,感觉91的没有了声音, 对权益的争取似乎松懈了,那么法官很容易就有了台阶下,恳请楼主帮帮大家, 最其出个2篇报道最好了。

qingalice : 2012-09-11#52
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


annie9988 : 2012-09-12#53
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

迷茫,c38合法吗? 如果合法,那么法官可以依法判决,并要求申请人执行。如果可以回溯,起诉的人安全,那些没有参加起诉的人还有希望吗?



Les Paradis : 2012-09-12#54
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。

C38是一部包罗万象的法律,它本身就是法!接下来的集体诉讼要控告的是其中的一刀切部分87.4和87.3违反了Bill of Rights,如果法庭宣判一刀切违法,这两个条款自然要被撤销。





法国裁缝 : 2012-09-12#55
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-12#56
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


第十条:Counsel for Mr. Datta says that the relief he seeks would not interfere with Parliament’s right to
enact Bill C-38. He simply wants to stop the Minister from acting on the legislation once it is
proclaimed. As I read the proposed legislation, the Minister has no residual administrative role or
discretion with respect to the affected files. Those files are simply terminated by operation of law.

这就是为什么康尼对Ottawa Citizen说:


"The applications of approximately 635 of the applicants involved in this proceeding were terminated by operation of law," the government argued. "The minister is bound by the law of Canada and has no discretion to process these terminated applications contrary to the law."





Les Paradis : 2012-09-12#57
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


It is also not obvious that the Court would be powerless to do justice between the parties in the
face of some unlawful act or unconstitutional legislation.


Les Paradis : 2012-09-12#58
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-13#59
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


The Court has been informed that the parties have agreed on a protocol to address those cases based on the outcome of these two applications.


annie9988 : 2012-09-13#60
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


bobododo : 2012-09-14#61
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


Les Paradis : 2012-09-16#62
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。



Bye : 2012-09-16#63
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


第十条:Counsel for Mr. Datta says that the relief he seeks would not interfere with Parliament’s right to
enact Bill C-38. He simply wants to stop the Minister from acting on the legislation once it is
proclaimed. As I read the proposed legislation, the Minister has no residual administrative role or
discretion with respect to the affected files. Those files are simply terminated by operation of law.

这就是为什么康尼对Ottawa Citizen说:


"The applications of approximately 635 of the applicants involved in this proceeding were terminated by operation of law," the government argued. "The minister is bound by the law of Canada and has no discretion to process these terminated applications contrary to the law."






beidiao : 2012-09-16#64
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


anxioustogetmoving : 2012-09-16#65
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


beidiao兄, 久违了.

八月十五到了, 兄可是出来收供品的?


Les Paradis : 2012-09-19#66
回复: 详解6月14号的判决书,接下来发生了什么。。。


The Court has been informed that the parties have agreed on a protocol to address those cases based on the outcome of these two applications.




