Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General Test (CELPIP-G) or the CELPIP-General LS (listening and speaking), not the academic version.
For tests taken after April 1, 2014, you must have achieved a score of level 4 or higher (up to 12) in listening and speaking
For tests taken before April 1, 2014, you must have achieved a score of 2H or higher (i.e., 3L, 3H, 4L, 4H, 5L, or 5H) in listening and speaking.
要求其实没变,2014 April 以后要求的结果其实是CLB=Canadian Language Benchmark 的结果。
CELPIP对应CLB水平为: 5H=CLB10,11,12, 4H=CLB8, 2H=CLB4