
提供: 3月28日(周6)渥太华<–>多伦多顺风车 Ottawa<->Toronto 当晚返回


ottawaroses : 2015-03-23#1
提供: 3月28日(周6)渥太华–>多伦多顺风车 Ottawa->Toronto 当晚返回

Ottawa->Toronto Sat March 28 around 5:00am

Toronto -> Ottawa Sat March 28 around 7:30pm

$30 one way. QQH with your phone # and pick up / drop off location if interested. No big luggage/bag please.

车:Minivan 7座,Grand Caravan. 宽敞, 安全, 有座位, 不要有大行李 (或$10/件), 单程30加元. 有兴趣者请QQH话留下联系电话.