你的理解基本正确,加拿大公民可以在境外担保配偶。你太太的担保资格应该不是什么问题,但有可能DM1 之前就会要求补件。但你认为的拿到PR后能回加拿大即可的理解不对。整个申请要有足够能说明你太太担保你申请加拿大永久居民的目的是一起回加拿大工作生活。这种担保人在境外申请的,基本会被要求补充证明文件。看看下面的补件内容的一个样本:
SPR’s residency: Evidence that your sponsor resides in Canada (PR), or has taken steps to re-establish residence in Canada (Citizen). This includes but is not limited to: pay stubs, T4 slips, utility bills, banking history, employment letters, lease agreements, etc. Driver’s licences, property tax assessments, social insurance or health insurance cards are not sufficient to show intent to return.
Funds, proof: Proof of funds such as but not limited to; an employment letter, government issued documents ( example:T4`s), pay stubs, bank statements showing several months history, etc.