回复: 妻子持探亲签证来温尼伯生宝宝的问题
好像只有resident才可以有health card,若只是探親,估計不行。若是陪讀簽證,應該可以申請,不過詳情還是要去Manitoba Health 問問。
Am I eligible for coverage?
To be eligible for Manitoba Health coverage you must:
Be a Canadian citizen or;
Have Immigration status as outlined in The Health Services Insurance Act:
Permanent Residents
Work/Study Permit holders and their spouse/dependants (Permit validity periods apply)
Establish a permanent residence in Manitoba, and
Reside (physically) in Manitoba six months in a calendar year
The following are not eligible for coverage:
Domestic students temporarily absent from other provinces and territories in Canada to attend educational institutions in Manitoba
300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3M9
For more information call: 204-786-7101
Fax: 204-783-2171
Toll free: 1-800-392-1207
TDD/TTY: 204-774-8618
TDD/TTY Relay Service outside Winnipeg: 711 or 1-800-855-0511