


gxxsxx : 2012-09-27#1

Vancouver non-profit organizations Sino-Can Environmental Protection Foundation (www.scepf.org) need volunteers who are interested in fundraising, newsletter publishing, news gathering (manly interviewing prominent figures) as a reporter etc. The volunteer work requires relevant knowledge background and/or experience, and will be compensated whenever revenue permits, and will possibly give you the opportunities of a formal job. Please contact us at info@scepf.org or call Arren at 778-960-0421 if you are really interested in it. Thanks in advance for your attention.
[FONT=宋体]地处温哥华的非营利组织加中环保基金会现招募义工若干名。欢迎广大对资金募集,简讯出版,新闻报告等感兴趣的热心人士踊跃报名。义工需有相关领域的知识储备或者工作经验。一旦资金允许,义工会得到一定的经济补偿。同时,通过在[/FONT]SCEPF[FONT=宋体]的工作极有可能为您找到一份正式工作提供帮助。详情可邮件咨询[/FONT]info@scepf.org[FONT=宋体]或者电话咨询[/FONT] 778 960 0421 Arren[FONT=宋体]。感谢大家对公益事业的支持。[/FONT]

Best regards,

Arren Gao
Secretary, Project Manager
CSST Newsletter Publishing Centre
Unit 6A, 11460 Voyageur Way
Richmond, BC V6X 3E1
Tel: 604-506-1998
Fax: 604-678-4912
E-mail: info@scepf.org
Website: www.scepf.org