心理学背景的就业面比较宽,服务的人群比较多,和我一起在bridging program毕业的同学,有的在老人院工作,有的做机构工作,有的在学校工作,还有的在医院工作。从工作内容说,有做咨询的,有做社工的,有做治疗的。从服务人群说,有做老年人的工作,有做问题青少年(物质滥用),有做无家可归的人群,也有为学生和家长提供心理服务的。就拿我在实习的工作来说,职位是case manager/counsellor,工作的内容是主要是提供心理咨询和心理辅导,但是和一般意义上的心理咨询和心理辅导又不一样,不像一般的在影视作品或者传统的一对一在咨询室里做咨询,而是更为灵活,比如根据当事人的需求和方便,可能在咨询室,也可能在当事人家里,还可能在咖啡厅或者图书馆等其他场所,而且咨询不仅仅只是针对心理方面的问题,更像是一种服务,比如陪同当事人去看医生,甚至帮助当事人预约医生,到医院帮助排队,如果当事人是低收入家庭,帮助他们申请OW,如果当事人有残疾或者精神疾病,帮助他们申请ODSP,转介精神科医生,并且和社工、家庭医生、精神科医生建立联系,所以可以看到,这里的counsellor/case manager所涉及的面更广,要求从业人员有相当丰富的经验,熟悉所在社区的各种资源,并且在处理问题上更加灵活,根据当事人的需要和情况随机应变,在与当事人建立良好关系的同时又要持守好专业的界限,面临的压力和挑战还真不小。当时我实习的头跟我说,做这一行的,要求不低,但是收入又不高,不相匹配。所以,进入这一行之前,一定要想好你想要的是什么,如果只是一份职业,没有对人的兴趣和助人的热忱,光靠个人的努力和意志,很容易导致职业上的倦怠,不仅帮助不了个案,更会影响到个人的身心健康,特别是从事危机干预的人群,比如接自杀热线或者在收容所等处理危机事件的一线人员,他们往往很容易出现心理问题,曾经就多次发生或处理自杀等危机干预的工作人员自杀事件。
下面粘贴一个mental health counsellor职位的招聘,供大家参考:
Baccalaureate degree in Social Work (BSW or MSW)
Knowledge of professional values and ethics, theory and established practices of community treatment and beginning competency in primary clinical practice, including: assessment, treatment, and crisis intervention skills
Ability to demonstrate expertise in the field of Mental Health (Experience and Training)
Ability to work autonomously with limited need for supervision
Knowledge of family systems and family dynamics and skill in working with families
Ability to operate software packages required for effective information management, including MS office application, MS word, Excel, Powerpoint and the ability to use the internet to find resources and access evidence-based practice research
Knowledge of community systems and resources for the purpose of networking between the Program and other services
Understanding of diversity as it affects different populations and service delivery, including, but not limited to: gender, sexual identity, ethnic, First Nations, spirituality, and racial issues
Possession of a Valid Driver’s License
Dependable, competent and continued ability to carry out responsibilities
Physically capable of performing the essential duties of the job
To assist in meeting the stabilization and safety needs of clients and to enable them to work towards the goal of recovery.
To provide accessible, welcoming, integrated, and therapeutic services to individuals experiencing mental health issues.
To establish a comprehensive approach to primary intervention services on a local level through a process of entry, assessment/referral, community treatment and the appropriate use of specialized resources.
To provide a community engagement and development through health promotion and prevention initiatives with community partners.