


sorbuct : 2014-02-28#1

结果在拖后了4个月后,昨天终于收到对账单。看到自己应该有40多块钱的返现,可是最后的结论是我的返现不到20,所以不给我支票。 我一开始还没看懂,后来又仔细看了看,终于明白了。COOP的返现不是像其他商家那样你攒了多少rewards就给返你多少,而是按照你积攒的rewards的额度,对应不同比例给你返现。你积攒的rewards越多,返现比例也就越高,同时你的死钱(COOP不返给你的rewards)也就越多。


俺平时也就在他们家加油,几乎没有其他消费,所以一年多下来全部rewards也只有40多刀,乘以COOP最低的返现率(rewards余额 0-99刀 25%),就只有10块出头,所以COOP不给我寄支票。


你要想从COOP拿到返现,最少要被他们黑掉 (20/0.25)*0.75=60刀。所以我现在陷的还不算深,只被他们黑掉40多刀,在拿到对账单的5分种后,我决定以后再也不在COOP加油了。:wdb23:


sorbuct : 2014-02-28#2
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


sk123 : 2014-02-28#3
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

现在啥都不懂就出来瞎嚷嚷的太多了。你的rewards部分返现支票给你,部分变成你的equity存在你的equity account里面(就像一个长期投资一样)。这是Co-op的基本运营模式。
除了Co-op,各大Credit Union也是这种模式。

sorbuct : 2014-02-28#4
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

现在啥都不懂就出来瞎嚷嚷的太多了。你的rewards部分返现支票给你,部分变成你的equity存在你的equity account里面(就像一个长期投资一样)。这是Co-op的基本运营模式。
除了Co-op,各大Credit Union也是这种模式。

那请问怎么才能把equity account里面的钱弄出来,我去COOP取消会员卡他能把钱给我吗?还是只能一直躺在里面取不出来?

freelancer : 2014-02-28#5
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

昨天也收到了,也不到20块钱,没有支票。 这个东西和保税没有关系吧,因为当时办卡的时候还提交了sin卡号码。

sorbuct : 2014-02-28#6
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

昨天也收到了,也不到20块钱,没有支票。 这个东西和保税没有关系吧,因为当时办卡的时候还提交了sin卡号码。



changtong : 2014-02-28#7
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记



mayibanjia : 2014-02-28#8
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记




Michelle Libra : 2014-02-28#9
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

昨天也收到了,也不到20块钱,没有支票。 这个东西和保税没有关系吧,因为当时办卡的时候还提交了sin卡号码。
跟报税有关系, 因为年底会给你寄一个T4A表,里面有你积分和分享到的收入(dividends如果有的话),在box 30, 还有你交的税,box 22. 你的box30是免税的, 属于 non-taxable income, 但是你购物时交的税,记载在box22里的数字,是有用的. 会加在你已经抵扣了的税款的那一项里总数中. 例如说,你的应交税额是5100元,你的单位给你扣税了5300元, 政府将返还税收5300-5100= 200元, 如果你的coop的单子里box 22是100元, 那么, 你收到的退税就是 5300+100-5100=300元.

oakmoor : 2014-03-01#10
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记



COOP加油站的油不含酒精且服务及货物的品质一流! 楼主是不要芝麻也不要西瓜哦:wdb5:

freelancer : 2014-03-01#11
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

跟报税有关系, 因为年底会给你寄一个T4A表,里面有你积分和分享到的收入(dividends如果有的话),在box 30, 还有你交的税,box 22. 你的box30是免税的, 属于 non-taxable income, 但是你购物时交的税,记载在box22里的数字,是有用的. 会加在你已经抵扣了的税款的那一项里总数中. 例如说,你的应交税额是5100元,你的单位给你扣税了5300元, 政府将返还税收5300-5100= 200元, 如果你的coop的单子里box 22是100元, 那么, 你收到的退税就是 5300+100-5100=300元.
谢谢,但是到现也没见到coop的t4a表,就有个patronage return and share ownership statement ,而且share balance as of Nov 01,2013 是17.95。 他们还会发t4a表吗?

Domorer : 2014-03-01#12
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

俺在蒙特利尔的魁大分校的coop花了25刀加税,办了个购书卡,说是凭此卡买书便宜10%。本来以为COOP是针对学生的,书价会相对便宜,结果后来发现买书最便宜的地方是COSTCO, 其次是ARCHAMBAULT。BUREAU EN GROS有时候卖LAROUSSE的法语词典也是比COOPE和ARCHAMBAULT便宜不少的。


Michelle Libra : 2014-03-01#13
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

谢谢,但是到现也没见到coop的t4a表,就有个patronage return and share ownership statement ,而且share balance as of Nov 01,2013 是17.95。 他们还会发t4a表吗?

Do you have the CRA online account? you can log in and find that T4A information. The T slips deadline is Feb 28. It should be there now. If there was nothing for coop T4A, I wouldn't worry about it as the coop patronage is usually non-taxable.

As your patronage account total is very low --- only 17.95, that's probably why you do not have a T slip.

freelancer : 2014-03-01#14
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

Do you have the CRA online account? you can log in and find that T4A information. The T slips deadline is Feb 28. It should be there now. If there was nothing for coop T4A, I wouldn't worry about it as the coop patronage is usually non-taxable.

As your patronage account total is very low --- only 17.95, that's probably why you do not have a T slip.

sorbuct : 2014-03-02#15
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


和挣多少钱没关系。 感觉是被人抢了,很不爽。

bebe1988 : 2014-03-02#16
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


十年磨一剑 : 2014-03-03#17
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


oakmoor : 2014-03-09#18
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


COOP 在卡城 ,不是您所在的星球! :wdb14:

28 gas bar


sorbuct : 2014-03-10#19
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


不过昨天去确认了,当年满65岁或者要离开Calgary时,可以将里面的死钱取出来。 这么看来,也还算可以,毕竟还能取出来,不算是被黑掉了。


netyang : 2014-03-10#20
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记


不过昨天去确认了,当年满65岁或者要离开Calgary时,可以将里面的死钱取出来。 这么看来,也还算可以,毕竟还能取出来,不算是被黑掉了。


哈 我只信无条件返现金的信用卡

sorbuct : 2014-03-10#21
回复: COOP会员卡返现上当受骗记

哈 我只信无条件返现金的信用卡


oakmoor : 2014-04-14#22
coop的T4A 表是要报税的:wdb14:

皓月千里 : 2014-04-14#23
俺就第一天刚来时在CO-OP 买过一次东西, 以后再没买过, 总觉得那里东西贵的不顺眼。。。。:wdb12:。而且商店东西品类有限 。。不喜欢。 :wdb12:。俺也不在乎他的reward ....:wdb12:。。。。


Michelle Libra : 2014-05-03#24
俺就第一天刚来时在CO-OP 买过一次东西, 以后再没买过, 总觉得那里东西贵的不顺眼。。。。:wdb12:。而且商店东西品类有限 。。不喜欢。 :wdb12:。俺也不在乎他的reward ....:wdb12:。。。。

Lots are produced locally, not from USA. The food from USA usually is much cheaper. As imported by big companies, lots unhealthy ingredients and gmo stuff.

皓月千里 : 2014-05-04#25
Lots are produced locally, not from USA. The food from USA usually is much cheaper. As imported by big companies, lots unhealthy ingredients and gmo stuff.
看来co-op 大部分都是加拿大本地产的。。。难怪商店不是很大的。。。说到healthy food, 实际经常买些天然有机的食物会更健康, 加拿大有的食物也受美国的影响having unhealthy ingredients and gmo stuff

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#26
说到healthy food, 实际经常买些天然有机的食物会更健康, 加拿大有的食物也受美国的影响having unhealthy ingredients and gmo stuff
Yes, some Canadian farmers are affected by US big corporations but way much less than the numbers down in the states. On the other hand, how do you know those so-called organic food is actually produced in a "natural" way? There is NO ORGANIC definition in the law, my dear. Especially in the USA, there is NO law to regulate these food. We started this debate long before 2011 when I joined in the Conservative Party of Canada. Our farmers (BC, AB and SK farmers groups) are very concerned about the US big corps influence and we have to fight very hard to get things moving forward (unfortunately we just made a little progress and add the Food Security into our policy after a big fight within the party; after that, the attack to the CPC and Canadian gov't becomes even worse now. The smear campaign still continues and getting worse. The US corp funded organizations and activists are all over us. )

Theoretically, food imported from USA should be more expensive than the local food because of the expensive transportation as gas price is always going up. How could these things are even cheaper than those made in Canada?

I support the local food because I want the local farmers to survive when they have to compete with the big corporations in the states. Also I am more confident in the way they produce their food because I can visit those farms and watch them. But I have no way to reach the states and find out where those things are from.

Actually in my area, lots farmers have organic farms supplying co-op. I don't know how your local co-op does (Every Co-op in Canada is independent from each other). But my local Co-op is organized & sponsored by all local farmers and local residents only. We have an AGM every year and vote the board directors to take care of the store management.
I know most co-op directors in our area -- some are our school teachers, some are local farmers, some are the small business owners and a couple are local students. Anyone with a co-op membership can participate the voting process; if your membership is over 2 years, you can be a candidate of the election and get yourself elected to be a board director. Then you actually can participate the food supply process.

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#27
It is a sad but true fact --- the local farmers are confronting worse situation now. More and more people quit farming.

My Edmonton friends came to visit me. They were surprised to see that our Co-op prices are much lower than the city's. Also the meat tastes so good and they were really thinking of their city policies.

Again, Calgary friends found out they don't have farmers market in the city centre and they are requesting the city council to do it.
The cities should provided a public spot for Farmers' Market -- give them free access and let them sell their products!

I love our farmers market. You get home made honey, free ranch chicken eggs, veggies, good meat and everything else. Way much better than those you bought from super markets. We always get business cards from those farmers. Then place phone orders and they will deliver it to home. Very sweet. The only issue is you have to pay in cash, no debit card or credit card.

We are not big share holders and we cannot have a say on the super markets, but we still can do something for ourselves and our neighbors. We always can go to the city council and ask them to support the farmers --- let them come in to sell their products and charge them less fees/tax.

皓月千里 : 2014-05-04#28
Yes, some Canadian farmers are affected by US big corporations but way much less than the numbers down in the states. On the other hand, how do you know those so-called organic food is actually produced in a "natural" way? There is NO ORGANIC definition in the law, my dear. Especially in the USA, there is NO law to regulate these food. We started this debate long before 2011 when I joined in the Conservative Party of Canada. Our farmers (BC, AB and SK farmers groups) are very concerned about the US big corps influence and we have to fight very hard to get things moving forward (unfortunately we just made a little progress and add the Food Security into our policy after a big fight within the party; after that, the attack to the CPC and Canadian gov't becomes even worse now. The smear campaign still continues and getting worse. The US corp funded organizations and activists are all over us. )

Theoretically, food imported from USA should be more expensive than the local food because of the expensive transportation as gas price is always going up. How could these things are even cheaper than those made in Canada?

I support the local food because I want the local farmers to survive when they have to compete with the big corporations in the states. Also I am more confident in the way they produce their food because I can visit those farms and watch them. But I have no way to reach the states and find out where those things are from.

Actually in my area, lots farmers have organic farms supplying co-op. I don't know how your local co-op does (Every Co-op in Canada is independent from each other). But my local Co-op is organized & sponsored by all local farmers and local residents only. We have an AGM every year and vote the board directors to take care of the store management.
I know most co-op directors in our area -- some are our school teachers, some are local farmers, some are the small business owners and a couple are local students. Anyone with a co-op membership can participate the voting process; if your membership is over 2 years, you can be a candidate of the election and get yourself elected to be a board director. Then you actually can participate the food supply process.

我经常买有机或者天然的食物, 虽然·On the other hand, how do you know those so-called organic food is actually produced in a "natural" way? There is NO ORGANIC definition in the law,‘ 但是我感觉有机食物味道尝起来也比一般食物蔬菜等的好多了。。。。

皓月千里 : 2014-05-04#29
It is a sad but true fact --- the local farmers are confronting worse situation now. More and more people quit farming.

My Edmonton friends came to visit me. They were surprised to see that our Co-op prices are much lower than the city's. Also the meat tastes so good and they were really thinking of their city policies.

Again, Calgary friends found out they don't have farmers market in the city centre and they are requesting the city council to do it.
The cities should provided a public spot for Farmers' Market -- give them free access and let them sell their products!

I love our farmers market. You get home made honey, free ranch chicken eggs, veggies, good meat and everything else. Way much better than those you bought from super markets. We always get business cards from those farmers. Then place phone orders and they will deliver it to home. Very sweet. The only issue is you have to pay in cash, no debit card or credit card.

We are not big share holders and we cannot have a say on the super markets, but we still can do something for ourselves and our neighbors. We always can go to the city council and ask them to support the farmers --- let them come in to sell their products and charge them less fees/tax.
farmer market 多伦多也有的,(我不知道卡尔加里有没有。)。。 我也去过, 东西是非常新鲜的,还见过一次鸵鸟蛋。。farmer market 的东西实际上说句实话就是home-made, 但是价格确实不便宜。。。而且只收现金。。。
我原来的本地朋友经常给我带些他们自己家乡做的食物, 糖浆, 果酱, 甜品,红酒, 味道相当不错。。。
当然home-made food 健康的。。。

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#30
我经常买有机或者天然的食物, 虽然·On the other hand, how do you know those so-called organic food is actually produced in a "natural" way? There is NO ORGANIC definition in the law,‘ 但是我感觉有机食物味道常起来也比一般食物蔬菜等的好多了。。。。
Some organic food is good, and some are faked. I have a few local farmers are operating organic farms. Lots are sent to BC, and Ontario

皓月千里 : 2014-05-04#31
Some organic food is good, and some are faked. I have a few local farmers are operating organic farms. Lots are sent to BC, and Ontario
那些牌子是骗人的? 告诉我。。。我要注意。。否则就浪费钱了。。。

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#32
farmer market 多伦多也有的,(我不知道卡尔加里有没有。)。。 我也去过, 东西是非常新鲜的,还见过一次鸵鸟蛋。。farmer market 的东西实际上说句实话就是home-made, 但是价格确实不便宜。。。而且只收现金。。。
我原来的本地朋友经常给我带些他们自己家乡做的食物, 糖浆, 果酱, 甜品,红酒, 味道相当不错。。。
当然home-made food 健康的。。。
Calgary have some farmer markets but not enough. Mostly are a bit hard to reach by public transit.
Edmonton have a lot and those are doing better than in Calgary.
The local gov't charge them fees for selling there and that's why they are expensive. I think this fee should be waived.

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#33
那些牌子是骗人的? 告诉我。。。我要注意。。否则就浪费钱了。。。
I don't know because we haven't done a thorough research yet. Sorry.

皓月千里 : 2014-05-04#34
Calgary have some farmer markets but not enough. Mostly are a bit hard to reach by public transit.
Edmonton have a lot and those are doing better than in Calgary.
The local gov't charge them fees for selling there and that's why they are expensive. I think this fee should be waived.

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-04#35
When you sell your second hand furniture, you cannot accept credit card payment ... lol same story. It is expensive. Some farmers accept cheques as we know each other well.

Michelle Libra : 2014-05-06#36