Registration of Secondary Suites with the City of Surrey。
我房子有一个suite,且出租。几年前买的此房子,以前也不知道要登记。请问,我这个suite属于要登记的【Secondary Suites】吗?谢谢!
Secondary suite 是家中 除了主要使用的suite 之外的另一套suite 而不是第二套suite。 Secondary 不是 Second。意义大不相同。可以占译为“额外的suite”。
第一条就明定了, 一户只能有一个额外的suite。 不能超过一套。 否则city可以让拆的。
Locations where secondary suites are permitted
On December 13, 2010, Council approved changes to the Zoning By-law to permit 1 secondary suite in each single family home in Surrey, under certain conditions. These conditions include
a limit of 1 secondary suite per property
a prohibition on secondary suites on properties with a coach house
a prohibition on secondary suites in semi-detached or duplex buildings
a requirement to provide one additional off-street parking space.
Registration of Secondary Suites with the City of Surrey。
我房子有一个suite,且出租。几年前买的此房子,以前也不知道要登记。请问,我这个suite属于要登记的【Secondary Suites】吗?谢谢!