vancouver pacific center . food court . jugo juice . there are all kinds of cranberry juice or raspery juice . i ever worked there for some times. so i knew it
vancouver pacific center . food court . jugo juice . there are all kinds of cranberry juice or raspery juice . i ever worked there for some times. so i knew it
vancouver pacific center . food court . jugo juice . there are all kinds of cranberry juice or raspery juice . i ever worked there for some times. so i knew it
Cotsco 的cranberry juice or raspery juice 糖分太高了。几年前买过两大瓶,大人因嫌太甜都不愿意喝,结果儿子喝太多了引致血糖高(高出正常值了)。当时吓坏了,以为那么小的孩子得高血糖了。后来赶紧把剩下的果汁扔了。每半年监测儿子的血糖至今都正常。所以,他当时的高血糖的检查结果的确是和喝这个果汁有关的。
vancouver pacific center . food court . jugo juice . there are all kinds of cranberry juice or raspbery juice . i ever worked there for some times. so i knew it