已有3万人签名反对C-24议案。请加入我们请愿的行列,表达您的心声!网络签名很简单,请点击 -
Dear supporters,
Today, we broke through 30,000 people - including you - signing our petition to stop Second-Class Canadian Citizenship! Thank you! In recent weeks, there has been a lot of action to fight this dangerous new law that will make the Canadian citizenship of some people will be worth less than the Canadian citizenship of others.
Last week we took your signatures to the Minister of Citizenship. We have spoken strongly against Bill C-24 to MPs and Senators, both in private meetings and in public testimony in front of the Committees voting on this proposed law. The Globe and Mail has come out, just today, in opposition to the Bill. Numerous stories have appeared in the papers and on TV news about our fight.
This week, Jian Ghomeshi criticized the second-class Canadians law on CBC Radio’s “Q”, saying "C-24 appears to divide Canadians into two classes: those that hold Canadian citizenship, and those that hold more than one passport. And somehow, that doesn't ring true. A citizen is a citizen, right? Citizenship is valued deeply both by those born here and those born in other lands." You can listen to Jian's entire essay here:
Pressure is building to stop this bill! We still have time to tell Canada’s Senate that they need to protect equal citizenship for every, single Canadian!
Will you help us reach 40,000 signatures by forwarding the email below to your friends and family and asking them to sign the petition at
Thank you again for standing up for equal citizenship for all Canadians,
Josh Paterson