
有U of A biology 的學長學姊嗎?


isabella3184f : 2015-06-02#1
1.孩子今年要去u of A 讀science 中的biology , 未來如果選藥學或醫學專業,不知要怎麼選課?目前他選了一些課,還不足一年30學分的規定,請前輩們指點,謝謝!
2. O of A 的宿舍寢具有規定嗎?住校的優缺點如何?

ccyyyycc : 2015-06-10#2

isabella3184f : 2015-06-11#3

SKABCD : 2015-06-18#4
1.孩子今年要去u of A 讀science 中的biology , 未來如果選藥學或醫學專業,不知要怎麼選課?目前他選了一些課,還不足一年30學分的規定,請前輩們指點,謝謝!
2. O of A 的宿舍寢具有規定嗎?住校的優缺點如何?
There is nothing wrong to study biology first then apply for medical school or pharmacy college. Most people follow this track. But the competition is very high. You need to have a plan B just in case. You need to figure out what is the job market for biology major.

isabella3184f : 2015-06-21#5
There is nothing wrong to study biology first then apply for medical school or pharmacy college. Most people follow this track. But the competition is very high. You need to have a plan B just in case. You need to figure out what is the job market for biology major.

Thanks for your suggestion and response.