蒙呆 说: http://www.chineseunb.com/bbs/index.php?/topic/73103-%E9%97%AE%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%8B%E5%BC%97%E8%8E%B1%E5%93%AA%E8%83%BD%E6%8F%90%E4%BE%9B%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E9%A9%BE%E7%85%A7%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91%EF%BC%9F/ ... 多元文化中心给了一封信,里面说道,所有中文版本的驾驶执照的翻译将继续由纽布朗斯维克中华文化协会会长、福莱多元文化协会董事刘利民先生审核并签署。 Translation service will be provided between 10:00am - 12:00pm every Sunday (except vacation & long weekends) at Margaret McCain Hall in St. Thomas University. (If you come down through the upper UNB gates off Montgomery Street, it is the first building on your left right across from the Wu Centre. There is a parking lot on the left just below the building. Go in through the entrance on the bottom level.) 只需向纽布朗斯维克中华文化协会提供清晰的驾驶执照的复印件(含所有页面),把复印件交给他们,留下电话,会再通知领取,领取时带原件还有$10加元费用 ... 刘利民老师:453-6988 点击展开...
costco2011 说: 找当地的律师、教授翻译,警局都认可的 点击展开...