Loomis-Express has your passport but it's not ready to pickup
的email,内有waybill number和一个跟踪状态的链接。
跟踪状态会可能显示你的护照在取护照的地点是“In Facility”。
由于收到email当天该链接上的状态就如此显示,不免令人有些迷惑是否会有“Ready for pickup”的状态或email提醒。
Another information I want to share is if the waybill number is generated, your passport is already ready for pickup. The mail says your passport has been picked up from the consulate and it is not ready yet. But, as I mentioned earlier DHL is the one which generates the waybill number and the passport will be picked up in the afternoon only by DHL. So, as soon as the waybill number is generated it is ready for pickup. I know a lot of people are confused about when the passport will be ready for pickup and will be waiting for the status saying 'Ready for Pickup'. But don't waste your time for that. As soon as your waybill number is generated the passport is ready for pickup.