Two way stop,对方要左转先到等待,我是右转后到等待.主路没车接近,我记得交规写右转车有优先权,于是我准备走,谁料对方左转车象疯了般左转进,差点撞上,吓死我了.于是问了身边朋友,结果有的回答,对方先到先走我应该让他,有的回答two way停牌,右转优先,我糊涂了,这种情况应该是谁先走??请有经验教练指证为盼.谢谢
Two way stop,对方要左转先到等待,我是右转后到等待.主路没车接近,我记得交规写右转车有优先权,于是我准备走,谁料对方左转车象疯了般左转进,差点撞上,吓死我了.于是问了身边朋友,结果有的回答,对方先到先走我应该让他,有的回答two way停牌,右转优先,我糊涂了,这种情况应该是谁先走??请有经验教练指证为盼.谢谢 第45页
two-way stops — if two streets intersect and only one of the streets has stop signs, then the other street is a through street. Traffic on the through street has the right-of-way. If you are stopped at one of these types of intersections, wait until there is a safe gap before going through or turning. If two vehicles are stopped at a two-way stop and one of the drivers wants to turn left, this driver should yield the right-ofway to the other vehicle. The only exception is if the left-turning vehicle is already in the intersection and has started to make the turn. In this case, the other vehicle must yield.
Two way stop,对方要左转先到等待,我是右转后到等待.主路没车接近,我记得交规写右转车有优先权,于是我准备走,谁料对方左转车象疯了般左转进,差点撞上,吓死我了.于是问了身边朋友,结果有的回答,对方先到先走我应该让他,有的回答two way停牌,右转优先,我糊涂了,这种情况应该是谁先走??请有经验教练指证为盼.谢谢 第45页
two-way stops — if two streets intersect and only one of the streets has stop signs, then the other street is a through street. Traffic on the through street has the right-of-way. If you are stopped at one of these types of intersections, wait until there is a safe gap before going through or turning. If two vehicles are stopped at a two-way stop and one of the drivers wants to turn left, this driver should yield the right-ofway to the other vehicle. The only exception is if the left-turning vehicle is already in the intersection and has started to make the turn. In this case, the other vehicle must yield.