


hl0781 : 2014-05-25#1



At the interview, you demonstrated that you are unable to understand basic questions in English despite stating that you have been attending English language classes for two years from February 2010 to February 2012. You were unable to discuss your work duties as a cook in details and specifically, unable to describe the preparation of your stated speciality dishes to demonstrate your experience and knowledge as a cook. As such, you are unable demonstrate that you perform a substantial number of the main duties in the National Occupational Classification listed for the nominated occupation of chef under NOC 6242. Although your employment reference letter for stated current employment indicates that a labour contract was signed, you were unable to provide such at the interview with no credible explanation. Furthermore, you indicate on your application that you worked as a cook from December 2000 to February 2012 at XXXXXX and this work experience was found to be fraudulent on your previous application for permanent residence after two site visits were conducted. Despite granting you another opportunity to address the concerns and discrepancies found during the two sites visits, you were unable to provide any explanation. I subsequently advised you in details my concerns that you will be able to become economically established in Canada given your lack of language abilities and relevant work experience, and employability as a cook in Canada in order to fully support yourself and your family. You were given opportunities to disabuse concerns raised, but failed to provide any plausible and logical rebuts.


walleye : 2014-05-25#2

枫叶在飞 : 2014-05-25#3
1 体检不合格
2 材料作假被查出

hl0781 : 2014-05-26#4

miumiu01 : 2014-05-26#5


hncslx : 2014-05-26#6
一般来说拒签过一次基本以后都没机会了,你朋友能从省里到联邦已经算运气了。联邦的VO既然都说了“you demonstrated that you are unable to understand basic questions in English”这种话,那基本是不会考虑给通过的了

sk123 : 2014-05-26#7



At the interview, you demonstrated that you are unable to understand basic questions in English despite stating that you have been attending English language classes for two years from February 2010 to February 2012. You were unable to discuss your work duties as a cook in details and specifically, unable to describe the preparation of your stated speciality dishes to demonstrate your experience and knowledge as a cook. As such, you are unable demonstrate that you perform a substantial number of the main duties in the National Occupational Classification listed for the nominated occupation of chef under NOC 6242. Although your employment reference letter for stated current employment indicates that a labour contract was signed, you were unable to provide such at the interview with no credible explanation. Furthermore, you indicate on your application that you worked as a cook from December 2000 to February 2012 at XXXXXX and this work experience was found to be fraudulent on your previous application for permanent residence after two site visits were conducted. Despite granting you another opportunity to address the concerns and discrepancies found during the two sites visits, you were unable to provide any explanation. I subsequently advised you in details my concerns that you will be able to become economically established in Canada given your lack of language abilities and relevant work experience, and employability as a cook in Canada in order to fully support yourself and your family. You were given opportunities to disabuse concerns raised, but failed to provide any plausible and logical rebuts.



主要就是说你英语不合格 (觉得你提供的学习经历造假),面试的时候关于工作细节的问题回答的驴唇不对马嘴,之前一次申请移民局sites visits的时候估计你根本不在,就说明你第一次移民提供的工作经历确实是假的,然后移民局做结论的之后你又没有反驳,所以他们就默认为你确实做假了。然后黑名单上了。然后再申请移民就是浪费钱了。
整段基调基本上就是再说You‘re a liar。估计再申请成功也不大了。

萨屯蓝天白云 : 2014-05-26#8

夏多温 : 2014-05-26#9

golf560 : 2014-05-26#10
:wdb10: 失去信用了

jim8888 : 2014-05-26#11



At the interview, you demonstrated that you are unable to understand basic questions in English despite stating that you have been attending English language classes for two years from February 2010 to February 2012. You were unable to discuss your work duties as a cook in details and specifically, unable to describe the preparation of your stated speciality dishes to demonstrate your experience and knowledge as a cook. As such, you are unable demonstrate that you perform a substantial number of the main duties in the National Occupational Classification listed for the nominated occupation of chef under NOC 6242. Although your employment reference letter for stated current employment indicates that a labour contract was signed, you were unable to provide such at the interview with no credible explanation. Furthermore, you indicate on your application that you worked as a cook from December 2000 to February 2012 at XXXXXX and this work experience was found to be fraudulent on your previous application for permanent residence after two site visits were conducted. Despite granting you another opportunity to address the concerns and discrepancies found during the two sites visits, you were unable to provide any explanation. I subsequently advised you in details my concerns that you will be able to become economically established in Canada given your lack of language abilities and relevant work experience, and employability as a cook in Canada in order to fully support yourself and your family. You were given opportunities to disabuse concerns raised, but failed to provide any plausible and logical rebuts.


太极禅 : 2014-05-26#12

miumiu01 : 2014-05-26#13

hl0781 : 2014-05-27#14

hl0781 : 2014-05-27#15