have been told that its only 1 month to winter, and people are joking there are 3 month summer and 9 month snow&ice. actually they do have -30 but normally no more than 2 weeks. pretty much like other Canada interior town, we have 4 seasons and winter isn't that bad at all. anyway, i got my winter tires ready and did a quick oil change today.
have been told that its only 1 month to winter, and people are joking there are 3 month summer and 9 month snow&ice. actually they do have -30 but normally no more than 2 weeks. pretty much like other Canada interior town, we have 4 seasons and winter isn't that bad at all. anyway, i got my winter tires ready and did a quick oil change today.
1. Just my opinion, no need to do labour, whatever they pay you.......!
2. A city should have more than 200K people in order for Chinese to live a happy life;
3. The city should have universities, not only colleges.
1. Just my opinion, no need to do labour, whatever they pay you.......!
2. A city should have more than 200K people in order for Chinese to live a happy life;
3. The city should have universities, not only colleges.
damn right. I can live on steaks and chicken breasts, but don't think every Chinese could. you people go after big city life should better keep away from here. its a work town, and don't expect too much.
winter09 : 2013-09-18#76
回复: 想从西海岸搬到哈法,请问同胞们有聚居区么?
西装猫's English is sooo good! 你完全可以做比低压电工好得多的办公室工作。Why Not?
damn right. I can live on steaks and chicken breasts, but don't think every Chinese could. you people go after big city life should better keep away from here. its a work town, and don't expect too much.